So no plane hit the Pentagon?

conflicting testimony can be posted all day..the point is there has been no real investigation no testimony under cross examination full disclosure of evidence and evidenced disposed of illegally

Why oh why must we teach you guys over and over?
Director Tenet, Deputy Director McLaughlin, I would like to ask you to raise your right hands. Do you swear or affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

TENET: I do.


KEAN: Thank you very much. Your written remarks, I guess you'll simply summarize those in 10 minutes or so and so we can get into questions.

Transcript: Wednesday's 9/11 Commission Hearings (

Looks like testimony under oath to me.

When id-eots said "no testimony under oath" he meant, "sure some testimony has been given under oath!" Id-eots is not familiar with the meaning of words -- or with the notion of "truth" having any meaning.

Id-eots is, afterall, just a fucking Troofer lying idiot.
conflicting testimony can be posted all day..the point is there has been no real investigation no testimony under cross examination full disclosure of evidence and evidenced disposed of illegally

Why oh why must we teach you guys over and over?
Director Tenet, Deputy Director McLaughlin, I would like to ask you to raise your right hands. Do you swear or affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

TENET: I do.


KEAN: Thank you very much. Your written remarks, I guess you'll simply summarize those in 10 minutes or so and so we can get into questions.

Transcript: Wednesday's 9/11 Commission Hearings (

Looks like testimony under oath to me.

When id-eots said "no testimony under oath" he meant, "sure some testimony has been given under oath!" Id-eots is not familiar with the meaning of words -- or with the notion of "truth" having any meaning.

Id-eots is, afterall, just a fucking Troofer lying idiot.

Of course. I forgot.
So what is the problem Ollie? You can't stand anyone that questions authority and has doubts about the "official story? I find those that intentionally obscure truth to be loathsome even if it is in an effort to be "patriotic". You can question any number of eyewitnesses to any "crime" and come up with any number of descriptions. I remember clearly what I saw that morning on the TV and much of what comes to this MB is an obvious attempt to willfully deny what really happened. I don't have a scrap of evidense of any conspiracy but no one will EVER convince me that a 757 made the hole I saw in the first tv coverage. no one!...ever!
So what is the problem Ollie? You can't stand anyone that questions authority and has doubts about the "official story? I find those that intentionally obscure truth to be loathsome even if it is in an effort to be "patriotic". You can question any number of eyewitnesses to any "crime" and come up with any number of descriptions. I remember clearly what I saw that morning on the TV and much of what comes to this MB is an obvious attempt to willfully deny what really happened. I don't have a scrap of evidense of any conspiracy but no one will EVER convince me that a 757 made the hole I saw in the first tv coverage. no one!...ever!

You didn't see what I've seen then. which is fine.

And only a fool stops questioning their government.
don't pretend your spin is teaching anything little Ollie.. first there is no real cross examinaton of the testimony the commission was not independent as labeled and what troubles me is not the people selected to give sworn statements...but the ones selected not to...not that ones that agreed to give testimony under oath but those that would not.. not the evidence they will dysplay but the evidence they will not ...or is this concept to complicated for you
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the right wingtip is about even with the fireman on the right of the picture. the center of the aircraft is near the fireman pulling the hose. take notice of how large the damage is to the first floor and how high the "small hole" is up into the second floor of the building.


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don't pretend your spin is teaching anything little Ollie.. first there is no real cross examinaton of the testimony the commission was not independent as labeled and what troubles me is not the people selected to give sworn statements...but the ones selected not to...not that ones that agreed to give testimony under oath but those that would not.. not the evidence they will dysplay but the evidence they will not ...or is this concept to complicated for you

No, it does seem to be much too complicated for you though. I understand you believe the commission was told what to say, so were all those witnesses, even the ones that agreed with the commission but didn't testify. thousands of people who worked on the recovery. They were all in on it. Wake up fool. I hope that some day they do get a new investigation. And I hope I can still find you somewhere on the boards. That should be hilarious......
thousands of people who worked on the recovery. They were all in on it. Wake up fool. I hope that some day they do get a new investigation. And I hope I can still find you somewhere on the boards. That should be hilarious......

