The Bill for America First Is Coming Due. America’s closest treaty allies exclude USannounced milit

Good. Our "allies" have not been good to us.
They've only died for you as the only country to have called on NATO support. The bastards.
What??? World War II is over-they only want our money now-they hate Americans.

He's talking about Afghanistan. Any of you guys ever hear of it? NATO's Article 5 has only been invoked once since 1949 - after the US was attacked on 9/11/2001. The countries CNM mentioned, and many others, provided troops and suffered casualties in support of the US.
America first policy is experiencing blowback. Donald Trump is isolating America from its neighbors as well as military allies.

Donald Trump's real motive in America first policy was encouraging higher military spending by allies and more military adventurism by allies and to induce more spending on US manufactured war machines and munitions by allies.

Its not working as the allies are devising their own separate military strategies excluding the US.

"America’s friends are choosing to dissociate themselves, believing their interests are better served without American strength. It seems the rest of the world is losing faith that the U.S. is a reliable partner, sober and taking others’ interests into account as well as its own. The U.S. is ceasing to be a country that its allies come to for help solving problems. On the contrary, America’s allies think the U.S. is the cause of their increasingly tenuous security."

The current Middle East refugee chaos caused by US policy is costing Europe huge amounts of money and social angst.

America's allies are hoping Donald Trump gets run outta town in 2020 elections.

The Bill for America First Is Coming Due

The Bill for America First Is Coming Due
Two of America’s closest treaty allies have announced military efforts explicitly designed to exclude the U.S.
JUL 27, 2019
Kori Schake

In this crowded and enervating week of news, it would have been easy to miss two small but consequential signs of the damage President Donald Trump and his team have done to America’s standing in the world. Two of America’s closest treaty allies have announced military efforts explicitly designed to exclude the United States. Australia is “seeking to cement its status as the security partner of choice for Pacific nations” by establishing an expeditionary training force. And the United Kingdom wants to create a multinational force to ensure freedom of navigation in the Strait of Hormuz.

It’s not a coincidence that allies are striking out on their own. Countries in the Pacific worry that the U.S. is forcing them to choose between their economic connections to China and their security relationships with the U.S. And while forcing this choice, the U.S. is also publicly calling the security guarantees into question—President Trump did so before arriving in Japan for the G20 summit. Meanwhile, European allies blame Trump-administration tactics for Iran’s decision to lash out at shipping in the Gulf. That’s why British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt stressed that the purpose of the multinational force was to dissociate European governments from U.S. policy toward Iran. Hunt explicitly said, “It will not be part of the U.S. maximum pressure policy on Iran because we remain committed to preserving the Iran nuclear agreement.”

As it happens, these efforts are consistent with Trump’s insistence that allies do more for themselves. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded to news of the British initiative by saying, “The responsibility … falls to the United Kingdom to take care of their ships.”

The sad reality, however, is that America’s European allies cannot protect their ships without American help. Even the French Foreign Ministry had to admit that any European effort would “naturally have to be co-ordinated with the US on the operational level.” The International Institute for Strategic Studies estimates that it would cost European countries $110 billion to defend freedom of navigation. That is more than the annual defense budgets of Britain and France combined. It isn’t happening anytime soon, regardless of brave talk about “European strategic autonomy.”

Pacific nations, moreover, may not want Australian military training, for fear of antagonizing China when Australian security guarantees are not on offer, and wouldn’t suffice against a threat of China’s magnitude anyway.

An America Firster might not see much to dislike here. In the past 70 years, the U.S. has allowed more and more of the security burden to migrate from allies onto the U.S. Both of this week’s initiatives would relieve some pressure from U.S. forces as the U.S. tries to prioritize its efforts away from the Gulf to manage the China challenge. Both are undertaken by trusted American allies. They may prove to be the harbinger of a more balanced relationship among strong states of the West.

That would be a good outcome for the U.S.—but only if allies were choosing to do more consistent with American interests. They are not. The U.S. had a proposal for maritime patrols in the Gulf that its European allies declined to join. If the U.S. doesn’t act in concert with others, it will have less absolute power.
To take a financial example, European Union countries did not develop a so-called special-purpose vehicle for funding business with Iran to support American efforts—they are building means to circumvent dollar primacy because they object so strenuously to American policy on Iran. The SPV won’t succeed in the near term, but it shows that America’s European allies are so rattled by Trump’s Iran policy and so exasperated by the profligacy of U.S. sanctions that they’re looking to limit American financial power.

