So many of you are deeply angry people. I think politics is just an outlet for your frustrations.

Your "Anti-Republican" link said Republicans were wealthy Jews, who only want to consolidate their wealth and power, but seems to ignore Bloomberg, Bernie, and Steyer, who are democrats, as well as Soros. Soros' "mothership" is for promoting liberal policies and for consolidating political control and wealth. Does money control both parties? Probably to some extent. Trump's list of "promises kept" have some goodies for Jews, like the tax cuts and moving Israel's capital to Jerusalem. Trump also seems buddy-buddy with Netanyahu. Yet Trump's trade policies seem squarely at odds with the establishment "globalist" policies of both parties. Explain that. How is it that Trump wants to bring back good jobs to the US, and keep cheap Mexican labor out. Hell, when the GOP had the House, Ryan and Trump couldn't even agree on immigration reform.
Thanks for reading the article- if you'll notice my initial comment I'd appreciate it.

Trump will do precisely what he's allowed to do by TPTB- to maintain an artificial balance, artificial being key. Artificial balance is to add to or take away from for a specific purpose. In our case to keep voters divided- when one side becomes weighted the other side has to be propped up by whatever means necessary- that's not natural and in our case Nature's God, (Not the religious connotation) was our foundation- (all men are created equal and gave certain unalienable rights) is natural- which BTW was a classical liberal idea, not conservative- keep that in mind please.

Trump subscribes to the same policy that finances what you despise (artificial balance) it has nothing to do with who he's buddies with, it's who's pulling the strings and please don't pretend jews haven't invaded/infected both Party's.

As for your list- I'll address a couple of them. (1),Where in the constitution was the federal gov't granted the authority to colonize the world? (2), Any jobs that "come back" will be at best temporary. Like it or not we live in a world economy and the rest of the world relies on our consumerism to fund it's capitalism. Our economy requires more to live than other country's economy making it not only more profitable to go elsewhere but also raising the standard of living in those other places. That ain't gonna change in your lifetime, mine for sure.

One can excuse in an attempt to justify all day long. It won't change the reality of where we are or what's happening.
Borders are arbitrary lines to separate. That's it. ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, among these are the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness- there are no borders or caveats in that philosophy of life.
To force others to do your bidding (you can't come here) goes against the very foundation of this country, which was Individual Rights of ALL men.

Conservatives claim to believe competition is a key to fixing our economic grievances, yet want to limit competition to only those they approve of- that creates an artificial balance.

That the GOP can't agree on anything makes sense. They each believe their own creed is better than someone else's- it ain't. It is nanny statist mentality infected in the elite minds(?) by our education system which the GOP subscribes to- just like Dems. The only difference is who's in charge of managing the funds-

So if I understand the question you're asking, its what has either party done to minimize the outsized influence of shekels in US politics?! Well, OK, looking at what Mike Bloomberg just spent in the democrat primary, about $480m to get absolutely nowhere, that says something. Then Hillary outspent Trump significantly in 2016. Bloomberg promised to spend $5b-6b just to beat Trump in the general election in November, good luck with that. Money helps, but messaging matters more. Promising good jobs and delivering on good jobs matters more than a lot of commercials.

1. Not sure what you mean Trump is maintaining an "artificial balance"?? The numbers of reps and senators sets the "real balance" even though the MSM weighs in with their propaganda and fake news to shill for the democrats. In 2018 it was "Trump collusion", "Trump was a Russian asset", etc. The intel agencies went to the well once too often saying Russia wants Trump AND Bernie to win in 2020. Was that too much shekel not enough evidence? Probably. Trump needs to clean out the intel agencies, hope the DNI does a good job.

2. If Js infected both parties, look at the numbers in each party and tell me where there are more, and hence more influence. There are 8 Js in the senate, all democrats, zero Republicans. Does that tell you something? Yet, Sheldon Adelson, a J, donates to Trump?! Congress is 8% J, and most of them come from urban areas, so a majority in the House are most likely democrats too. So IMHO the Js have much more influence in the democrat party than in the GOP. Yet the GOP is very pro-Israel?? Go figure.

