The Bill for America First Is Coming Due. America’s closest treaty allies exclude USannounced milit

Good, let them do their own shit. Why do we need to be holding their hands all the time?

Europe, and in particular Germany, have long been footing the bill for the continuing refugee crisis resulting from American foreign policy. Germany took in one million Syrian refugees. 5 million fled Syria. Canada took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. The US took none.

The costs of US foreign policy are not just found in military spending. Americans have been waging war and creating refugees the world over since WWII, and then walking away while others take in the victims and take care of them.

The Central American refugees being just the latest group to trust Americans and get screwed over.

The United States took in over 22,000 refuges in 2018. Less than other years however we are in a debt crisis and continuing to sink. Maybe the UN needs to intervene in Syria.

Canada took in 25,000 refugees last year and our population is 1/10 that of the USA, and our economy isn’t anywhere near the size of yours.

Your economy is roaring according to your President yet everyone in the world does more for the poor than you do.

Greedy, selfish and racist. America used to be better than this. .

Our national debt is over $20 trillion, we need to let a better country take care of the world, which you are always touting your superiority, so let’s let Canada and your army and people takeover and we bring our troops back home. When war opens, you can send the majority of troops to deal with the conflict. We can let our troops stay home. We can also let other nations support the United Nations.

The United States spent over $49 billion in foreign aid. In 2018 the United States citizens gave $410 billion to foreign charity, the most ever, of that the generous Bid gave $369.

Now, go take care of the world know it all.
Good, let them do their own shit. Why do we need to be holding their hands all the time?

Europe, and in particular Germany, have long been footing the bill for the continuing refugee crisis resulting from American foreign policy. Germany took in one million Syrian refugees. 5 million fled Syria. Canada took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. The US took none.

The costs of US foreign policy are not just found in military spending. Americans have been waging war and creating refugees the world over since WWII, and then walking away while others take in the victims and take care of them.

The Central American refugees being just the latest group to trust Americans and get screwed over.

The United States took in over 22,000 refuges in 2018. Less than other years however we are in a debt crisis and continuing to sink. Maybe the UN needs to intervene in Syria.

Canada took in 25,000 refugees last year and our population is 1/10 that of the USA, and our economy isn’t anywhere near the size of yours.

Your economy is roaring according to your President yet everyone in the world does more for the poor than you do.

Greedy, selfish and racist. America used to be better than this. .

You can thank your beloved Turdeau, he loves Muslims. He wants to import millions more too.

You don’t sound to happy about taking 25,000 Muslims. That wouldn’t be bigotry I detect, is it?

You're projecting your own feelings into my post. I never mentioned Muslims, you did. It's really irrelevant what religion the refugees are. We have freedom of religion here too. The only guy we have shooting up churches here was a big fan of Donald Trump. The perp shot up a mosque right after Trump was elected. Fortunately he didn't have an AR15 so only 6 people died.

America has become quite the supporter of right wing terrorism under Donald Trump.

LOL, I’m sure many of those Syrian refugees were Jews and atheists.
Good, let them do their own shit. Why do we need to be holding their hands all the time?

Europe, and in particular Germany, have long been footing the bill for the continuing refugee crisis resulting from American foreign policy. Germany took in one million Syrian refugees. 5 million fled Syria. Canada took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. The US took none.

The costs of US foreign policy are not just found in military spending. Americans have been waging war and creating refugees the world over since WWII, and then walking away while others take in the victims and take care of them.

The Central American refugees being just the latest group to trust Americans and get screwed over.

The United States took in over 22,000 refuges in 2018. Less than other years however we are in a debt crisis and continuing to sink. Maybe the UN needs to intervene in Syria.

Canada took in 25,000 refugees last year and our population is 1/10 that of the USA, and our economy isn’t anywhere near the size of yours.

Your economy is roaring according to your President yet everyone in the world does more for the poor than you do.

