So many of you are deeply angry people. I think politics is just an outlet for your frustrations.

It’s amusing to see lefties so blinded by tribalism.

Burisma, for example. Change the name Biden to Pence and they would be freaking out. They won’t admit their own hypocrisy.

It’s amusing to see lefties so blinded by tribalism.

Burisma, for example. Change the name Biden to Pence and they would be freaking out. They won’t admit their own hypocrisy."

it's so amusing to see righties so blinded by tribalism that they accuse their enemies of their own crimes!

personally I think the BIGGEST hypocrites are the fkn hypocrites who keep calling the OTHER side "HYPOCRITES!"

This guy is exactly what I am talking about. So entertaining.

Russia rigged the election!
It's clear some liberals come here to vent about Trump. They post long winded hate Trump manifestos daily.
Just like cons did when Ears was potus. I wish to two dumb fuck groups could just get along.
..the Dems LOVE criminals
..the Dems want open borders
we should go along with idiocy???!!!!!???
You should know better, but you don’t.
post # 58 has the facts to back up my claim
where are YOUR facts?
I used to not understand a lot of you and your reasoning for being here and posting so frequently. "Why do they bother when they have no intention of ever learning anything beyond what they're sure they already know?" I thought. People talk right through each other and don't allow their perspectives to evolve even a little bit. You gain nothing like that, so it made no sense to me. Now, sadly, I understand that many of you simply don't care to learn or grow. All you want from this place is conflict. You want to point your fingers and be angry at them, because they're responsible for the world not being the way you think it should. I guess I just want to say that I think politics is neither the cause of or solution to your anger issues. Many of you need to distance yourself from this place and seek therapy.

What a pompous, arrogant, self absorbed, self-righteous, condescending, narcissistic post. You ought to work on self awareness because you, nor I, nor anybody else on this board has a handle on why anyone participates. You seem to have analyzed and solved something with absolutely no data.

I bet you're a democrat.

I considered mentioning that cowardly, lazy binary thinking makes it impossible for many conservatives to see things for what they really are.

For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.
factoids, and simply can't understand how anyone can still be a democrat <g>
Here's one for you- he makes some good points. I will ask, however, in the authors presence if the opportunity presented itself, what has the 'other side' done to negate what he points out. Then, I'll ask you (and any Republican) the same question.
I was thinking about this last night, about the founders, as I went to sleep.

I don't think what we're living is what was envisioned, or at least what they hoped for. However, as the founders were students of History, they likely as not knew we would end up where we are. They were, dreamers. Liberals of their day via the age of enlightenment. They were not conservative nor were they Republican and they knew where democracy would lead. They also believed that only virtuous men should be "granted" authority in an entity we call the federal government. But, men of virtue won't sell their souls for power.
Republicans have had the authority to make change and they haven't. They tweak what is established, most of which is unconstitutional, re; the Dept of Education as a foundation and the Federal Reserve which finances with it's borrow to spend keynesian monetary policy which came about under Nixon (a Republican) who sold our collective souls to Saudi Arabia as the starting place for the hegemony which I'd bet the founders didn't count on- they were familiar with trading with all and allying with none though and yet, Republicans, i.e., conservatives in the District of Criminals subscribe to colonizing the world (think military bases) which the founders fought a war against because they didn't think a far off entity had any skin in the game and 0 knowledge of the game-

We, with ALL we have available to study (be a student of) are still stuck on doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Either We Destroy the Republican Party or It Will Destroy Us

Your "Anti-Republican" link said Republicans were wealthy Jews, who only want to consolidate their wealth and power, but seems to ignore Bloomberg, Bernie, and Steyer, who are democrats, as well as Soros. Soros' "mothership" is for promoting liberal policies and for consolidating political control and wealth. Does money control both parties? Probably to some extent. Trump's list of "promises kept" have some goodies for Jews, like the tax cuts and moving Israel's capital to Jerusalem. Trump also seems buddy-buddy with Netanyahu. Yet Trump's trade policies seem squarely at odds with the establishment "globalist" policies of both parties. Explain that. How is it that Trump wants to bring back good jobs to the US, and keep cheap Mexican labor out. Hell, when the GOP had the House, Ryan and Trump couldn't even agree on immigration reform.

So to make a very long story short, the Founders pledged to each other "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor".
Looking at today's political landscape, I don't see anyone who has any "sacred honor". The founders were "honorable men", and we don't have many of those today. However, they knew that not all men were honorable, that there were clever scoundrels out there. They tried to anticipate how to protect the democracy from them and put in enough "checks and balances" to try and minimize the damage.

Trying to relate today's interconnected global economy, national defense strategies, fiscal and financial policies, and the current reach and expanse of the Federal Government would be beyond the comprehension of any of the founders. Republicans in the District of Criminals like to keep a lid on World Wars, hence need a strong military and global reach. The voters have done an okay job keeping both parties from consolidating power. I'm a bit leery of the next time democrats control DC, I strongly disagree with their policies. How many of these will the democrats get passed, and what will the long term consequences be?

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, giving them free everything
For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.
liberals are DEEPLY deranged
For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.
liberals never made it to the Neolithic Age
For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.
you sure are right about the liberal savages:
For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.