3. We're on opposite sides of the "globalist" v "populist" issue of jobs. I give Trump credit for working his ass of to bring good jobs back, and using tariffs to advantage. The Obama policy, "those jobs are not coming back" just doesn't get. We need good jobs, fuck the globalists, the establishment, and their shills.

4. Good walls make good neighbors. We have immigration laws for a reason, supply & demand for labor. Priority #1 for the government needs to be good jobs, Trump seems to have figured out how to make better jobs happen. That is not "artificial" that is reality. "Artificial" is giving every American an allowance when robotics eliminated jobs like truck drivers like Yang suggested.
Nobody said that. I said we support normal marriages because it was tradition until liberals (like with everything else) Fd it up for us. Remember too that during Bush's time in office, states voted for SSM. Most voted it down. What did the liberal courts do? They ruled against the people.
It doesn't have to be "said"- try doing it without state approval or not having a church validate it without suffering a persecution by the members of the church- as for voting down SSM, so?
What authority does the voting public have over the lives of someone not causing them harm? And don't say they might- that is thought policing just like giving you a ticket for running a stop sign thought no one was hurt- but, they might be.
Morals are a 2 way street. Period. Unless/until one harms another then all bets are off- but, when you invoke a belief, deep or shallow the door is opened, the genie is out of the bottle, etc. There is no going back

Why do people have to or even want to rely on mob rule in a republic- I suppose you're talking about Bush jr- the "compassionate conservative" who believed the constitution was just a goddamn piece of paper and whose Daddy introduced a new world order into our vocabulary AND "promised no new taxes". Please. What's that saying? He who is without sin cast the first stone?

Why do voters bend to the will of the servants when voters were supposed to be masters?
Why do voters stick up for narcissistic cowards simple because of the letter after their name?

These problems are way deeper than silly D or R acolyte type reverence.But, as long as politico's are successful they will allow you to do the same thing over and over so you can expect expect different results.... and be gravely disappointed yet again.
If Js infected both parties, look at the numbers in each party and tell me where there are more, and hence more influence.
One need look no further then The New American Century project to see BOTH Party's subscribe to the hegemony and "policy" described there in- and, Bill fucking Kristol is just one of the assholes behind it- a fucking jew- as are the many of the policy wonks working in the offices all over Capitol Hill-
Then consider the Bilderberg group and who it entertains. The Trilateral Commission. The Federal Reserve.
The advisers to EVERY WH occupant- the appointee connections- every facet of gov't.
POTUS does what he is allowed to do. Period. As long as TPTB think their cash cow (tax payers) will keep them in power (and money) remain divided and paying "their fair share" in user fees and bitching about "the other side"( fair being defined by whoever the spokes person is) then there is "balance" = You get your's they (the other side) gets their's.

Neither side politico's gives a rats ass about anything other than staying in power and being sheilded (they hope) from the coming disaster) which requires kissing ass to TPTB- don't believe me? Ask JFK. JFK is just for starters. The dots can be connected. But, the connector has to want to- a horse can be led to water but he can't be made to drink.
It doesn't have to be "said"- try doing it without state approval or not having a church validate it without suffering a persecution by the members of the church- as for voting down SSM, so?
What authority does the voting public have over the lives of someone not causing them harm? And don't say they might- that is thought policing just like giving you a ticket for running a stop sign thought no one was hurt- but, they might be.
Morals are a 2 way street. Period. Unless/until one harms another then all bets are off- but, when you invoke a belief, deep or shallow the door is opened, the genie is out of the bottle, etc. There is no going back

Why do people have to or even want to rely on mob rule in a republic- I suppose you're talking about Bush jr- the "compassionate conservative" who believed the constitution was just a goddamn piece of paper and whose Daddy introduced a new world order into our vocabulary AND "promised no new taxes". Please. What's that saying? He who is without sin cast the first stone?

I think it's up to every society to determine what is acceptable of not. I guess you never heard of States Rights? Yes, the people voted whether or not their state will sanction gay marriage of not. You don't think they should have that ability?

Harm has noting to do with it. If a father marries his daughter, how does that harm you? What about brother and sister? How about a man and his dog? A man and four wives like the middle-east?

