So many of you are deeply angry people. I think politics is just an outlet for your frustrations.

My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.
Conservatives are idiots just like liberals.

Your statement is idiotic broad brushing.
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.
oh brother.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
Dr Confounding---ahahahhahaha
the Great Confounder !!! Knower of Everything....
..the Great Confounder--he UNDERSTANDS-----hahahahhahahahahah
YOU are so PERFECT--better than everyone else--hahahhahahahah
--you want to be a jerk with your OP that is totally ridiculous/etc, then STFU think you are better than ''''us'''---hahahahah---do you understand how childish your OP is??
....we are having fun.....YOU need to seek therepy and chill--it's just a discussion forum!!!!!!!!! RE -freaking--LAX
thanks for the laughs today

Some people do come here for enjoyment. I'm one of those people. Others come here simply to insult, start trouble, so on.

The real problem is members here engage them. I ignore them. If everybody ignored them, they would get bored and go away. They only come here to ruffle feathers which I don't understand. Sure, it's politics, and anybody can lose their cool once in a great while. However that's not the case with flamers. Their specific goal is to cause disruption and nothing more. It doesn't matter how civil a discussion is, they always reply with a personal insult of some kind.

If I came here only to leave pissed off, I would quit coming here. Why go on the internet to sites that upset you? It defies logic. There are two rules that I (and everybody should) live by:

* Always talk to people on message boards the exact same way you'd talk to them face to face.

* Take your politics seriously, but don't take your politics personally.

If you always take your politics personally, then you're going to make a lot of enemies. If we can disagree on our favorite movie, our favorite rock band, our favorite football or baseball team without getting upset, why can't we discuss politics the same way? After all, if somebody has a different view or belief, remember we all have different views and beliefs on any given subject. Think how boring life would be if everybody thought the same way.
It's clear some liberals come here to vent about Trump. They post long winded hate Trump manifestos daily.
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
.....he is what the OP is talking about--the libs are ANGRY--especially because they lost in 2016= mad just like children

No the libs are intolerant. They have zero tolerance for anyone and anything that does not jive with the liberal world view. I could give a shit about what libs are doing so long as they stay out of my life. Not true for the left, its OBEY or else with those people.
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
.....he is what the OP is talking about--the libs are ANGRY--especially because they lost in 2016= mad just like children

His comment is so ironic the way I see things.
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
.....he is what the OP is talking about--the libs are ANGRY--especially because they lost in 2016= mad just like children

No the libs are intolerant. They have zero tolerance for anyone and anything that does not jive with the liberal world view. I could give a shit about what libs are doing so long as they stay out of my life. Not true for the left, its OBEY or else with those people.

Not all liberals, just many of them. I have civil discussions with liberals like Flopper, and all those people that claim they are not Democrats or leftists, it's just that they take the leftist position 90% of the time like Golfing Gator and Slade to name a few.
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
.....he is what the OP is talking about--the libs are ANGRY--especially because they lost in 2016= mad just like children

No the libs are intolerant. They have zero tolerance for anyone and anything that does not jive with the liberal world view. I could give a shit about what libs are doing so long as they stay out of my life. Not true for the left, its OBEY or else with those people.

Not all liberals, just many of them. I have civil discussions with liberals like Flopper, and all those people that claim they are not Democrats or leftists, it's just that they take the leftist position 90% of the time like Golfing Gator and Slade to name a few.

They throw in with intolerant liberals so they are guilty by association in my book.
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
...I joined USMB because I don't have any friends...please be my friend
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.
I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong.
please teach us Wise One
I post for moderate lurkers to learn, True believers who already swallowed the blue pill are a lost cause to open their eyes.
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.
The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives

That how I describe liberals

conservatives disagree and refuse to go along with lib ideas

but your side works tirelessly to drive unapproved thought out of the public square entirely

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