So Now The Lunatic Left Wants To Take Us Back To The 1690's. Falsely Accuse With No Clear Evidence.

after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.
We have assholes on this Board that would use those terms if they were allowed to do so without getting banned.

I hope you are not talking about me because I love the *******. It is a wonderful river in Africa.
Until Johnson's Great society Black families had a HISTORY of hard work and staying together. fast forward 50 years and the dems have destroyed black families and their work ethic.
oh yeah the good old Jim Crow inferior Nigras drinking water were whites drink...going to the same restroom as real people...Lynchings ....those were the days eh....The end began when they let that Negro Jackie Robinson play our National pastime baseball like he was a white man or something.....disgraceful
Civil Rights had NOTHING to do with the democrats decision to destroy black families and work ethic with affirmative action and special quotes. In fact with out the Republican party there would have been NO Civil Rights act. Remind me what Johnson said about blacks voting for democrats again?
after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.
We have assholes on this Board that would use those terms if they were allowed to do so without getting banned.
Really? Last I checked no one gets banned for saying the N word.
after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.
We have assholes on this Board that would use those terms if they were allowed to do so without getting banned.
Really? Last I checked no one gets banned for saying the N word.
Let's find it out. Go ahead and do it.
Civil Rights had NOTHING to do with the democrats decision to destroy black families and work ethic with affirmative action and special quotes. In fact with out the Republican party there would have been NO Civil Rights act. Remind me what Johnson said about blacks voting for democrats again?
Let's get you right before you get left.

(1) Democrats did not decide to choose to destroy black families: stop the filthy lie.

(2) The CRA would not have passed without GOP votes: so true. The votes were based on geography not party. Northerners and Westerners crushed the Southern opposition to human rights for blacks.

(3) Johnson's supposed comment is urban legend: no objective source exists for it.
They have worked very hard to create an environment in which all they have to do make accusations of racism and they can cause the entire country to cower in fear.

Incredibly effective. Americans from coast to coast are terrified of saying "the wrong thing" and immediately get defensive when they're accused.

We'll see how much longer this works.
Thats a dumb ass post you just made Mac. Blacks can complain all they want and at best a token white or 2 will be sacrificed. It would be more effective if Blacks concentrated on getting away from your corrupt white culture and outworking whites to over come racism. Once they do that then there is nothing that can stop them.
Until Johnson's Great society Black families had a HISTORY of hard work and staying together. fast forward 50 years and the dems have destroyed black families and their work ethic.
Worse, the Regressive Left knows this. They have to.

But the higher priorities are control and political advantage.
It wasn't. To swing an election you more than some poor *******.
So there was no "counter culture" intent on destroying bourgeois institutions like family and marriage?
The counter-culture wanted to destroy the Authoritarian Family, along with all forms of Authoritarianism, including the lack of no-fault divorce. It wasn't a secret plan to make lots of single-parent ****** families and thereby win more elections.

Your paranoia makes you see planning where there is none, just shit happening.
The kid is a proven liar. This is all fabricated.

The University of Missouri’s student body president, Payton Head, is apologizing “for scaring everybody with false KKK on campus rumor.”
It was a rough night on the campus of the University of Missouri, thanks in large part to Student Body President Payton Head. Head posted on Facebook earlier in the night that the KKK was confirmed on campus and that he was working with “the MUPD, the state trooper and the National Guard.”

Liar liar pants on fire liar. This is all bullshit from this little monster. Talk about a drama queen!

Missouri Student Body Prez Payton Head Linked to Obama - Breitbart


"Payton Head came from an upper middle class black family in Cook county. He was at the core of the debate over racial tensions. He wrote a long and vivid story on his experience at MU, and posted it on Facebook. Despite being only 7% of the student population, the student council is overwhelmingly (100%) black.

Who is Payton Head? Payton head was an honor student from Chicago. He is openly gay, and calls himself a Christian. He is well traveled. Within one year of his senior graduation from high school, Head traveled to Europe. He met Barack Obama. https://www.facebook…35072167&type=3 When he got to MU, he was selected to be a guide. Not many get that privilege. He resigned that position, and spent the summer in Chicago working on behalf of Rahm Emanuel. Here is a link showing Head being hugged by coldfish Emanuel. Although he is a third year student, Payton Head is still undeclared, but he is very interested in Social Justice. He has helped with seminars in Columbia, and elsewhere on Social Justice. In these seminars they talk about gender inequities, racial discrimination, same sex relationships, and the whole spectrum of sexual deviancy."
The counter-culture wanted to destroy the Authoritarian Family, along with all forms of Authoritarianism, including the lack of no-fault divorce. It wasn't a secret plan to make lots of single-parent ****** families and thereby win more elections.

Your paranoia makes you see planning where there is none, just shit happening.

So you have destroyed the black family, just as you intended. You are well on the way to destroying marriage, just as you intend.

This is all part of your strategy to destroy the Constitutional Republic.
I just came home from work a few minutes ago, and during my lunch break, a white hispanic called me a Honky, I was so offended that I asked my boss to resign in total humiliation.

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