So many of you are deeply angry people. I think politics is just an outlet for your frustrations.

I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong.
please teach us Wise One
You already know everything you will ever know.
factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
Here's one for you- he makes some good points. I will ask, however, in the authors presence if the opportunity presented itself, what has the 'other side' done to negate what he points out. Then, I'll ask you (and any Republican) the same question.
I was thinking about this last night, about the founders, as I went to sleep.

I don't think what we're living is what was envisioned, or at least what they hoped for. However, as the founders were students of History, they likely as not knew we would end up where we are. They were, dreamers. Liberals of their day via the age of enlightenment. They were not conservative nor were they Republican and they knew where democracy would lead. They also believed that only virtuous men should be "granted" authority in an entity we call the federal government. But, men of virtue won't sell their souls for power.
Republicans have had the authority to make change and they haven't. They tweak what is established, most of which is unconstitutional, re; the Dept of Education as a foundation and the Federal Reserve which finances with it's borrow to spend keynesian monetary policy which came about under Nixon (a Republican) who sold our collective souls to Saudi Arabia as the starting place for the hegemony which I'd bet the founders didn't count on- they were familiar with trading with all and allying with none though and yet, Republicans, i.e., conservatives in the District of Criminals subscribe to colonizing the world (think military bases) which the founders fought a war against because they didn't think a far off entity had any skin in the game and 0 knowledge of the game-

We, with ALL we have available to study (be a student of) are still stuck on doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Either We Destroy the Republican Party or It Will Destroy Us
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
Dr Confounding---ahahahhahaha
the Great Confounder !!! Knower of Everything....
..the Great Confounder--he UNDERSTANDS-----hahahahhahahahahah
YOU are so PERFECT--better than everyone else--hahahhahahahah
--you want to be a jerk with your OP that is totally ridiculous/etc, then STFU think you are better than ''''us'''---hahahahah---do you understand how childish your OP is??
....we are having fun.....YOU need to seek therepy and chill--it's just a discussion forum!!!!!!!!! RE -freaking--LAX
thanks for the laughs today

Some people do come here for enjoyment. I'm one of those people. Others come here simply to insult, start trouble, so on.

The real problem is members here engage them. I ignore them. If everybody ignored them, they would get bored and go away. They only come here to ruffle feathers which I don't understand. Sure, it's politics, and anybody can lose their cool once in a great while. However that's not the case with flamers. Their specific goal is to cause disruption and nothing more. It doesn't matter how civil a discussion is, they always reply with a personal insult of some kind.

If I came here only to leave pissed off, I would quit coming here. Why go on the internet to sites that upset you? It defies logic. There are two rules that I (and everybody should) live by:

* Always talk to people on message boards the exact same way you'd talk to them face to face.

* Take your politics seriously, but don't take your politics personally.

If you always take your politics personally, then you're going to make a lot of enemies. If we can disagree on our favorite movie, our favorite rock band, our favorite football or baseball team without getting upset, why can't we discuss politics the same way? After all, if somebody has a different view or belief, remember we all have different views and beliefs on any given subject. Think how boring life would be if everybody thought the same way.

" why can't we discuss politics the same way? "

-- First of all, there are consequences for all of us if we elect this person over that one, this policy/program over that one. No big deal if you like the Bears and I like the Lions, there's nothing really on the line there. But Trump vs Biden or Sanders, there will be an impact on all of us one way or the other based on who wins that contest. More on the line IOW.

-- I think for politics and to some extent religion, we expose our skills as critical thinkers and communicators when we take a stand and argue a position or support a person or party moreso than if we talk about our favorite movie. Some people do get pretty exercised about their sports team though, cuz like politics they've got a personal/emotional attachment that amounts to a personal affront on themselves if someone else dares to dispute the righteousness of their beliefs. Pride is at stake, and the war is on.

-- If someone writes an opinion, it is sorta an extension of themselves. If attacked, it's taken as an personal insult that's as bad as calling somebody an idiot. Too many on the USMB are not good at disagreeing without being disagreeable.

