So much for the myth of American exceptionalism: America is 14th happiest nation across the globe

Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls

The people on the Titanic were all very happy, right before that Iceberg, and even then most of them didn't know they should be "unhappy" for quite a while.

Just because you think you are happy doesn't mean you SHOULD be happy.
Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls
Finland is in the top 5, but they lead the world in suicide. I guess those who survive are very happy.

Nigga still think Oswald took him out. His head went backwards ;) Where was the book depository?

I bet you weren't even alive the day JFK was shot. I remember that day quite well..

Being a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat the only thing you know about JFK is what you saw in an Oliver Stone movie just like the only thing you know about Vietnam is what you saw in an Oliver Stone movie.

What else you got Sport?

I've got you in the corner metaphorically beating you senseless dad. No bragging, frankly you're low hanging fruit. The truth is ot there pop, wake up and educate yourself. Right now you look foolish, and no, the head never snapped forward.

You were bitching about Vietnam but the only thing you know about Vietnam is what you saw in a movie, the same with JFK, so if anybody looks foolish it is you. You were called on your bullshit and you had nothing. Typical for an uneducated low information Moon Bat.

Thanks for playing.
I think this is bullshit. Americans are some of the most miserable people on earth.

You mean like these pathetic pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats that are butt hurt miserable because Crooked Hillary did not win?

The hats flew right over your head, did they? :rofl: I kill me.

No Sparkles, the hats and other costumed regalia were there to mock Donald T. Rump's "pussy grabbing". Had nothing to do with Hillary.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The pink pussy hats were the flair of a gaggle of hateful uneducated low information extreme far left assholes. Pretty much the scum of America.

It is really ironic for these Moon Bats to be wearing pink pussy hats to "mock" Trump when the shitheads voted for that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch who supported her serial sexual predator husband.
I think this is bullshit. Americans are some of the most miserable people on earth.

You mean like these pathetic pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats that are butt hurt miserable because Crooked Hillary did not win?

The hats flew right over your head, did they? :rofl: I kill me.

No Sparkles, the hats and other costumed regalia were there to mock Donald T. Rump's "pussy grabbing". Had nothing to do with Hillary.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The pink pussy hats were the flair of a gaggle of hateful uneducated low information extreme far left assholes. Pretty much the scum of America.

It is really ironic for these Moon Bats to be wearing pink pussy hats to "mock" Trump when the shitheads voted for that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch who supported her serial sexual predator husband.

Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls
Finland is in the top 5, but they lead the world in suicide. I guess those who survive are very happy.

Finland has a lotta guns.

As for the previous wackadoodle's attempted slur of "diversity", Switzerland seems to be number 4. That's the same number of official languages they have.

Would like to see the whole list. I didn't see it in the OP link.
I think this is bullshit. Americans are some of the most miserable people on earth.

You mean like these pathetic pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats that are butt hurt miserable because Crooked Hillary did not win?

The hats flew right over your head, did they? :rofl: I kill me.

No Sparkles, the hats and other costumed regalia were there to mock Donald T. Rump's "pussy grabbing". Had nothing to do with Hillary.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The pink pussy hats were the flair of a gaggle of hateful uneducated low information extreme far left assholes. Pretty much the scum of America.

It is really ironic for these Moon Bats to be wearing pink pussy hats to "mock" Trump when the shitheads voted for that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch who supported her serial sexual predator husband.

Nope. They were women, taking control of being women. And you have no figures on who they voted for anyway -- nor on how many of them voted at all. Here's a hint --- "55 percent".

Voting in an election --- protesting having one's gender slurred. Know the difference.
Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls
Honestly I don't believe too much these studies because I don't know how researchers do that :eusa_think:
I mean when they say "US is number 14 for happiness" or "Norway is number 1" how can they say that? :dunno:
Do they check all statistics about suicide, depression, alcohol and drug abuse? :(
Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls
Honestly I don't believe too much these studies because I don't know how researchers do that :eusa_think:
I mean when they say "US is number 14 for happiness" or "Norway is number 1" how can they say that? :dunno:
Do they check all statistics about suicide, depression, alcohol and drug abuse? :(

I believe it's at least in part a survey.

Again it would help if we had a link to the actual study rather than a Yahoo News page just summarizing it. It's not enough to examine. Yahoo should have provided that, but it's not exactly a news source.
Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional

well, saving civilization through two world wars, being the world's policeman, and converting China to Republican capitalism are the most saintly exceptional things to have ever happened on earth by a factor of 100, and that is not to mention having 80% of the worlds medical patents.

Liberals spied for Stalin, gave him the bomb, and elected Sanders/Obama becuase they are based in 100% ignorance.
"Repubican capitalism" :rofl: Too stupid, dear. Capitalism is older than Republicans, and was made possible by Liberalism. Do you understand?

"Repubican capitalism" :rofl: Too stupid, dear. Capitalism is older than Republicans, and was made possible by Liberalism. Do you understand?


how was capitalism made possible by liberalism when our liberals spied for Stalin, gave him the bomb, and elected single payer Obama???
Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls
After 8 years of BO and left wing loons supporting him, no wonder.

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