So Now The Word "Field" May Be Considered Racist?,Then What?,The Word "Cotton"?

Do you live somewhere where that is actually going on to your face? That shit only happens in the media because drama sells, it's tabloid level journalism, and it is only a factor in your everyday life if you pay attention to this slow news day bullshit.
The fact that freedom of expression is not important to you does not mean it should not be important to me.

This is very important to me.
It's so important to me that I do not pay attention to the "PC police" or the people who bitch about Them and say what I want. You are desperate for someone to take up a position contrary to yours but my position is that both sides of the debate are beneath my notice except as a target of scorn. With a world filled with strife and misery all of it is a tempest in a teacup.

So if you say anything about any right group, you are "bitching about them." That's your standard? You will shut up or you're bitching? Somehow I don't think that's actually your standard...
I say what I want and if it pisses you off I don't give a fuck, this board is for that sort of thing. As to your comment and the one that follows: please edit for clarity before I tell you why you're full of shit.

Wow, settle down there guy, no reason to explode in anger like that. It's just an internet discussion. I'm going to let you calm down a little. No worries, all is good. Just relax before you pop a vein.
I always get tense when dealing with people who are dense.
The fact that freedom of expression is not important to you does not mean it should not be important to me.

This is very important to me.
It's so important to me that I do not pay attention to the "PC police" or the people who bitch about Them and say what I want. You are desperate for someone to take up a position contrary to yours but my position is that both sides of the debate are beneath my notice except as a target of scorn. With a world filled with strife and misery all of it is a tempest in a teacup.

So if you say anything about any right group, you are "bitching about them." That's your standard? You will shut up or you're bitching? Somehow I don't think that's actually your standard...
I say what I want and if it pisses you off I don't give a fuck, this board is for that sort of thing. As to your comment and the one that follows: please edit for clarity before I tell you why you're full of shit.

Wow, settle down there guy, no reason to explode in anger like that. It's just an internet discussion. I'm going to let you calm down a little. No worries, all is good. Just relax before you pop a vein.
I always get tense when dealing with people who are dense.

That must happen to you a lot then
I wonder how Biden feels about the word "Field" being brought up as racist. Being he still thinks people are picking cotton in the fields and being chained down time to time.
:cow::eusa_hand: God, by the time we reach 2017, there will be a new Dictionary out there with the 50,000 words we are not allowed to Say or "Think About". Field? we can't say the word field in the presence of Black Americans? Does that mean we will soon be banned from saying "Cotton"?,yah, how will that work out when we go shopping for clothing and need to speak to a salesman?:confused-84:
Does this mean that Kentucky Fried Chicken will eventually be forced to change their name? Maybe "Kentucky Fried Redskins"? how about that name?
By 2017, going to our local grocers will become a new fear. Can't say Watermelon, ask about the Redskin potatoes, Black Peas, White Sauce, Spanish Rice and **** and Span! Or we will be deemed racists and asked to leave!!!!:crybaby::cranky::uhh:

Will there ever be any real truth??



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The Dukes of Hazzard was pulled from tv because of a Confderate flag on a car roof so ay good by to ever seeing the movie Field of Dreams again.
This is one of my favorites, it's an oldie but a goodie:

A county commissioners' meeting this week over traffic tickets turned into a tense discussion over race when one commissioner said the county's collections office was like a certain astronomical phenomenon.

"It sounds like Central Collections has become a black hole," Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said during the Monday meeting.

One black official demanded an apology, and Commissioner John Wiley Price, who also is black, said that type of language is unacceptable.

Texas County Official Sees Race in Term 'Black Hole' | Fox News

i wonder when al sharpton will go to his huge crowd of 42 people in Harlem and make a speech about "We Much Need To Do Something Bout Dem Black Hoes In Space".

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