So now a simple accusation true or false can jail Trump

False is more often than not a partisan opinion and nothing more.
See, this is where the Trumptard MAGAt cult is all fucked up in it's thinking.
Thinking that all opinions are equal in credibility and just because you happen to believe something that makes it "true" even if it is false.
False=factually untrue.
True=factually true.
BIG difference.
Basically everytime Trump opens his mouth or types on his phone a lie comes out.
That is plenty of reason for his speech to be censored.
Disagree all you like but they work for the Federal government, not Donald Trump. Simps like Giuliani and the cucks at the Capitol in Jan 6th might be willing to go to jail for Trump but I doubt any of them want to. 😄
You're far too emotional to be an effective debater, kid.
Pass the vomit bag, please.
Request denied

This is outright election interference. On his list of restrictions it says he can't make any false statements???
You just connected "election interference" to Trump not being allowed to lie.

Thank you. Well done.
Correct. Political figures inciting their minions to commit violence against their fellow citizens and adversaries... it's got to end.

And the judge's entirely righteous and correct admonitions and cautions directed against your Orange Piece-of-$hit aid in that effort.
Well moron, you and the rest of the lefturds here can now demand the arrest of Joe Biden for his lies told the people of Hawaii. Here’s where you whine that “that’s different just because”.
Correct....even the lawyers are being threatened. This is the beginning of something very bad... This is no longer about Trump...this is the rise of authoritarianism.
You're right. His lawyers are well aware that not abiding by the law, they could be in a lot of trouble. This scares trump's lawyers greatly.
You just connected "election interference" to Trump not being allowed to lie.

Thank you. Well done.
No he didn’t, but a no education, TDS suffering retard like you refuses to see reality. Joe Biden must now be arrested for lying to the people of Hawaii. Here’s the part where you make excuses for your Savior Xiden.
Case law proves you wrong. When indicted, you cannot deliberately lie to protect yourself. For instance, "the election was stolen" is settled; it was not. To use it as a defense is a lie. The George Constanz defense fails here.
Lying in public isn't against the law. Trump can't lie under oath, but he can say anything he wants in public, on print or in the media. If someone can prove his statements are lies and have injured them, they can file a civil suit for defamation.
Since you seem to say there was no resolution then it can be argued that it was not a lie.


Listen to THIS ^^^ stupid shit.

This is leftard logic for you.

If no one contested it, it can't be a lie.

Leftards are terminally stupid.

I rest my case. ^^^
How about a common or white collar accused criminal? You make too much of political implications. A common white collar criminal is all he is, whether you love him through some non-evaluative cult attachment or not. Your political angle will not save him from prosecution.
As far as I know judicial gag orders are specifically about matters directly relating to the trial. And they are usually only issued after the jury is selected so the participants on BOTH sides can't influence the jury. Prosecutors are notorious for holding press conferences to sway to jury pool.
Other than a number of states changing the voting rules in manners that violated their state constitutions. Judges can't order voting procedure changes, neither can governors. Only legislatures.
That’s a fair point however extremely far from calls that the election was rigged or stolen. I have yet to see any substantial evidence that the vote count wasn’t accurate. And most of the crazy claims that Trump and team tried out were complete fallacies

There is much more evidence showing trumps efforts to cheat the election than there is supporting the stolen election narrative. Hence what we are seeing in court right now

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