So now a simple accusation true or false can jail Trump

Anything is a lie to an accuser. The word no longer has any intrinsic meaning in the political arena. This is not a defensive Trump This is a sounding of the alarm of judicial activism that will have much further consequences.
Yes that is clearly it. Of course, you did not cite the actual agreement or anything, but I trust you implicitly.
So now you TDS Stalinist PIGS are the arbiters of TRUTH?????????
GTFOH!!!!! :eusa_hand:
surada is a kook like the rest of them.
Its okay for a Dimtard to claim they won the election 7 years ago and still yapping, even the same Dimtard to own and destroy Top Secret information on a private server.....but lets yap incessantly about Trump. Idiots.
It is hilarious in the extreme for them to think or even pretend that Trump's actions are unique among political contenders.
Really? How many riots have other losing candidates started in a violent attempt to over turn the election in which they lost? Which president refused to protect Congress when the Capitol Building was being assaulted? How many other presidents have badgered their VP into taking unconstitutional action during the counting of the States EC votes? Makes the Benedict Donald a very uniquely bad president. The worst in fact. Hands down the worst. Bigly ......
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Really? How many riots have other losing candidates started in an violent attempt to over turn the election in which they lost? Which president refused to protect Congress when the Capitol Building was being assaulted? How many other presidents have badgered their VP into taking unconstitutional action during the counting of the States EC votes? Makes the Benedict Donald a very uniquely bad president. The worst in fact. Hands down the worst. Bigly ......
We had two years worth of politically motivated riots backed by losing candidates. Were you in a coma?
Oh please stop with the childish whining and high ground shit.... If lying was a prosecutable offense in DC the entire capitol would be empty.
Lying in a court of law is an offense.

Yet this is your tread about lying or untruths and you do complain that he cannot lie as if it protected free speech.
The fact that you support those charges proves that you're just a sleazy worm with no scruples. Anyone who defends this legal war against Trump proves they are scum. Any idiot can see that there is no legal basis for any of these indictments.
You are free to go find some place you like better. We already have more than enough conspiracy theory nuts sewing discord. You wouldn't be missed.
Lying in a court of law is an offense.

Yet this is your tread about lying or untruths and you do complain that he cannot lie as if it protected free speech.
Oh Geezus.... Please tell me you didn't just say that.

What an utter joke of circumstantial ethics!

So why did your party pick such unqualified candidates?
It's not my party and this post is not a defense of Trump. You guys really need to stop thinking two dimensionally. The ends justifies the means philosophy is going to blow up in your face. The judiciary has allowed itself to be wielded by the other branch and will eventually destroy its own credibility. Once this begins there's no stopping it.
We had two years worth of politically motivated riots backed by losing candidates. Were you in a coma?
You mean the Floyd Murder Clip inspired violence? Jan 6th riot was inspired by the losing candidate in 2021, not the Floyd riots. Those were inspired by Floyd's murder, not a political canditdate.

The Neo GOP looks to equivocate everything with the crimes of The Don. They were never politically motivated riots until after Jan 6th. Why is it that everyone of the Trumpybears failures were caused by someone else?
You are free to go find some place you like better. We already have more than enough conspiracy theory nuts sewing discord. You wouldn't be missed.
We certainly have enough of you woke America hating nuts, thats for sure.
And just where will you relocate once Trump is elected?
You mean the Floyd Murder Clip inspired violence? Jan 6th riot was inspired by the losing candidate in 2021, not the Floyd riots. Those were inspired by Floyd's murder, not a political canditdate.

The Neo GOP looks to equivocate everything with the crimes of The Don. They were never politically motivated riots until after Jan 6th. Why is it that everyone of the Trumpybears failures were caused by someone else?
Trumpybear had no failures Looneytunes. The America flag and baby carriage crowd turned out to protest a stolen election, their right to do so. The FBI plants stirred up the wackos in the group and the cops let them in for the photo ops.
Anything is a lie to an accuser. The word no longer has any intrinsic meaning in the political arena. This is not a defense of Trump This is a sounding of the alarm on judicial activism that will have much more serious consequences. Are you really that stupid that you think that once this pattern is set it's only going to work in one direction?
there is no judicial activism....!!!


NO ONE WAS TOLD THEY COULD NOT LIE, as part of their bail terms justoffal....

someone told you something, that is simply not true.

the bail terms from the court, have been posted several them....pretty please!
there is no judicial activism....!!!


NO ONE WAS TOLD THEY COULD NOT LIE, as part of their bail terms justoffal....

someone told you something, that is simply not true.

the bail terms from the court, have been posted several them....pretty please!
I will read them again.
Trumpybear had no failures Looneytunes. The America flag and baby carriage crowd turned out to protest a stolen election, their right to do so. The FBI plants stirred up the wackos in the group and the cops let them in for the photo ops.
Trumpeberra was a failure from the start and blamed it on non-existent voters and the press. Notice how everything is always somebody else's fault? For his finale, and final "Hail Mary" failure, it was the FBI that did it. Good Faux story dude, a good lie.
This is outright election interference. On his list of restrictions it says he can't make any false statements??? WTF??? False is more often than not a partisan opinion and nothing more. So the moment he says something somebody doesn't like all they have to do is call it a lie and he's gone .... The left has let a genie out of the bottle that cannot be controlled or even harnessed.
This. It is the left's favorite weapon, i.e. criminalizing opinion.
there is no judicial activism....!!!


NO ONE WAS TOLD THEY COULD NOT LIE, as part of their bail terms justoffal....

someone told you something, that is simply not true.

the bail terms from the court, have been posted several them....pretty please!
Here ya go...
Here ya go...

That's not what people have been pointing out to you.

You said: "On his list of restrictions it says he can't make any false statements??? "

Some of us have been trying to get that section of his bond agreement pointed out and have provided links to assist.

Note there is a difference between list of restrictions and what he's charged with.


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