Point is, we all have standards we believe should be instituted for decency and a happy society. I'm sure you have standards yourself given the other possibilities I presented above. We the people (not the courts) should decide what those standards are.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
The liberal lunatics that post on this site ARE quite miserable and angry. I'm happy and content with life, despite my recent diagnosis as being diabetic. It was a wake up call for me and has made me appreciate life even more. I thank God each and every day that I'm alive and living in the greatest country in the world, the USA. I am truly blessed.
Point is, we all have standards we believe should be instituted for decency and a happy society.
One man's trash is another man's treasure- laws are meant to punish. Period.
Though they are also used to generate revenue and divide citizens- What harm is caused you if your beliefs aren't enFORCED?
It has everything to do with harming another. Using force is immoral though many try to justify it with lame excuses.
Point is, we all have standards we believe should be instituted for decency and a happy society.
One man's trash is another man's treasure- laws are meant to punish. Period.
Though they are also used to generate revenue and divide citizens- What harm is caused you if your beliefs aren't enFORCED?
It has everything to do with harming another. Using force is immoral though many try to justify it with lame excuses.

Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. Being prevented from doing something is not force. Punishment is used to punish. Laws are used to set standards and prevent people from doing things society doesn't approve of.

IMO, the court should have ruled government get out of the marriage business. It should be a religious ritual and not a government one.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
Maybe the pop culture educated and recent college types see the reasonable exchange of ideas and opinions as "conflict" because they have been taught to hang on to a (mostly) liberal viewpoint without having been taught to defend it. Mostly all I see from the left is links to blogs that they like and inane photo shopped cartoons. This is not an argument, it's gibberish and excuses for thought. Posting a link without comment isn't discussion, it's plagiarism. Sometimes you can spot foreign based propaganda by the poor use of the English language.
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I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
The liberal lunatics that post on this site ARE quite miserable and angry. I'm happy and content with life, despite my recent diagnosis as being diabetic. It was a wake up call for me and has made me appreciate life even more. I thank God each and every day that I'm alive and living in the greatest country in the world, the USA. I am truly blessed.

Which kind of diabetes do you have, one or two?
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
The liberal lunatics that post on this site ARE quite miserable and angry. I'm happy and content with life, despite my recent diagnosis as being diabetic. It was a wake up call for me and has made me appreciate life even more. I thank God each and every day that I'm alive and living in the greatest country in the world, the USA. I am truly blessed.

Which kind of diabetes do you have, one or two?
It's Type Two, I JUST was diagnosed five days ago. I turned 59 years of age this past Friday.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.
The liberal lunatics that post on this site ARE quite miserable and angry. I'm happy and content with life, despite my recent diagnosis as being diabetic. It was a wake up call for me and has made me appreciate life even more. I thank God each and every day that I'm alive and living in the greatest country in the world, the USA. I am truly blessed.

Which kind of diabetes do you have, one or two?
It's Type Two, I JUST was diagnosed five days ago. I turned 59 years of age this past Friday.

If you can control it, then you're fine. But you're going to have to give up a lot of things. A friend of mine was diagnosed with two, and he just lost some weight and never had to worry about it again. I've been a type one for over 35 years now, and it's no picnic.
If Js infected both parties, look at the numbers in each party and tell me where there are more, and hence more influence.
One need look no further then The New American Century project to see BOTH Party's subscribe to the hegemony and "policy" described there in- and, Bill fucking Kristol is just one of the assholes behind it- a fucking jew- as are the many of the policy wonks working in the offices all over Capitol Hill-
Then consider the Bilderberg group and who it entertains. The Trilateral Commission. The Federal Reserve.
The advisers to EVERY WH occupant- the appointee connections- every facet of gov't.
POTUS does what he is allowed to do. Period. As long as TPTB think their cash cow (tax payers) will keep them in power (and money) remain divided and paying "their fair share" in user fees and bitching about "the other side"( fair being defined by whoever the spokes person is) then there is "balance" = You get your's they (the other side) gets their's.

Neither side politico's gives a rats ass about anything other than staying in power and being shielded (they hope) from the coming disaster) which requires kissing ass to TPTB- don't believe me? Ask JFK. JFK is just for starters. The dots can be connected. But, the connector has to want to- a horse can be led to water but he can't be made to drink.