its a completely flawed belief that those working on the recovery needed to be in in anything ..and I would welcome a re-investigation under the terms stated by the family steering committee it is not so called truther that fear that or block attempts at a proper fact driven investigation
its a completely flawed belief that those working on the recovery needed to be in in anything ..and I would welcome a re-investigation under the terms stated by the family steering committee it is not so called truther that fear that or block attempts at a proper fact driven investigation

holy crap.... you are talking about "flawed beliefs"?!!! :lol:

thats fucking funny!!! :lol:
not as funny as the man that met Atta...and perhaps even some inside leads on the bomb laden van...nothing is funnier than that...agent fuzznuts

i've met lots of people. he was one of them. i dont care if you believe it or not. i probably wouldnt believe it if you claimed it either.

i dont have any "inside info" on the van and never said i did. i probably know more than you do but thats not difficult. :lol:
not as funny as the man that met Atta...and perhaps even some inside leads on the bomb laden van...nothing is funnier than that...agent fuzznuts

Did you ever find out where the plane, the pilot the co pilot and the passenger are! Are they alive and well? conducting normal lives.. how about the flight attendants? Can't wait to see them, to hear from them. Think they are lonely for us after all this time? :eusa_whistle:
Ok Sunniman and Huggy explain where flight 77 went? How all the aircraft debris body parts and material got in the pentagon. Don't expect any help from troofers like Eots cause he has no idea according to him. Terrel will just make the claim there was never a flight to begin with.

If that is your claim explain how all the crew and passengers died and parts and bodies appeared in the Pentagon.

Did they? Did you see it yourself? Sheeple.
Did they? Did you see it yourself? Sheeple.

no, the world trade center and the pentagon dont really exist. they are all a zionist plot and images are entirely manufactured in hollywood.

in fact, 9-11-2001 never happened. people were secretly gassed by airplanes with chemtrails and given hypnotic suggestions of the events that day. when they awakened they thought they skipped a day and it was now 9-12-2001 but in reality it was only 9/11 and they had dreamed an extra day had happened.
Is it possible that the plane was shot down just prior to hitting the Pentagon and a further errant missile hit the pentagon by mistake?
Just saying.

No military aircraft was launched in time to do that, further where is the debris field from the wrecked air craft shot down? You do know that no missile we have will vaporize a 757?
Is it possible that a Klingon war ship attacked the USA at the exact same time as the terrorist attacks were happening resulting in the vapourising of flight 77 and a hit on the Pentagon?

Just saying.
Did they? Did you see it yourself? Sheeple.

no, the world trade center and the pentagon dont really exist. they are all a zionist plot and images are entirely manufactured in hollywood.

in fact, 9-11-2001 never happened. people were secretly gassed by airplanes with chemtrails and given hypnotic suggestions of the events that day. when they awakened they thought they skipped a day and it was now 9-12-2001 but in reality it was only 9/11 and they had dreamed an extra day had happened.

You say a lot of silly things but ignore all the real interesting questions.

Like, how did NORAD allow a plane to hit the Pentagon?

Why did Chaney have control of NORAD on 9-11? They were performing "war games"? You buy that? Sucker.

I don't know about what hit the Pentagon, but I suspect you don't know any more than I do.
Did they? Did you see it yourself? Sheeple.

no, the world trade center and the pentagon dont really exist. they are all a zionist plot and images are entirely manufactured in hollywood.

in fact, 9-11-2001 never happened. people were secretly gassed by airplanes with chemtrails and given hypnotic suggestions of the events that day. when they awakened they thought they skipped a day and it was now 9-12-2001 but in reality it was only 9/11 and they had dreamed an extra day had happened.

And there wasn't one person in the Pentagon that wasn't a loyal Bushy. They got rid of any Democrats that worked at the Pentagon just like they appointed only wacko's to the Justice Department.

A bunch of Alberto Gonzales who recalled nothing.
don't pretend your spin is teaching anything little Ollie.. first there is no real cross examinaton of the testimony the commission was not independent as labeled and what troubles me is not the people selected to give sworn statements...but the ones selected not to...not that ones that agreed to give testimony under oath but those that would not.. not the evidence they will dysplay but the evidence they will not ...or is this concept to complicated for you

No, it does seem to be much too complicated for you though. I understand you believe the commission was told what to say, so were all those witnesses, even the ones that agreed with the commission but didn't testify. thousands of people who worked on the recovery. They were all in on it. Wake up fool. I hope that some day they do get a new investigation. And I hope I can still find you somewhere on the boards. That should be hilarious......

Typical strawman. Why do you jokers keep claiming there had to be "thousands" involved? Is that just another way of ignoring an honest examination? Make it look impossible so you don't have to consider the possibility?

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