America’s friends are choosing to dissociate themselves, believing their interests are better served without American strength. It seems the rest of the world is losing faith that the U.S. is a reliable partner, sober and taking others’ interests into account as well as its own. The U.S. is ceasing to be a country that its allies come to for help solving problems. On the contrary, America’s allies think the U.S. is the cause of their increasingly tenuous security.

The Australian and British initiatives may not succeed. But the very fact of these proposals is proof that relations with close allies have frayed in systemically significant ways. This is what it looks like when the American-led international order comes to an end.

They'll be bawling for our help if the shit hits the fan...they always do. This time fck'em
The answer is clear for Canada, Australia, Germany, the UK...whoever.
Get out from under Uncle Scam's military umbrella and defend yourself if you are attacked.
Spend your own money. Build your own bases. Be prepared to defend yourselves or die.

If our partnerships are so onerous get out! If China, the only nation now in the world that's a military global threat
{and maybe Russia) comes after you are on your own. I'm pretty sure we can defend ourselves.

Of course if China (with it's evil little brother Russia) ever did pose a global risk all this political posturing and hot air would quickly vanish and everyone would scurry for America's help....just like in WWII.

Yes. America was attacked on 9/11 as a response to the West's intervention in the Middle East though everyone knows the US was not the only nation in the region.

We were attacked as a proxy for all the other nations doing business there, just like they still are.
So we responded as a proxy and we got some assistance from other nations, appropriately enough since we were the one's that got hit hard for our sins, as well as the sins of all the other Western nations doing business in the dysfunctional Middle East.

Great Britain was not attacked. We were. But England was colonizing the Middle East
and doing business there long long before we ever set foot in the region

If you think Bin Laden only objected to America's perceived exploitation and corruption of Islam, and no one else's,
then you are too disingenuous and dumb to be taken seriously.
He's talking about Afghanistan. Any of you guys ever hear of it? NATO's Article 5 has only been invoked once since 1949 - after the US was attacked on 9/11/2001. The countries CNM mentioned, and many others, provided troops and suffered casualties in support of the US.
Yet America was not the only nation that was playing baseball when a neighbor's window was broken.
But the neighbor came after us, with a vengeance and caused much damage and death.. Do you understand metaphors?

We were representing the interests of many, many nations in Afghanistan. Why should we not receive their support and help? I'm afraid the whiny complaints of "friends" who want all the benefits we can give them but want nothing to do with the risks and penalties incurred have zero moral authority.

Your arguments are hollow.
He's talking about Afghanistan. Any of you guys ever hear of it? NATO's Article 5 has only been invoked once since 1949 - after the US was attacked on 9/11/2001. The countries CNM mentioned, and many others, provided troops and suffered casualties in support of the US.
Yet America was not the only nation that was playing baseball when a neighbor's window was broken.
But the neighbor came after us, with a vengeance and caused much damage and death.. Do you understand metaphors?

We were representing the interests of many, many nations in Afghanistan. Why should we not receive their support and help? I'm afraid the whiny complaints of "friends" who want all the benefits we can give them but want nothing to do with the risks and penalties incurred have zero moral authority.

Your arguments are hollow.

We weren't "representing" them - they were there with us. That was the point. If you missed it, no wonder you find the argument hollow. BTW, it wasn't intended as an argument. You nutters leapt to the erroneous conclusion CNM was talking about WWII. I was just giving a heads-up.
So you believe that we should increase our national debt so that we can send money overseas? You think that we should send more of our young to die on foreign soil?
I love it. The tears of reactionary victim hood are so sweet. Guess which country is the only one to have called on NATO allies and had them die on its behalf.

We should help other countries help themselves we have the most advanced military in the Free world. The Problem the other Nato Country's have now is that we're making them Pay for what they've been receiving for free for 75 yrs. Military protection is not a free pass anymore. European country's act like our friends then do business with country's we are paying to protect them from. Wait till Russia shuts off their fuel supply. They sat back while Russia annexed Crimea and took control of the oil fields. They'll be crying when Vlad impales them with energy shortages.
We weren't "representing" them - they were there with us. That was the point. If you missed it, no wonder you find the argument hollow.
We "represented" their interests
by doing 90% of the fighting and incurred most of the costs (speaking of missing the whole point with your hollow argument). If you don't think those nations didn't want a nationalist movement sparking through the Middle East and their precious oil being shut down to a few drops a day you are fooling only yourself.

BTW, it wasn't intended as an argument.
Good thing for you.