Bill Krystol got his ass handed to him by Trump, J or not. The Never-Trumpers are either Js, or globalists. Trump's "populism" stems from the fact that he does what he promises, as seen by his "promises kept" link: Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
I don't recall any president being as focused as Trump getting his agenda items complete. Do you remember the battle he had to get his wall funding? Most presidents would have said, "well I tried, that's DC". Not Trump, he got it done. Then Trump had to battle RINOs like Ryan for immigration reform, and couldn't make that happen. The GOP voters take care of RINOs like Ryan in the primaries.
Your "groups" like Bilderberg, New American Century, are probably full of "Krystols". Taking money from billionaires for PACs to steer the government for more globalism. Sometimes the voters just don't cooperate.
JFK is ancient history, I believe the movie "JFK" more than the "Warren Commission".
The "disaster" is coming. When the $23T Debt reaches about $30T, and interest rates start rising, that is when the crap hits the fan. SS will only pay about 79% of promised benefits, Medicare will be bankrupt, defense will be cut drastically, etc. Back to the 1930s because the pols can't balance a fucking Budget. I'm a fan of the "Convention of States" to put a balanced budget amendment and term limits in-place before its too late
. COSAction
JFK is ancient history,
Ancient? I beg to differ. I remember what I was doing when I heard it, I'm 72, and he is dead because he wanted to buck the system (TPTB) and had the guts to. He was a Democrat BTW, not that it matters, but, it is what it is. No, I'm not a Democrat. I declared myself a Republican in "ancient" times- when Goldwater was running. But, I 'evolved' when I looked at the results of where we are vs what empty suited puppets say they want to do- serve. Question being; whom do they serve?

That said, History is a precursor/prelude of the future and should never be relegated to not important status- the founders were students of History and established what we're supposed to be working with based of their studying of it. Supposed to be working with is the key. Talking points are just that.

Trump is merely a culmination of his predecessors and their antics- and BTW, he too borrows to spend and we're still in the ME the 2 most important items in our life which are so deeply intertwined with our everyday lives that it can't be undone without catastrophic failure- that isn't if, it's when. The borrowing affects everyone. The killing affects many. The unjust wars, foreign and domestic, affect and effect every aspect of our lives- those unjust wars will not stop because they are cash cows to TPTB and their 'greed'. Their greed being; I care not who has the power, give me the money.

Term limits are already in place. It's called voting. As you so eloquently put it;Sometimes the voters just don't cooperate.
There are no easy fixes. No cheap replacements. Empire life spans have a shelf life. The piper has to be paid.
However, the future is up for grabs. It starts with proper education. Not forcing ones beliefs or desires on others.
It always takes more time and effort to build or rebuild any and everything than it does to tear down. To simply repair is putting off the inevitable. The 'cause' of the failure must be determined to help ensure more damage isn't about to occur.
The proper education won't come from fed gov;t mandates by an unconstitutional dept- tweaking it to appease voters won't fix it. Using the borrow to spend is tantamount to digging a hole deeper you're trying to get out of.

But, hey- you go ahead and praise who/whatever you want. Promise to not be disappointed though when those younger than you call you "ancient" and just blow off what you say and argue with you since it can't apply to them as they, like you, like teen agers, believe you have all the answers before even knowing what the questions are- and can't fathom the observation from "ancient" creatures is worthless, not to be considered and easily debunked- with, you got it. Talking points.
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.

What you’re seeing are good real Americans whom have finally become so fed up that they are retaliatory....louder and more obnoxious than those Lefties whom have steered the narrative for decades. Don’t be scared, enjoy the free ride and watch from the sidelines as real Americans take your country back for you. Thank us later bud.
My wife clubs me like a baby seal if I ever talk about politics.
This is my outlet for debating politics.
I like hearing both sides of issues, and debating them with factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
People's motivations are not all that difficult to understand when you can honestly put yourself in other people's shoes. The inability to honestly consider differing viewpoints seems to be one of the main hallmarks of conservatives.

Priceless irony. LOL

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