Liberals refuse to look for the man behind the curtain. Can you tell me any major policy the Democrats came up with that didn't benefit the party? No you can't.

It's clear Democrats want to control each and every one of our lives. It's in their policies. The two things that are stopping them from complete control of us are energy and healthcare. One they have control over those two things, they will have total control over every citizen in this country.
For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.
liberals never made it to the Stone Age..they are not even using bones here:
For conservative to see things the way they really are? Don't you mean liberals?
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.
libs are WORSE than apes--because apes don't have the brain of a human
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.
liberals are DEEPLY deranged

"liberals are DEEPLY deranged"

I don't know....

as a lib prog....

and sitting here thinking of my opinions and beliefs.....

I can't really see that any of them are "deranged"

1. I don't want conservative christians dictating law in my country.

Now that is NOT a deranged opinion. It is quite rational and reasonable.

A DERANGED opinion would be "I refuse to admit that I want a tyrannical christian theocracy (so I can stick it to the liberals) but I ALWAYS vote for for tyrannical conservative christians"

2. I believe in gay rights and equality.

As opposed to "gays are an abomination!"

3. I believe in legal pot

as opposed to irrational laws against a plant that is less dangerous than beer
or destroying the lives of people simply for smoking pot
and demanding a nanny state that minds every bodies business.....

4. I don't want christians brainwashing MY children with THEIR religious beliefs in public schools

as opposed to the UNCONSTITUTIONAL position of conservatives DEMANDING that THEY be allowed to do that very thing.

5. I did the rational thing and opposed Hair Trump

as opposed to the DERANGED thing and SUPPORT such a deplorable piece of white trash
If you always take your politics personally, then you're going to make a lot of enemies.

I think it's hard for some to not do that because their political beliefs are a big part of their identity. It's hard to criticize a belief that's so important to somebody without them feeling attacked/offended. In some instances you're almost trying to deconstruct who somebody is, and people don't take kindly to that.
If you always take your politics personally, then you're going to make a lot of enemies.

I think it's hard for some to not do that because their political beliefs are a big part of their identity. It's hard to criticize a belief that's so important to somebody without them feeling attacked/offended.

What many here choose not to understand is there is a clear and significant difference between political beliefs and political behaviors.

It's the latter that is causing so much harm.
If you always take your politics personally, then you're going to make a lot of enemies.

I think it's hard for some to not do that because their political beliefs are a big part of their identity. It's hard to criticize a belief that's so important to somebody without them feeling attacked/offended.

"I think it's hard for some to not do that because their political beliefs are a big part of their identity. It's hard to criticize a belief that's so important to somebody without them feeling attacked/offended."

one persons "criticism" is another persons "personal attack"...
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.

Liberals refuse to look for the man behind the curtain. Can you tell me any major policy the Democrats came up with that didn't benefit the party? No you can't.

It's clear Democrats want to control each and every one of our lives. It's in their policies. The two things that are stopping them from complete control of us are energy and healthcare. One they have control over those two things, they will have total control over every citizen in this country.
I'm talking about the underlying psychology of political belief, specifically conservatism. The mindset that change must be slow, hierarchies must be preserved and an obsession with threats and security has existed in humans since the beginning of time. Seems to be an inborn trait.
Nope. This is not a new concept. Conservatives have difficulty processing ambiguous issues. It's what makes them conservatives. Everything must be boiled down to black and white.

Hmmm, well let's see now.

Liberals believe you can choose your gender simply by wearing the attire of that gender.

Liberals believe that taking money from wealthy people will somehow benefit them.

Liberals believe that by making it very difficult for the good guys to buy guns, that will make the bad guys quit using them.

Liberals believe that by a President forcing restaurants to list calorie count of all their items, that will make a fat kid skinny.

Liberals fight for increased wages, but support people coming to our country to undercut our pay.

It's my opinion that liberals defy logic on just about every issue.
Nice example of boiling down issues and not being able to process ambiguity. That sort of thinking is useful when decisiveness is needed, disastrous when the decision is wrong due to oversimplification.

To a liberal, these are ambiguous. To us, it's just plain common sense. There are no two sides to it. You have a party who is promises us the oceans will rise because of global warming, and an ex-President who purchased his first home since leaving the White House on the ocean. Sorry to report, but we humans will continue to exist in 12 years from now.
Liberals are overly optimistic. They constantly over estimate conservative's ability to change, even when it is clearly for the better. The conservative need for predictability and simplicity has held back humanity every step away from our savage neolithic origins.

Liberals refuse to look for the man behind the curtain. Can you tell me any major policy the Democrats came up with that didn't benefit the party? No you can't.

It's clear Democrats want to control each and every one of our lives. It's in their policies. The two things that are stopping them from complete control of us are energy and healthcare. One they have control over those two things, they will have total control over every citizen in this country.

"It's clear Democrats want to control each and every one of our lives. It's in their policies. "

and yet democrats want freedom and equality for gays

while it is the REPUBLICANS who want to CONTROL homosexuals!

and it is the democrats who want pot legalized

and the republicans who want to control THAT ASPECT of our lives

and it is the democrat who wants SECULAR public schools

and the republican who wants to control YOUR KIDS MINDS with THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.....

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