You nutters leapt to the erroneous conclusion CNM was talking about WWII. I was just giving a heads-up.
I didn't do that.
We should help other countries help themselves we have the most advanced military in the Free world. The Problem the other Nato Country's have now is that we're making them Pay for what they've been receiving for free for 75 yrs. Military protection is not a free pass anymore. European country's act like our friends then do business with country's we are paying to protect them from. Wait till Russia shuts off their fuel supply. They sat back while Russia annexed Crimea and took control of the oil fields. They'll be crying when Vlad impales them with energy shortages.
Well done! When asked to get off the gravy train they've been riding since the Cold War fifties these nations scream like stuck pigs and act all indignant.
It's Europe pissing all over America on the one hand, and hiding behind our skirts on the other.
Trump only wants some reciprocity for their free ride and for this he is treated like some sort of vampire.

The absolute impudent gall of the left strikes once more.
Religious pathologies cause greasy refugees and oily recessions. Does islam think non-religious Americans are stupid, too? There are no mosques in Idaho. In addition, agreeing with post #5,

'There is no sign of Earth Day 1990, history's largest teach-in. The lines for production and consumption of energy just keep rising. Environmental education, moral exhortation, and government regulation do not visibly alter the curve. Where there are significant increases, they are the consequences of rising energy prices. For petroleum, the line dips twice: once after the Arab oil embargo jacked up prices in 1973, and again after the Iranian revolution did so in 1979. For electricity, the line goes flat after the region's disastrous venture into nuclear power elevated mots Northwest electric rates in the early 1980s.

Each of these price increases caused inflation and contributed to recessions. They did so, however, because they were sudden, were unanticipated, and siphoned money from the Pacific Northwest to oil exporters and utility bond holders in faraway places. If prices of energy -- and of labor, salmon, water, housing, parking spaces, and everything else -- were gradually and predictably aligned, upward or downward, to match true costs, and if the money stayed at home, the economy would benefit enormously. Jobs would proliferate even as the environment improved....the Northwest much teach prices to tell the ecological truth.'
(Durning AT, This Place on Earth: Home and the Practice of Permanence, pp 203-4)
America first policy is experiencing blowback. Donald Trump is isolating America from its neighbors as well as military allies.

Donald Trump's real motive in America first policy was encouraging higher military spending by allies and more military adventurism by allies and to induce more spending on US manufactured war machines and munitions by allies.

Its not working as the allies are devising their own separate military strategies excluding the US.

"America’s friends are choosing to dissociate themselves, believing their interests are better served without American strength. It seems the rest of the world is losing faith that the U.S. is a reliable partner, sober and taking others’ interests into account as well as its own. The U.S. is ceasing to be a country that its allies come to for help solving problems. On the contrary, America’s allies think the U.S. is the cause of their increasingly tenuous security."

The current Middle East refugee chaos caused by US policy is costing Europe huge amounts of money and social angst.

America's allies are hoping Donald Trump gets run outta town in 2020 elections.

The Bill for America First Is Coming Due

The Bill for America First Is Coming Due
Two of America’s closest treaty allies have announced military efforts explicitly designed to exclude the U.S.
JUL 27, 2019
Kori Schake

In this crowded and enervating week of news, it would have been easy to miss two small but consequential signs of the damage President Donald Trump and his team have done to America’s standing in the world. Two of America’s closest treaty allies have announced military efforts explicitly designed to exclude the United States. Australia is “seeking to cement its status as the security partner of choice for Pacific nations” by establishing an expeditionary training force. And the United Kingdom wants to create a multinational force to ensure freedom of navigation in the Strait of Hormuz.

It’s not a coincidence that allies are striking out on their own. Countries in the Pacific worry that the U.S. is forcing them to choose between their economic connections to China and their security relationships with the U.S. And while forcing this choice, the U.S. is also publicly calling the security guarantees into question—President Trump did so before arriving in Japan for the G20 summit. Meanwhile, European allies blame Trump-administration tactics for Iran’s decision to lash out at shipping in the Gulf. That’s why British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt stressed that the purpose of the multinational force was to dissociate European governments from U.S. policy toward Iran. Hunt explicitly said, “It will not be part of the U.S. maximum pressure policy on Iran because we remain committed to preserving the Iran nuclear agreement.”

As it happens, these efforts are consistent with Trump’s insistence that allies do more for themselves. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responded to news of the British initiative by saying, “The responsibility … falls to the United Kingdom to take care of their ships.”

The sad reality, however, is that America’s European allies cannot protect their ships without American help. Even the French Foreign Ministry had to admit that any European effort would “naturally have to be co-ordinated with the US on the operational level.” The International Institute for Strategic Studies estimates that it would cost European countries $110 billion to defend freedom of navigation. That is more than the annual defense budgets of Britain and France combined. It isn’t happening anytime soon, regardless of brave talk about “European strategic autonomy.”

