So, Never-Trumps, are you happy now with Biden?

Really? Trump cut illegal immigration by 80%. Joey Xi increased it by 300%. Trump had a plan to deal with the Chinese Wuhan Covid-19 by developing a vaccine first... Joey Xi has no plan except mandate to curb movement and employment of Americans. Then there's Afghanistan, the ultimate Joey Xi clusterfuck....

I suspect you’ve got it wrong. This might help.
When the "derrogatory manner" is based on the lie that Biden is any friend of the Chinese, it shows that the writer is an idiot. Nicknames like "Crooked Hillary" are lies that Donald Trump uses against his opponents to deflect from his own history of corruption, bribery, fraud, and deceit (Trump University, Trump Foundation).

The "Xiden" lie and the lie that Hunter Biden was paid $1.5 billion by the Chinese gives cover to Donald Trump's super secret Chinese bank account, and Xi's "gifts" to Ivanka Trump of dozens of personal trade marks in China. Hunter received approval for a $1.5 billion dollar hedge fund, but financial records show there was never more than $1.3 million in the fund, and 1/3 of that money was Hunter Biden's seed capital.

Donald Trump has a secret Chinese bank account and has taken more than $10 million out of it since being elected President. So of course he calls Joe Biden, who had a mortgage on his home when he left the White House "Xiden" and suggests that that Biden family have taken "billions out of China". Where are these "billions" Donnie?

Trumpian insults are based on facts, not lies. Donald really is dumb, hence Dumb Donald. He really is a con artist (Trump University, Trump Foundation), and he really does lie about everything, even stuff he doesn't have to lie about - like the size of inauguration crowds. He's vain, fat, and spray tans his face a luminescent shade of orange, to cover the sickly "old man" pallor caused by a diet of fast food, and a total lack of exercise. He's had multiple plastic surgeries, and has the worst comb over in history.

We don't have to lie slag Trumpy Bear. He provides us with all of the FACTUAL ammunition we need.
Oh my dear lady, have you stepped in it.

Have you not completely believed the Russiagate Hoax? Do you not still believe it?

Your friends on the right are just like you. They believe Joe is a Chicom agent and you believe Don is Putin’s puppet. Do you see how alike you duopoly partisans are?
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Biden will be gone by the end of 24, so I'm good. But thanks for asking. LOL
I read and cross referenced the report....I took me the better part of two days....You're full of shit.

Game set match. The decision is fantasy land rejected this nonsense.
Yeah I know, which is weird. Am I the only one here that see’s this? On nearly all the big issues of the day, Joe and Don are very similar.

Anyone who has bothered to study Joe’s long indistinguished career, knows Joe’s a right winger.

War, imperialism, war budget - Same
Tax code - Same
HC for all - Same
Protecting big corporations- Same
Spending - Same
Covid - Same
Limiting the rights of Americans - Same
Cop brutality and militarization - Same

Trump Booed By Trump Supporters at Trump Rally
Post in thread 'Trump Booed By Trump Supporters at Trump Rally'
Trump Booed By Trump Supporters at Trump Rally
Ok, they are not the same, but where do you fall on these issues?
For example.... Trump was initially for Iraq, but near the begining he opposed it and has since around the time it started in 2002.........Biden voted for it and until Trump made the deal, Biden never attempted to get us out........oh and Trump Crushed ISIS in like 2 weeks.......

just one example
Ok, they are not the same, but where do you fall on these issues?
For example.... Trump was initially for Iraq, but near the begining he opposed it and has since around the time it started in 2002.........Biden voted for it and until Trump made the deal, Biden never attempted to get us out........oh and Trump Crushed ISIS in like 2 weeks.......

just one example
Trump bombed Syria based on a lie. He murdered a general on a peace mission, based on lies. Nearly starting WWIII. He brings Bolton to NK talks resulting in a failed fiasco. What a dumb ass!
You didn't debunk diddly shit....Navarro's report is thoroughly end noted with only the most air tight of sources and numbers.....And you never read it.

Navarro's Report is made up shit backed up with spurious research.
Really? Trump cut illegal immigration by 80%. Joey Xi increased it by 300%. Trump had a plan to deal with the Chinese Wuhan Covid-19 by developing a vaccine first... Joey Xi has no plan except mandate to curb movement and employment of Americans. Then there's Afghanistan, the ultimate Joey Xi clusterfuck....

WTF is "united we stand"? A website so obscure that it's not even rated on any fact check website. Riiiiight!

Do they give a list of these "pop-up" fake news sites for you trolls to link to when you're assigned today's propaganda and lies to promote?
Really? Trump cut illegal immigration by 80%. Joey Xi increased it by 300%. Trump had a plan to deal with the Chinese Wuhan Covid-19 by developing a vaccine first... Joey Xi has no plan except mandate to curb movement and employment of Americans. Then there's Afghanistan, the ultimate Joey Xi clusterfuck....

If Trump cut illegal immigration by 80% why did he have to declare a National Emergency at the Southern Border in January of 2019, after illegal immigration spiked to its highest levels in 15 years, and then extend it in February of 2020?

And then look at who profits and who pays for all of this. The biggest donors to Trumps Inauguration Fund - the private prisons:

Happy with Good Old Joe in the White House is a relative term.

As opposed to having the Trumpybear back in office?

You bet. Absolutely, hands down whistling "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" out of my ass happy, that Trumpyberra is no long the President.
Happy with Good Old Joe in the White House is a relative term.

As opposed to having the Trumpybear back in office?

You bet. Absolutely, hands down whistling "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" out of my ass happy, that Trumpyberra is no long the President.
Amazing that this screamingly obvious concept completely escapes them.
Could you tell me how he’s different, other than being a D?

Are there troops in Afghanistan?

Did the COVID Vaccine get rollout in a professional manner?

Is the Infrasturce Bill looking good?

It might be perfect but at least Biden is going in the right direction...

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