So many of you are deeply angry people. I think politics is just an outlet for your frustrations.


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
Divisiveness is a consequence of a concerted effort by the oligarchy. They control the government, media, and academia. They push division every day in our society through multiple sources. The likely reason they do this is because they know if Americans unite they will be discarded, and their political power and massive wealth eliminated. I suspect most Americans don’t see this fraud being perpetrated against them.

That’s my opinion.
All you want from this place is conflict

well .....we're running outta baby seals to club you see.....

Righteous outrage feels good and is therefore addictive. That is true for all of us.

Then you have the sadists who absolutely need an outlet for their rage to avoid taking it out on others IRL.

Then you have the narcissists who must have attention saying whatever stupid shit that gets people WTFing or dittoing their posts.

There are the single issue evangelists, they are battling OCD.

Then there are the scientists who just want to understand. Only they have a chance of gaining any wisdom from this mostly pointless activity.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
Many people like to argue for entertainment value.

Can you imagine a world in which people behaved unfiltered like those on a message board?
Every apex empire in thousands of years of human history has fallen. It's people like Democrats who caused their demise hence they must be stopped from wrecking the USA.
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.

There are "viewpoints", there are scientifically correct viewpoints, and there are ignorant viewpoints, there are biased/partisan viewpoints, there are politically incorrect viewpoints, there are all kinds of viewpoints. Its not that people can see the same item and have opposite viewpoints. Its that based on their various perspectives, old/young, rich/poor, religious/agnostic, male/female/other, GOP/DEM, math-science major/liberal arts major/blue collar, etc.

You correctly say "put yourself in other's people's shoes" to understand their viewpoint.
My retorts are, if who they voted for weren't lying crooks, maybe their "shoes" would be better?

"I used to complain because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet"
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I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
Dr Confounding---ahahahhahaha
the Great Confounder !!! Knower of Everything....
..the Great Confounder--he UNDERSTANDS-----hahahahhahahahahah
YOU are so PERFECT--better than everyone else--hahahhahahahah
--you want to be a jerk with your OP that is totally ridiculous/etc, then STFU think you are better than ''''us'''---hahahahah---do you understand how childish your OP is??
....we are having fun.....YOU need to seek therepy and chill--it's just a discussion forum!!!!!!!!! RE -freaking--LAX
thanks for the laughs today
Righteous outrage feels good and is therefore addictive. That is true for all of us.

Then you have the sadists who absolutely need an outlet for their rage to avoid taking it out on others IRL.

Then you have the narcissists who must have attention saying whatever stupid shit that gets people WTFing or dittoing their posts.

There are the single issue evangelists, they are battling OCD.

Then there are the scientists who just want to understand. Only they have a chance of gaining any wisdom from this mostly pointless activity.
which one are you?? NO, I know--you are one of the good, smart guys. yes??
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.

There are "viewpoints", there are scientifically correct viewpoints, and there are ignorant viewpoints, there are biased/partisan viewpoints, there are politically incorrect viewpoints, there are all kinds of viewpoints. Its not that people can see the same item and have opposite viewpoints. Its that based on their various perspectives, old/young, rich/poor, religious.agnostic, male/female/other, GOP/DEM, math-science major/liberal arts major/blue collar, etc.

You correctly say "put yourself in other's people's shoes" to understand their viewpoint.
My retorts are, if who they voted for weren't lying crooks, maybe their "shoes" would be better?

"I used to complain because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet"
Interesting. I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are. Wisdom is only found when you can get deeply into the ambiguities of life. Those grey areas are where real life happens.
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.
hahahhahahah--a lot of laughs today--thank you
...I always back up my posts with facts if needed .the libs /blacks/etc do not --they just babble crap
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.

There are "viewpoints", there are scientifically correct viewpoints, and there are ignorant viewpoints, there are biased/partisan viewpoints, there are politically incorrect viewpoints, there are all kinds of viewpoints. Its not that people can see the same item and have opposite viewpoints. Its that based on their various perspectives, old/young, rich/poor, religious.agnostic, male/female/other, GOP/DEM, math-science major/liberal arts major/blue collar, etc.

You correctly say "put yourself in other's people's shoes" to understand their viewpoint.
My retorts are, if who they voted for weren't lying crooks, maybe their "shoes" would be better?

"I used to complain because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet"
Interesting. I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are. Wisdom is only found when you can get deeply into the ambiguities of life. Those grey areas are where real life happens.
occupied, the Great ONE--the Wise one----hahahahhahahahahahaha
Righteous outrage feels good and is therefore addictive. That is true for all of us.

Then you have the sadists who absolutely need an outlet for their rage to avoid taking it out on others IRL.

Then you have the narcissists who must have attention saying whatever stupid shit that gets people WTFing or dittoing their posts.

There are the single issue evangelists, they are battling OCD.

Then there are the scientists who just want to understand. Only they have a chance of gaining any wisdom from this mostly pointless activity.
which one are you?? NO, I know--you are one of the good, smart guys. yes??
I'm the one that is here to understand. People like you are just laboratory specimens to be prodded and probed to see if they are sentient.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
So what is your's charging per hour
Righteous outrage feels good and is therefore addictive. That is true for all of us.

Then you have the sadists who absolutely need an outlet for their rage to avoid taking it out on others IRL.

Then you have the narcissists who must have attention saying whatever stupid shit that gets people WTFing or dittoing their posts.

There are the single issue evangelists, they are battling OCD.

Then there are the scientists who just want to understand. Only they have a chance of gaining any wisdom from this mostly pointless activity.
which one are you?? NO, I know--you are one of the good, smart guys. yes??
I'm the one that is here to understand. People like you are just laboratory specimens to be prodded and probed to see if they are sentient.
more laughs---hahhahaha
do you know how childish you and Confused Man sound???
''I am wiser than you''' hahahhahahahahah
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.
Conservatives are idiots just like liberals.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.

I don't come here for conflict, I come for debate. Video games are for conflict. Both outlets help me be a happy person in my daily life.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
very silly and very shallow

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