So Many Illegal Immigrants Could Come to the US This Month Even the MSM Is Sounding the Alarm

You brought up systemic racism out of left field. That's twice you have brought up a topic, and then accused me of bringing it up. You are drunk, aren't you?
I am not remotely drunk. LOL

You play that card nonstop. You cannot help yourself. You are after all a leftist.
Not sure what that has to do with anything, fake LOLs aside. Use your big boy words, or people won't know what you are trying to say.

Ah, we have reached the point where you have little fits and then soothe yourself.
I am not the one always whining racism on this board. That would be you.
Has your dumb ass considered where these people are coming from is way worse?
Maybe if these people tried taking care of their own countries....they wouldn't be such shitholes!
Have you ever thought of that??
Maybe if these people tried taking care of their own countries....they wouldn't be such shitholes!
Have you ever thought of that??

Let me ask why do you think these countries are the way they are? If you dont know, that's fine. Just admit it. Just dont make something up.
You dummies sure do have a hard time counting.
Nope, the pro-illegal alien folks have been using the term million figure for over two decades. The increase is somewhere near a million a year so thirty to thirty five million is a realistic estimate.
Which problem? Their countries being shitholes? That's on them. Allowing them here is not a net positive for America.
You need to open a book, dummy. But I forgot, "people" like you dont like to learn. It's icky. I like how you boil down a country's problem down to 3 words. Proof you are an ignorant idiot.
Nope, the pro-illegal alien folks have been using the term million figure for over two decades. The increase is somewhere near a million a year so thirty to thirty five million is a realistic estimate.
Nothing you say is based on reality.
Let me ask why do you think these countries are the way they are? If you dont know, that's fine. Just admit it. Just dont make something up.
Because I've been to half of them.
I know how they live.
Many of these people just exist.
They only have themselves to blame for their lot in life, and I don't think it's right for them to come here and take our wealth illegally, and by doing do...raise our taxes thru the roof.
We don't have enough to take care of the poor in THIS country.
What makes them think we need to take care of these assholes.
Because I've been to half of them.
I know how they live.
Many of these people just exist.
They only have themselves to blame for their lot in life, and I don't think it's right for them to come here and take our wealth illegally, and by doing do...raise our taxes thru the roof.
We don't have enough to take care of the poor in THIS country.
What makes them think we need to take care of these assholes.
If you'd ever opened a book, you'd know America helped create the problems in Central America. And no, I'm not going to go into an entire history lesson on the relationship between Central America and The United States. If you want to learn about it, you will. I'm guessing, judging by your response, you'll choose not to learn and remain ignorant.

Oh, and we DO have enough to take care of the poor in this country. It's just that we dont. Your idea of a solution is to run GoFundME pages I suppose.
Maybe if these people tried taking care of their own countries....they wouldn't be such shitholes!
Have you ever thought of that??

Like it was said....."You can take people out of a shithole but you can't take the shithole out of the people".

These are the scum Biden and thugs are welcoming into America.
You need to open a book, dummy. But I forgot, "people" like you dont like to learn. It's icky. I like how you boil down a country's problem down to 3 words. Proof you are an ignorant idiot.
So you are too stupid to answer the question? Got it. Idiots like you offer nothing.
So you are too stupid to answer the question? Got it. Idiots like you offer nothing.
YOur answer is "it's their fault". That's not an answer, dumbass. That's laying blame. In the wrong place.

You didnt give me a question to answer, dipshit. Like I told that other asshole, I'm not going to go into an entire history lesson of the relationship between Central America and the US. If you want to learn something, you'll open a book.

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