So on Monday Letitia James can grab Trump's empire? (Poll)

So what are Trump's options?

  • Tell Letitia James if she drops the charges he'll drop out of the 2024 race?

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Let Letitia James take all of his property?

    Votes: 15 30.6%
  • Appeal to every court he can think of to get a delay until his appeals are processed?

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Keep cool knowing that when he is elected president he can settle the score...

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Other options...see my post.

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
Likely it goes to the Supreme Court before any assets are seized. They would most likely overturn the decision, this whole situation is the democrats targeting of their political opponent.
That is not what The SCOTUS would rule.....if it even made it that far.
The SCOTUS' only questions would be "were Trump's business practices illegal under NY statutes?"
"How much money in illegal gains did Trump rake in over the years he engaged in fraudulent business practices?"
Ok, guilty.
Pay that amount plus applicable interest and penalties.
So see, there wouldn't even be any reason for The SCOTUS to entertain this case since there is nothing inherently unconstitutional about charging criminals for breaking laws.
^^ WEF/Democrat shills gaslighting Americans and covering up for the WEF takeover.

America, these WEF shills are leading you straight to hell. By the time you realize it, it will be to late to turn back.

Democrats are bringing the WEF great reset to your community.

Democrats = WEF
That is not what The SCOTUS would rule.....if it even made it that far.
The SCOTUS' only questions would be "were Trump's business practices illegal under NY statutes?"
"How much money in illegal gains did Trump rake in over the years he engaged in fraudulent business practices?"
Ok, guilty.
Pay that amount plus applicable interest and penalties.
So see, there wouldn't even be any reason for The SCOTUS to entertain this case since there is nothing inherently unconstitutional about charging criminals for breaking laws.
I’m sure there would be many more questions than that. Maybe:

1) what got you started on this investigation?

2) were there any complaints? Who came to you with a complaint that triggered this investigation?

3) did trumps financial disclosure documents indeed have the statement about “these are just estimates, you must do your own appraisals”?

4) did the banks indeed do their own appraisals? If not, did they agree to accept trumps own esitismtes? (Indicating they were willing to accept the risk by not doing their own due dillegence)

5) did trump default on any of the loans?

6) were the banks satisfied with the business relationship?

7) did the banks indeed testify that they had no problem with the arrangement with trump!

8) who was harmed in the transactions?

9) did trump misrepresent his value to the state? Or only to the banks? Did he defraud the state out of tax money or did he just get better loan rates from privately owned banks?

10) how does the state of New York reconcile him as having “ill gotten gains”? What exactly are the laws against inflating your net worth to a privately owned bank, if they are willing to accept the risk?

11) is that practice common among lenders/clients in big business/real estate world? If so, why was trump singled out?

12). Where did the judge determine his “ill gotten gains” was estimated at 454 million dollars? What is the breakdown and where are the numbers to support that?

13) where does the state get the power to sue on behalf of privately owned banks, who never requested a lawsuit?

14) if that 454 million is recompense for damages? Damages to who? Does the state get to keep that money? If so, why? If the state is recouping money that trump defrauded from banks, shouldn’t that money go back to the banks? Where does the state of New York get the power to sue on behalf of a private entity and then keep the money resulting from that lawsuit

15) letitia James campaigned on suing trump, gleefully, and then when elected, with no complaints, James began investigsting the trump organization, as she promised in her campaign, and came up with a crime that no victim, and no complainant. Is this not considered a state harassment of one of its citizens?

I mean, there are a lot of questions they could ask, those are some, off the top of my head.
I think there’s a special place in hell for those who prop him up, like Bannon etc. Without him and others like him, Trump would never have made it to the WH.
To the man and including anyone who would vote for him, They are traitors to this country and we can never forget that fact, There has never ever been a threat to our democracy Like MAGA in our history. Everyone who supports this traitor is a traitor themselves.
Progs are pushing for minimum wages of fast-food workers to be much higher for a reason. We have sold out our manufacturing to overseas interests.
and this has what to do with my post. or the thread, you can't just hijack a thread.
^^ WEF/Democrat shills gaslighting Americans and covering up for the WEF takeover.

America, these WEF shills are leading you straight to hell. By the time you realize it, it will be to late to turn back.

Democrats are bringing the WEF great reset to your community.

Democrats = WEF
anyone have a clue.
The logic is democrats always want to "soak the rich". Now they have "Lawfare" to get the cash.
Just saying that the "rich" in NY should be aware that Letitia can find any number on any business form worth a $500,000,000 hit.

If I had big money in NY I'd get it out before Letitia takes aim.
This is stupid. just a waste of bandwidth.
In my life I have never seen a person put up to so much scrutiny as Trump. Most people would wilt. Including near all Progs. Men like this are made for a nation in disarray. And he offers real unity if given a chance. Some right-wing judges does not end Democratic agendas. The Prog party controls near everything and is getting people killed and poorer.
Not one ounce of fact , just bozo talk from fellow bozos' You supporting the pussy grabber is a hoot. I mean really he takes so much drugs that he shits in his pants all day long and is to scummy to clean up after himself. < Thew man is like standing next to open sewer. That's your God and hero. The man is a total loser. In every aspect of being.
Not one ounce of fact , just bozo talk from fellow bozos' You supporting the pussy grabber is a hoot. I mean really he takes so much drugs that he shits in his pants all day long and is to scummy to clean up after himself. < Thew man is like standing next to open sewer. That's your God and hero. The man is a total loser. In every aspect of being.
^^^ Gaslight to maximum
The only thing your chart shows is that the entirety of the 'Justice System' is corrupt, which it is.

Democrats, usually gravitate to government jobs because they can't make it in the private sector.

So we have a government full of freedom hating democrats in all levels of our governments. What could possibly go wrong?

How about the persecution of anyone who questions elections? Questions experimental drugs? Questions force 'vaccinations' ect. Many things are becoming illegal. Many things that used to be taken for granted are now illegal under our coup.

And now magically we have measels outbreaks which is due to democrat policies, but will be blamed on those 'pesky anti vaxxers!'

The problem is democrats. Theyre sick. They have a mental defect.
If you have something to contribute , go ahead but why come with this nonsense. Its garbage. No correlation to facts just more bozo talk , probably from other bozos' but you look like a idiot doing this shit.
If you have something to contribute , go ahead but why come with this nonsense. Its garbage. No correlation to facts just more bozo talk , probably from other bozos' but you look like a idiot doing this shit.
Why not say what he said specifically and why it's wrong?

Democrats = WEF
I mean, there are a lot of questions they could ask, those are some, off the top of my head.
Remember, lower courts are finders of fact.
Appeals courts are finders of law.

Trump's lawyers did what they needed to do in the lower court. They got the facts on record. The testimony of the counter-parties is the most important evidence for Trump because it completely undermines any allegation of fraud.

It was obvious at the outset that Trump was not going to receive due process because the judge found him "guilty" before the "trial" even started.

From here out it's about the application of law. The appellate division does have the option to act as a fact finder in this case, because it was tried as a case of equity. Normally they won't do that, the factual record from the lower court is considered correct and complete. So they could develop some of the factual record, but it would be unusual and I don't see any need for that.

The appellate court will ask "was the defendant afforded due process, and was the law properly applied?" That is where the case collapses.

If it ever gets to the USSC, the questions will be:
1. Was Trump's 5th Amendment right to due process violated, and
2. Does the penalty violate the 8th Amendment prohibition on excessive fines.

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