So many of you are deeply angry people. I think politics is just an outlet for your frustrations.

If you always take your politics personally, then you're going to make a lot of enemies.

I think it's hard for some to not do that because their political beliefs are a big part of their identity. It's hard to criticize a belief that's so important to somebody without them feeling attacked/offended. In some instances you're almost trying to deconstruct who somebody is, and people don't take kindly to that.

I don't look at things that way. I believe in the preservation of our country is all. If somebody has a different point of view, all I do is point out the flaws of their thinking. If they try to do the same to me, it's not personal, nor are they tearing down my identity. But you are correct, others don't see it that way.
Your "Anti-Republican" link said Republicans were wealthy Jews, who only want to consolidate their wealth and power, but seems to ignore Bloomberg, Bernie, and Steyer, who are democrats, as well as Soros. Soros' "mothership" is for promoting liberal policies and for consolidating political control and wealth. Does money control both parties? Probably to some extent. Trump's list of "promises kept" have some goodies for Jews, like the tax cuts and moving Israel's capital to Jerusalem. Trump also seems buddy-buddy with Netanyahu. Yet Trump's trade policies seem squarely at odds with the establishment "globalist" policies of both parties. Explain that. How is it that Trump wants to bring back good jobs to the US, and keep cheap Mexican labor out. Hell, when the GOP had the House, Ryan and Trump couldn't even agree on immigration reform.
Thanks for reading the article- if you'll notice my initial comment I'd appreciate it.

Trump will do precisely what he's allowed to do by TPTB- to maintain an artificial balance, artificial being key. Artificial balance is to add to or take away from for a specific purpose. In our case to keep voters divided- when one side becomes weighted the other side has to be propped up by whatever means necessary- that's not natural and in our case Nature's God, (Not the religious connotation) was our foundation- (all men are created equal and gave certain unalienable rights) is natural- which BTW was a classical liberal idea, not conservative- keep that in mind please.

Trump subscribes to the same policy that fiances what you despise (artificial balance) it has nothing to do with who he's buddies with, it's who's pulling the strings and please don't pretend jews haven't invaded/infected both Party's.

As for your list- I'll address a couple of them. (1),Where in the constitution was the federal gov't granted the authority to colonize the world? (2), Any jobs that "come back" will be at best temporary. Like it or not we live in a world economy and the rest of the world relies on our consumerism to fund it's capitalism. Our economy requires more to live than other country's economy making it not only more profitable to go elsewhere but also raising the standard of living in those other places. That ain't gonna change in your lifetime, mine for sure.

One can excuse in an attempt to justify all day long. It won't change the reality of where we are or what's happening.
Borders are arbitrary lines to separate. That's it. ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, among these are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no borders or caveats in that philosophy of life.
To force others to do your bidding (you can't come here) goes against the very foundation of this country, which was Individual Rights of ALL men.

Conservatives claim to believe competition is a key to fixing our economic grievances, yet want to limit competition to only those they approve of- that creates an artificial balance.

That the GOP can't agree on anything makes sense. They each believe their own creed is better than someone else's- it ain't. It is nanny statist mentality infected in the elite minds(?) by our education system which the GOP subscribes to- just like Dems. The only difference is who's in charge of managing the funds-
Your "Anti-Republican" link said Republicans were wealthy Jews, who only want to consolidate their wealth and power, but seems to ignore Bloomberg, Bernie, and Steyer, who are democrats, as well as Soros. Soros' "mothership" is for promoting liberal policies and for consolidating political control and wealth. Does money control both parties? Probably to some extent. Trump's list of "promises kept" have some goodies for Jews, like the tax cuts and moving Israel's capital to Jerusalem. Trump also seems buddy-buddy with Netanyahu. Yet Trump's trade policies seem squarely at odds with the establishment "globalist" policies of both parties. Explain that. How is it that Trump wants to bring back good jobs to the US, and keep cheap Mexican labor out. Hell, when the GOP had the House, Ryan and Trump couldn't even agree on immigration reform.
Thanks for reading the article- if you'll notice my initial comment I'd appreciate it.

Trump will do precisely what he's allowed to do by TPTB- to maintain an artificial balance, artificial being key. Artificial balance is to add to or take away from for a specific purpose. In our case to keep voters divided- when one side becomes weighted the other side has to be propped up by whatever means necessary- that's not natural and in our case Nature's God, (Not the religious connotation) was our foundation- (all men are created equal and gave certain unalienable rights) is natural- which BTW was a classical liberal idea, not conservative- keep that in mind please.

Trump subscribes to the same policy that fiances what you despise (artificial balance) it has nothing to do with who he's buddies with, it's who's pulling the strings and please don't pretend jews haven't invaded/infected both Party's.

As for your list- I'll address a couple of them. (1),Where in the constitution was the federal gov't granted the authority to colonize the world? (2), Any jobs that "come back" will be at best temporary. Like it or not we live in a world economy and the rest of the world relies on our consumerism to fund it's capitalism. Our economy requires more to live than other country's economy making it not only more profitable to go elsewhere but also raising the standard of living in those other places. That ain't gonna change in your lifetime, mine for sure.

One can excuse in an attempt to justify all day long. It won't change the reality of where we are or what's happening.
Borders are arbitrary lines to separate. That's it. ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, among these are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no borders or caveats in that philosophy of life.
To force others to do your bidding (you can't come here) goes against the very foundation of this country, which was Individual Rights of ALL men.