Pacific nations, moreover, may not want Australian military training, for fear of antagonizing China when Australian security guarantees are not on offer, and wouldn’t suffice against a threat of China’s magnitude anyway.

An America Firster might not see much to dislike here. In the past 70 years, the U.S. has allowed more and more of the security burden to migrate from allies onto the U.S. Both of this week’s initiatives would relieve some pressure from U.S. forces as the U.S. tries to prioritize its efforts away from the Gulf to manage the China challenge. Both are undertaken by trusted American allies. They may prove to be the harbinger of a more balanced relationship among strong states of the West.

That would be a good outcome for the U.S.—but only if allies were choosing to do more consistent with American interests. They are not. The U.S. had a proposal for maritime patrols in the Gulf that its European allies declined to join. If the U.S. doesn’t act in concert with others, it will have less absolute power.
To take a financial example, European Union countries did not develop a so-called special-purpose vehicle for funding business with Iran to support American efforts—they are building means to circumvent dollar primacy because they object so strenuously to American policy on Iran. The SPV won’t succeed in the near term, but it shows that America’s European allies are so rattled by Trump’s Iran policy and so exasperated by the profligacy of U.S. sanctions that they’re looking to limit American financial power.

America’s friends are choosing to dissociate themselves, believing their interests are better served without American strength. It seems the rest of the world is losing faith that the U.S. is a reliable partner, sober and taking others’ interests into account as well as its own. The U.S. is ceasing to be a country that its allies come to for help solving problems. On the contrary, America’s allies think the U.S. is the cause of their increasingly tenuous security.

The Australian and British initiatives may not succeed. But the very fact of these proposals is proof that relations with close allies have frayed in systemically significant ways. This is what it looks like when the American-led international order comes to an end.

Good we need to bring all our troops home and quit being the police of this world. We need to mind our own business and not cram our values do wn the throats of those with differing values.
I'm on board with Trump's plan to have these countries be more self-reliant for their own defense. My enthusiasm for the plan is greatly diminished though because rather than saving us money, his defense budget sends our military spending through the roof. Saw a figure he other day which had it just over a 15% increase.
Good, let them do their own shit. Why do we need to be holding their hands all the time?
--------------------------- yep , its time to build Fortress America and has been my thinking for years and years . Even the FOUNDERS warned against Foreign Entanglements over 250 years ago .
Good, let them do their own shit. Why do we need to be holding their hands all the time?

Europe, and in particular Germany, have long been footing the bill for the continuing refugee crisis resulting from American foreign policy. Germany took in one million Syrian refugees. 5 million fled Syria. Canada took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. The US took none.

The costs of US foreign policy are not just found in military spending. Americans have been waging war and creating refugees the world over since WWII, and then walking away while others take in the victims and take care of them.

The Central American refugees being just the latest group to trust Americans and get screwed over.
------------------------------------ if all you say is true , well you 'canooks' aren't very smart DLady .
Good, let them do their own shit. Why do we need to be holding their hands all the time?

Europe, and in particular Germany, have long been footing the bill for the continuing refugee crisis resulting from American foreign policy. Germany took in one million Syrian refugees. 5 million fled Syria. Canada took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. The US took none.

The costs of US foreign policy are not just found in military spending. Americans have been waging war and creating refugees the world over since WWII, and then walking away while others take in the victims and take care of them.

The Central American refugees being just the latest group to trust Americans and get screwed over.

The United States took in over 22,000 refuges in 2018. Less than other years however we are in a debt crisis and continuing to sink. Maybe the UN needs to intervene in Syria.
Good, let them do their own shit. Why do we need to be holding their hands all the time?

Europe, and in particular Germany, have long been footing the bill for the continuing refugee crisis resulting from American foreign policy. Germany took in one million Syrian refugees. 5 million fled Syria. Canada took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. The US took none.

The costs of US foreign policy are not just found in military spending. Americans have been waging war and creating refugees the world over since WWII, and then walking away while others take in the victims and take care of them.

The Central American refugees being just the latest group to trust Americans and get screwed over.

The United States took in over 22,000 refuges in 2018. Less than other years however we are in a debt crisis and continuing to sink. Maybe the UN needs to intervene in Syria.

Canada took in 25,000 refugees last year and our population is 1/10 that of the USA, and our economy isn’t anywhere near the size of yours.

Your economy is roaring according to your President yet everyone in the world does more for the poor than you do.

