So Much For Saying the U.S. Can't Intercept an ICBM

They successfully did it today hitting an ICBM launched 4,200 miles away from the U.S.

"The U.S. has "successfully intercepted" an intercontinental ballistic missile during the first test of its ground-based intercept system, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency said Tuesday.

The test occurred just days after the North Korean regime launched its ninth missile this year. U.S. officials say today's test had been planned for years.

The ground-based interceptor launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California shortly after 3:30 p.m. ET. A little more than one hour later, the Pentagon confirmed that it had successfully collided with an ICBM-class target over the Pacific Ocean.

The ICBM-target was launched from the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, 4,200 miles away."

US successfully intercepts ICBM in historic test

Thank you and God Bless you Ronald Reagan for the visionary defense system derisively named "Star Wars"

But his vision was to shoot down the entirety of the Soviet Unions arsenal. That was a grand idea but ultimately would have bankrupted us along side them.
Im just happy to see this. While i am much less of a target that the coastal regions since i live in the midwest, im still glad to see American ingenuity at its finest.
Those things are still only about 50/50
According to a Pentagon spokes person they are 5/8 at this point. No better way to sharpen those percentages that real world application rather than a controlled test.

Fuck NK

This is the first time they've actually attempted this kind of intercept, and it was successful.
They tried it against medium-range Scud missiles in the Desert Storm war with the Patriot missile system and failed.
Now start blowing up EVERY missile NK launches
? No, why waste missles on those that cannot even make past midway?

The real nervousness is in Russia and China after this test.
You blow them up so that they don't have a successful launch. They gather a ton of information about every time they successfully put one in the sky, which brings them one step closer towards longer range missiles like ICBMs.
Those things are still only about 50/50
According to a Pentagon spokes person they are 5/8 at this point. No better way to sharpen those percentages that real world application rather than a controlled test.

Fuck NK

This is the first time they've actually attempted this kind of intercept, and it was successful.
They tried it against medium-range Scud missiles in the Desert Storm war with the Patriot missile system and failed.

They did shoot down some SCUD missiles in Desert Storm.

"This is an impressive record, if true. But I remember that, shortly after Operation Desert Storm, the first war against Iraq in 1991, the U.S. Army claimed that an earlier model of the Patriot had intercepted 45 out of 47 Iraqi Scuds—a 95 percent success rate. Over the following year, the Army lowered its estimate, stating that Patriots intercepted 79 percent of the Scuds launched over Saudi Arabia and 40 percent of those fired at Israel. These remain the official figures today."

How good are those Patriot missiles?
They successfully did it today hitting an ICBM launched 4,200 miles away from the U.S.

"The U.S. has "successfully intercepted" an intercontinental ballistic missile during the first test of its ground-based intercept system, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency said Tuesday.

The test occurred just days after the North Korean regime launched its ninth missile this year. U.S. officials say today's test had been planned for years.

The ground-based interceptor launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California shortly after 3:30 p.m. ET. A little more than one hour later, the Pentagon confirmed that it had successfully collided with an ICBM-class target over the Pacific Ocean.

The ICBM-target was launched from the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, 4,200 miles away."

US successfully intercepts ICBM in historic test
Cool- nice to see that happening.
They tried it against medium-range Scud missiles in the Desert Storm war with the Patriot missile system and failed.
How long ago was Desert Storm?
That was a rhetorical question, but yeah, 30 years ago.
I see, you knew but needed to know.
No, he was making an obvious point that somehow went over your head. You're bringing up facts from technology 30 years ago and acting like they haven't made any progress since then.

All you have to do now is apologize for your error and then you can move on.

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