Conservatives claim to believe competition is a key to fixing our economic grievances, yet want to limit competition to only those they approve of- that creates an artificial balance.

That the GOP can't agree on anything makes sense. They each believe their own creed is better than someone else's- it ain't. It is nanny statist mentality infected in the elite minds(?) by our education system which the GOP subscribes to- just like Dems. The only difference is who's in charge of managing the funds-

good stuff!
Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.

Liberals refuse to look for the man behind the curtain. Can you tell me any major policy the Democrats came up with that didn't benefit the party? No you can't.

It's clear Democrats want to control each and every one of our lives. It's in their policies. The two things that are stopping them from complete control of us are energy and healthcare. One they have control over those two things, they will have total control over every citizen in this country.

"It's clear Democrats want to control each and every one of our lives. It's in their policies. "

and yet democrats want freedom and equality for gays

while it is the REPUBLICANS who want to CONTROL homosexuals!

and it is the democrats who want pot legalized

and the republicans who want to control THAT ASPECT of our lives

and it is the democrat who wants SECULAR public schools

and the republican who wants to control YOUR KIDS MINDS with THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.....

When we have these school shootings, Democrats would ask where is our God now? kicked God out of school decades ago.

Nobody wants to control homosexuality. But homosexuality is abnormal, so keep it to yourself. We believe marriage should be between one man and one woman, the way it's always been in this country. It's respecting tradition.

No Republican tried to stop homosexual marriage. If you can find a religion willing to marry you, go for it. You won't find one Republican getting in your way. But don't infect the rest of society with your beliefs. It's our tradition that you invaded. Of course we are against it.
When we have these school shootings, Democrats would ask where is our God now? kicked God out of school decades ago.

Nobody wants to control homosexuality. But homosexuality is abnormal, so keep it to yourself. We believe marriage should be between one man and one woman, the way it's always been in this country. It's respecting tradition.

No Republican tried to stop homosexual marriage. If you can find a religion willing to marry you, go for it. You won't find one Republican getting in your way. But don't infect the rest of society with your beliefs. It's our tradition that you invaded. Of course we are against it.
I have to ask; where does the state, or religion for that matter, get it's authority to determine "tradition" is law?
When we have these school shootings, Democrats would ask where is our God now? kicked God out of school decades ago.

Nobody wants to control homosexuality. But homosexuality is abnormal, so keep it to yourself. We believe marriage should be between one man and one woman, the way it's always been in this country. It's respecting tradition.

No Republican tried to stop homosexual marriage. If you can find a religion willing to marry you, go for it. You won't find one Republican getting in your way. But don't infect the rest of society with your beliefs. It's our tradition that you invaded. Of course we are against it.
I have to ask; where does the state, or religion for that matter, get it's authority to determine "tradition" is law?

Nobody said that. I said we support normal marriages because it was tradition until liberals (like with everything else) Fd it up for us. Remember too that during Bush's time in office, states voted for SSM. Most voted it down. What did the liberal courts do? They ruled against the people.
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
.....he is what the OP is talking about--the libs are ANGRY--especially because they lost in 2016= mad just like children
And they know they are going to lose the next one in November. :CryingCow:
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.

And that’s because conservatives are ideologues – adhering blindly to sanctioned conservative doctrine and dogma.

Any position that doesn’t conform with that sanctioned doctrine and dogma is vilified, attacked, and treated with fear and contempt.
Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.
liberals are DEEPLY deranged

"liberals are DEEPLY deranged"

I don't know....

as a lib prog....

and sitting here thinking of my opinions and beliefs.....

I can't really see that any of them are "deranged"

1. I don't want conservative christians dictating law in my country.

Now that is NOT a deranged opinion. It is quite rational and reasonable.

A DERANGED opinion would be "I refuse to admit that I want a tyrannical christian theocracy (so I can stick it to the liberals) but I ALWAYS vote for for tyrannical conservative christians"

2. I believe in gay rights and equality.

As opposed to "gays are an abomination!"

3. I believe in legal pot

as opposed to irrational laws against a plant that is less dangerous than beer
or destroying the lives of people simply for smoking pot
and demanding a nanny state that minds every bodies business.....

4. I don't want christians brainwashing MY children with THEIR religious beliefs in public schools

as opposed to the UNCONSTITUTIONAL position of conservatives DEMANDING that THEY be allowed to do that very thing.

5. I did the rational thing and opposed Hair Trump

as opposed to the DERANGED thing and SUPPORT such a deplorable piece of white trash
so you are not only deranged, you are racist --
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.

And that’s because conservatives are ideologues – adhering blindly to sanctioned conservative doctrine and dogma.

Any position that doesn’t conform with that sanctioned doctrine and dogma is vilified, attacked, and treated with fear and contempt.

You don't think a lot of liberals do that too? People in general seem to have a visceral reaction to people that see the world differently because they see those people as their opposition. "Everything would be perfect if not for people like you."
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.
In fact, it is the sole defining trait of progressives and radicalized Democrats, but I repeat myself.
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.
In fact, it is the sole defining trait of progressives and radicalized Democrats, but I repeat myself.
I was talking about empathy. Not saying conservatives do not have it but their concern for others is very tribal. None of them have to look very hard for a good reason (for them) to say "fuck em". Why should we care about "those people" when we have problems right here. Sound familiar?

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