So Now The Lunatic Left Wants To Take Us Back To The 1690's. Falsely Accuse With No Clear Evidence.

They have worked very hard to create an environment in which all they have to do make accusations of racism and they can cause the entire country to cower in fear.

Incredibly effective. Americans from coast to coast are terrified of saying "the wrong thing" and immediately get defensive when they're accused.

We'll see how much longer this works.

This is exactly the method that Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge used in Cambodia. Accusations with no basis were launched against enemies. Doctors were accused of molesting children, with no names of victims, much less any evidence. The Communists then, like now, would whip the ignorant masses into a frenzy. They generally would murder their victims. The Mizzou thugs haven't moved to murder quite yet. But once the new black university president takes over, who knows.

This has all happened before - it is to our shame that we let this happen here.
If anyone thought all the discussion about racism was blown out of proportion, a quick read of this thread would show them that racism is still going strong.

You are a racist, that is for sure. But your racism is simply a tool to manipulate you hate filled retards. The goal is the destruction of the Constitutional republic. This is EXACTLY what the Khmer Rouge did in Cambodia. If we let you evil fucks win, you will slaughter millions - you always do.
another trick they might pull is head for some white persons house when they are at work and put a lawn sign there that reads something like "We Hate Black People". then take a pic and off to the web it goes. Most likely do it in a deep red southern state.

You get right on that Sparky. I suspect it will meet with the same kind of "success" your pointlessly vacuous threads do.
i wonder how many white people working for wal-mart are in fear for their lives considering all of the "Race Related" foods they sell there, one little slip of the tongue, and here comes Al Sharpton!

Dear The Mods ---

Can we have a new badge? We have enough positives. I want one for posts like this. It would say "Mindless".
They have worked very hard to create an environment in which all they have to do make accusations of racism and they can cause the entire country to cower in fear.

Incredibly effective. Americans from coast to coast are terrified of saying "the wrong thing" and immediately get defensive when they're accused.

We'll see how much longer this works.
Thats a dumb ass post you just made Mac. Blacks can complain all they want and at best a token white or 2 will be sacrificed. It would be more effective if Blacks concentrated on getting away from your corrupt white culture and outworking whites to over come racism. Once they do that then there is nothing that can stop them.
Until Johnson's Great society Black families had a HISTORY of hard work and staying together. fast forward 50 years and the dems have destroyed black families and their work ethic.
The hard working black men in this town would kick the shit out of you, RGS, for such a fuckingly stupid remark. Grow up.
i dont know i will ever get the courage to ask a black wal mart employee what isle the afro sheen is in.
It can go right to the top.
The whole Planned Parenthood witch hunt is a perfect example.
Until Johnson's Great society Black families had a HISTORY of hard work and staying together. fast forward 50 years and the dems have destroyed black families and their work ethic.
oh yeah the good old Jim Crow inferior Nigras drinking water were whites drink...going to the same restroom as real people...Lynchings ....those were the days eh....The end began when they let that Negro Jackie Robinson play our National pastime baseball like he was a white man or something.....disgraceful
"So Now The Lunatic Left Wants To Take Us Back To The 1690's. Falsely Accuse With No Clear Evidence."

This fails as a straw man fallacy, another ridiculous lie from the right.
The cry wolf routine is running old. Pity. Because racism does exist. But I fear none of us give a shit anymore because everything is becoming "racism theater".

I know I don't give jack shit anymore.
Until Johnson's Great society Black families had a HISTORY of hard work and staying together. fast forward 50 years and the dems have destroyed black families and their work ethic.
oh yeah the good old Jim Crow inferior Nigras drinking water were whites drink...going to the same restroom as real people...Lynchings ....those were the days eh....The end began when they let that Negro Jackie Robinson play our National pastime baseball like he was a white man or something.....disgraceful

Slam the Dems asshole. Jim Crow laws were all D's.

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