Greedy, selfish and racist. America used to be better than this. .
Good. Our "allies" have not been good to us.
They've only died for you as the only country to have called on NATO support. The bastards.
What??? World War II is over-they only want our money now-they hate Americans.

He's talking about Afghanistan. Any of you guys ever hear of it? NATO's Article 5 has only been invoked once since 1949 - after the US was attacked on 9/11/2001. The countries CNM mentioned, and many others, provided troops and suffered casualties in support of the US.
For Bush-not us. We don't need them and I don't care for them.
Good. Our "allies" have not been good to us.
They've only died for you as the only country to have called on NATO support. The bastards.
What??? World War II is over-they only want our money now-they hate Americans.

He's talking about Afghanistan. Any of you guys ever hear of it? NATO's Article 5 has only been invoked once since 1949 - after the US was attacked on 9/11/2001. The countries CNM mentioned, and many others, provided troops and suffered casualties in support of the US.
For Bush-not us. We don't need them and I don't care for them.

Drop 'em a note.
Good, let them do their own shit. Why do we need to be holding their hands all the time?

Europe, and in particular Germany, have long been footing the bill for the continuing refugee crisis resulting from American foreign policy. Germany took in one million Syrian refugees. 5 million fled Syria. Canada took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. The US took none.

The costs of US foreign policy are not just found in military spending. Americans have been waging war and creating refugees the world over since WWII, and then walking away while others take in the victims and take care of them.

The Central American refugees being just the latest group to trust Americans and get screwed over.

The United States took in over 22,000 refuges in 2018. Less than other years however we are in a debt crisis and continuing to sink. Maybe the UN needs to intervene in Syria.

Canada took in 25,000 refugees last year and our population is 1/10 that of the USA, and our economy isn’t anywhere near the size of yours.

Your economy is roaring according to your President yet everyone in the world does more for the poor than you do.

Greedy, selfish and racist. America used to be better than this. .

You can thank your beloved Turdeau, he loves Muslims. He wants to import millions more too.

You don’t sound to happy about taking 25,000 Muslims. That wouldn’t be bigotry I detect, is it?
Canada took in 25,000 refugees last year and our population is 1/10 that of the USA, and our economy isn’t anywhere near the size of yours.

Your economy is roaring according to your President yet everyone in the world does more for the poor than you do.

Greedy, selfish and racist. America used to be better than this. .
Hey, dumb ass! America takes in millions of refugees! Educate your stupid biased self. Key facts about refugees to the U.S.
If you are saying Canada took in more Syrian refugees than say that specifically.
But you are really an uninformed jerk who gives Canada a bad name. NO ONE in the world does more for the poor than the United fuck you!
  • Charitable Giving (individuals) – The US is tied for first in the World Giving Index, a metric that takes into account what % of the population gives to charity, regularly helps strangers, or volunteers their time to help others. (Source)
  • Government Aid – The US Government also gives for more money for humanitarian and development assistance than any other country. (Source)

That makes you a bigot, uninformed and a big mouth.

What the US Really Leads the World In – Author Bill Pottle

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Good, let them do their own shit. Why do we need to be holding their hands all the time?

Europe, and in particular Germany, have long been footing the bill for the continuing refugee crisis resulting from American foreign policy. Germany took in one million Syrian refugees. 5 million fled Syria. Canada took in 25,000 Syrian refugees. The US took none.

The costs of US foreign policy are not just found in military spending. Americans have been waging war and creating refugees the world over since WWII, and then walking away while others take in the victims and take care of them.

The Central American refugees being just the latest group to trust Americans and get screwed over.

The United States took in over 22,000 refuges in 2018. Less than other years however we are in a debt crisis and continuing to sink. Maybe the UN needs to intervene in Syria.

Canada took in 25,000 refugees last year and our population is 1/10 that of the USA, and our economy isn’t anywhere near the size of yours.

Your economy is roaring according to your President yet everyone in the world does more for the poor than you do.

Greedy, selfish and racist. America used to be better than this. .

You can thank your beloved Turdeau, he loves Muslims. He wants to import millions more too.

You don’t sound to happy about taking 25,000 Muslims. That wouldn’t be bigotry I detect, is it?

You're projecting your own feelings into my post. I never mentioned Muslims, you did. It's really irrelevant what religion the refugees are. We have freedom of religion here too. The only guy we have shooting up churches here was a big fan of Donald Trump. The perp shot up a mosque right after Trump was elected. Fortunately he didn't have an AR15 so only 6 people died.

America has become quite the supporter of right wing terrorism under Donald Trump.

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