-- Nobody likes to be thought a fool, and too often a poster will treat another poster's writing with perceived disdain, which of course leads to a verbal food fight. Sometimes the disdain is quite obvious, but other times I wonder if we are too quick to take offense when none was intended. For some, our opinions could be better stated, sometimes how one states his/her opinion might avoid a confrontation.

-- There are trolls and troublemakers around here whose primary missions seems to be to piss somebody else off big time. Over time they get banned, deservedly so, but until that time they start fights and inflame emotions. I would counsel all of us to recognize such posts and report them or ignore them, do not allow yourself to be drawn into a flame war with a dirtbag.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong.
please teach us Wise One
You already know everything you will ever know.
we stand in the shadow of your greatness
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
this is just your OPINION = it's bullshit
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
.....he is what the OP is talking about--the libs are ANGRY--especially because they lost in 2016= mad just like children

No the libs are intolerant. They have zero tolerance for anyone and anything that does not jive with the liberal world view. I could give a shit about what libs are doing so long as they stay out of my life. Not true for the left, its OBEY or else with those people.

Not all liberals, just many of them. I have civil discussions with liberals like Flopper, and all those people that claim they are not Democrats or leftists, it's just that they take the leftist position 90% of the time like Golfing Gator and Slade to name a few.
The real angry people haven't gotten out of bed yet
DEEPLY angry..........??????? you are DEEPLY crazy
you and occupied are out of your minds
It's clear some liberals come here to vent about Trump. They post long winded hate Trump manifestos daily.
Just like cons did when Ears was potus. I wish to two dumb fuck groups could just get along.
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.


I guess...

I'm angry because white conservative christians want to create a tyrannical theocracy and criminalize large segments of the population.

and conservatives are angry because we won't let them DO that.
The ones who show the most anger are the ones I poke and prod the most. Hyperventilating loons who put far too much value into their unwanted opinions and have the delusion they can shame, yell or swear their idiology towards others and that any resistance to their ideas makes those individuals sub human.

Social media by its very nature is anti social and these mentally ill folks have found an outlet for their insanity. Anyone so consumed with hatred for one man or the opinion of others does have other underlying issues.

I guess better they get it out here rather than in real life.
The hypocrisy and false logic and lies of the left never cease to amaze me. It’s what keeps me engaged.
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong.
please teach us Wise One
You already know everything you will ever know.
we stand in the shadow of your greatness
I know what you are doing and why are doing it. I pity you.
It’s amusing to see lefties so blinded by tribalism.

Burisma, for example. Change the name Biden to Pence and they would be freaking out. They won’t admit their own hypocrisy.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.


I guess...

I'm angry because white conservative christians want to create a tyrannical theocracy and criminalize large segments of the population.

and conservatives are angry because we won't let them DO that.
the Dems LOVE criminals --not whites
Obama sent his AG to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a cop:
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson

Hillary is anti-law--pro-criminal
We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility,” she said of white people. “Imagine what it would be like to sit our son or daughter down and have the talk about how carefully they need to act around police.” you understand how idiotic she is? and blacks??????!!!!??
..cops shoot [ in self defense ] about 250 mostly armed and dangerous black criminals per year
blacks MURDER 3000 blacks per year!!!!!!!-and they are afraid of cops???????!!!!!!!!
you do see the complete and OBVIOUS idiocy of the blacks and Hillary ??
‘Madness Has to Stop,’ Hillary Clinton Declares at N.A.A.C.P. Conference

etc many examples
It’s amusing to see lefties so blinded by tribalism.

Burisma, for example. Change the name Biden to Pence and they would be freaking out. They won’t admit their own hypocrisy.

It’s amusing to see lefties so blinded by tribalism.

Burisma, for example. Change the name Biden to Pence and they would be freaking out. They won’t admit their own hypocrisy."

it's so amusing to see righties so blinded by tribalism that they accuse their enemies of their own crimes!

personally I think the BIGGEST hypocrites are the fkn hypocrites who keep calling the OTHER side "HYPOCRITES!"
Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong.
please teach us Wise One
You already know everything you will ever know.
we stand in the shadow of your greatness
I know what you are doing and why are doing it. I pity you.
you and Confounder are the Great Ones

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