So Now The Lunatic Left Wants To Take Us Back To The 1690's. Falsely Accuse With No Clear Evidence.

after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.
:argue::bang3: Has it come to this? Students with a far left agenda are now accusing fictitious white people of calling them the N word and drawing a swastika using someones feces, and here we are in an age where everyone has a cell phone/micro video camera.
In some ways, this is just like way back in the good old days of the 1690's when anyone could of accused anyone of being a witch, and that "Assumed Witch" was declared guilty before innocent. But back then no college president had to resign every time someone was accused of being a witch. And also back in the 1690's, no one was sentenced to jail for being too rich and using a cloth to wipe their secret witches brew recipes clean.

Who knows, maybe next year these leftist college students will start making door signs that read "Blacks Only", glue them to a restroom door and then force the owner of the establishment to quit his/her job!:hitit:

Did they equate 'impeachment' with 'conviction' back then?
after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.

They arrested some white cracker today for making TERRORISTIC THREATS.

Suspect arrested in connection to recent threats at Mizzou
after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.
after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.
We have assholes on this Board that would use those terms if they were allowed to do so without getting banned.
after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.
oh wait, i was wrong, Harry Reid called "U no who" a certain slang word in Dog Whistle language a long time ago,,and didnt Biden also use a black slang word?
but its ok for Chrissy Tingles to call most white people "Crackers or Lilly White People" ,, right?
after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.

hey, didnt chevy chase once say the N word on live TV? hmm, did anyone get fired after that?
When I heard about the shit swastika it instantly reminded me of Tawana Brawley.

It's obviously not the work of a NAZI.
after 7 years of Obama, do we have any video evidence of a white person yelling "I hate &^%$#@!ers" ??? or "----Fill In The Blank----------is a dumb azz ,,,,fill in the blank again!"...nope, all we have is far lefties claiming that white people are calling black people the N word all the time.

I guess you never went to a right wing rally, or heard of people like Ted Nugent.
There was no evidence of jack shit.

Blacks lying their mother fucking faces off again AND GETTING THEIR WAY.
I'd say lets punish them but the liberals have already done that, they will graduate with a worthless degree and a home mortgage worth of high interest rate student loans.
Now I don't know about you guys but my white folks busted their butts to build the west.
are they gonna pull this chit for the next year only because they see Hillary 10 points behind Carson?

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