Greedy, selfish and racist. America used to be better than this. .
------------------------------------------------- don't know about the USA being better in the past as thats your Opinion . DLady , course its my Opinion that if what you say is true the change is simply being brought about because the USA under The TRUMP is smartening up . My particular thinking is that the USA should cut off and Stop ALL importation of ALL third and even First Worlders for at least the last 40 - 50 years Dragon Lady .
Sorry, who died for me?
Canadians, Germans, Australians, British, etc., etc...But continue ignoring that.

If you're referring to Allies in World War II ... they died fighting valiantly, to defend their own bloody countries -- or in the case of Canadians and Australian (their former colonial masters).

Americans fought to liberate THEIR countries, and the countries of those who didn't life a finger to defend themselves. Not a single Allied soldier fought to liberate US soil.
In the case of WW2 those allies fought for years to protect the US against the scourge of Hitler while America was tending its cash registers.
Charitable Giving (individuals) – The US is tied for first in the World Giving Index, a metric that takes into account what % of the population gives to charity, regularly helps strangers, or volunteers their time to help others. (Source)
'Donations' to churches which actually pay for services such as child care are included in 'charitable giving'.
In the case of WW2 those allies fought for years to protect the US against the scourge of Hitler while America was tending its cash registers.
You mean sending the Allies the material and goods it absolutely needed to fight the enemy it had stupidly ignored and allowed to grow out of control? Yes. I quite agree.
I don't see you attacking Ireland, Sweden or Switzerland for tending to their cash registers.
Is that because you have a big boner when you attack the US? That's quite a Canadian complex you have.
Sorry, who died for me?
Canadians, Germans, Australians, British, etc., etc...But continue ignoring that.

If you're referring to Allies in World War II ... they died fighting valiantly, to defend their own bloody countries -- or in the case of Canadians and Australian (their former colonial masters).

Americans fought to liberate THEIR countries, and the countries of those who didn't life a finger to defend themselves. Not a single Allied soldier fought to liberate US soil.
I'm referring to the US request for NATO assistance in Afghanistan. Which seems to slip everyone's memories.
'Donations' to churches which actually pay for services such as child care are included in 'charitable giving'.
Is there some point you wanted to make? Donations are donations no matter what they go towards. Even if you were right (IF) that's an incredibly small nit you pick at.
Is there some point you wanted to make? Donations are donations no matter what they go towards. Even if you were right
(IF) that's an incredibly small nit you pick at.
The point is a large part of it is not actually 'charitable giving', it's to service people's own needs.
In the case of WW2 those allies fought for years to protect the US against the scourge of Hitler while America was tending its cash registers.
You mean sending the Allies the material and goods it absolutely needed to fight the enemy it had stupidly ignored and allowed to grow out of control? Yes. I quite agree.
I don't see you attacking Ireland, Sweden or Switzerland for tending to their cash registers.
Is that because you have a big boner when you attack the US? That's quite a Canadian complex you have.
'Sending' !
While draining the UK of its gold reserve. Very charitable. Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland don't pretend to be acting in everyone else's interest.
I'm referring to the US request for NATO assistance in Afghanistan. Which seems to slip everyone's memories.
After virtually alone supporting NATO for decades and then taking on Muslim nationalism which threatened the vital oil supply for the entire Western free world I don't think assistance from NATO was unreasonable or asking too much. It was formed for just such a purpose.
It's too bad you are too blind and biased to see.
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While draining the UK of its gold reserve. Very charitable. Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland don't pretend to be acting in everyone else's interest.
They weren't acting in anyone's interest but their own. On the other hand without support from the US Russia and Britain would have collapsed first followed by all the other nations of Europe and then Asia.
Sorry we didn't do enough to please you. Go fuck yourself along with your unsubstantiated tales of "draining" the UK.

Get your facts straight, asshole Canuck!
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The point is a large part of it is not actually 'charitable giving', it's to service people's own needs.
Incredibly petty bullshit! Define and document that "large part" of donations to churches that come from people wanting "free" child care which actually is not free at all, as you have claimed.
You are such a disingenuous shitbag.

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