So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

i said it back in 2026, I saw Trump's behavior on the campaign trail & I knew this guy was one vile son of a bitch & I was right. The Republican Party led by people like McConnell, Graham, McCarthy, & his enablers like Susan Collins are partly to blame & they own what is going on for not standing up to that degenerate lowlife. We could have been rid of that motherfu*ker during his first impeachment but THEY let him walk knowing he was guilty.

THEY assisted Trump & are partly responsible for all of it.
You bet. This has never been about him. Look to world history: It's about those who enable him. In this case, it was an opportunistic and deceitful media and a Congress chock full o' craven politicians.

None of this is a surprise from the politicians and pundits. Not one bit of it. The one thing I don't yet understand fully, though, is this inexplicable adoration the rank and file have for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen. It's as if they felt they needed a literal savior, as if they were tired of waiting for Jesus to return.

But him? A childish, pugilistic, ignorant, needy, hair sprayed, makeup-caked New York City metrosexual billionaire? They've been THAT desperate? I just can't figure that out.
Are we going to see him in handcuffs? And will they show his mugshot?

Personally I don’t think there’s anything good that can come from this, just a more fractured country.
Trump and his minions need to learn how the rule of law works. No one is above the law.
You can run if you want to, but that doesn't change the fact that the main stream is laughing at you guys as hard as the right is....

And that's just a few....
Some Chinaman I never heard of is starting a third party? Darn, I thought that was what Trump was supposed to do!
I think the brains thing is debatable.
You don't think, fucktard. You react to the stimuli they stimulate you with; That's the way you're conditioned.

I actually got a a liberal education like was available in America for 220 years or so.

And my GPA was 4.1 IN advanced college classes. Oh the bullshit was coming as I was exiting, oh yeah. I had to take "Humanities"

and you learn about artists and styles and all that, and that's cool, but then they injected some SJW shit into it, and it's like I got 4 credits to go..and I gotta deal with this.

That's when they uh..changed the "B.C.=Before Christ" and "A.D.=Anno Domini" (Year of our Lord)

To "B.C.E." and "A.C.E" to deny the existence of Jesus.

I looked back at my black friend that I actually went to jr. high with and everything when that crap was going on and he just facepalmed.

That shit was ridiculous!

I actually pointed a gun at his brother one day, and before that, a dumbass friend of mine slapped his nice dumbass next older

brother for no reason at all.

Oh, his middle brother was a tank and rolled up to bully us one day, yeah, that didn't go the way they planned.

It was his friends, he wasn't the real perpetrator behind that. I ran 'em off, though. Fuck that!

But this was the youngest brother in the class with me, and I knew him. They were good people, he became a preacher.

There was also the albino asshole from back in the day. What a dick!
You bet. This has never been about him. Look to world history: It's about those who enable him. In this case, it was an opportunistic and deceitful media and a Congress chock full o' craven politicians.

None of this is a surprise from the politicians and pundits. Not one bit of it. The one thing I don't yet understand fully, though, is this inexplicable adoration the rank and file have for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen. It's as if they felt they needed a literal savior, as if they were tired of waiting for Jesus to return.

But him? A childish, pugilistic, ignorant, needy, hair sprayed, makeup-caked New York City metrosexual billionaire? They've been THAT desperate? I just can't figure that out.
They've been brainwashed by Fox News & trash like Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz & the rest of them who need someone to blame for THEIR craven support for Trump knowing full well what he is. So it's a "witch hunt" with the Federal beuracracy such as DOJ & the FBI being used as whipping boys to cover for what they've done. Which was to cover for Trump's behaviour including his coup attempt & all the rest of it. Their oaths of office mean nothing.
So, let me see if I have this straight....You get to label people.

Everyone labels people

You get to decide who is or not credible.

I decide for me, you decide for you.

And you expect to be taken seriously?

I do not expect anything except for the party members to remain loyal to their tribes. When Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and you all would still vote for him, he knew what he was talking about. And the other side is no different.
The jury meets Monday? I had thought i read it was Tuesday...?
Me too.....
They've been brainwashed by Fox News & trash like Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz & the rest of them who need someone to blame for THEIR craven support for Trump knowing full well what he is. So it's a "witch hunt" with the Federal beuracracy such as DOJ & the FBI being used as whipping boys to cover for what they've done. Which was to cover for Trump's behaviour including his coup attempt & all the rest of it. Their oaths of office mean nothing.
man, you guys are drama queens…
You bet. This has never been about him. Look to world history: It's about those who enable him. In this case, it was an opportunistic and deceitful media and a Congress chock full o' craven politicians.

None of this is a surprise from the politicians and pundits. Not one bit of it. The one thing I don't yet understand fully, though, is this inexplicable adoration the rank and file have for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen. It's as if they felt they needed a literal savior, as if they were tired of waiting for Jesus to return.

But him? A childish, pugilistic, ignorant, needy, hair sprayed, makeup-caked New York City metrosexual billionaire? They've been THAT desperate? I just can't figure that out.
Oh! So it's all about us, huh, shitbag? Well, it just so happens we know how to solve the problem you're having with that.

Buh-Bye now!

Die with your stupid TDS you fucking wastoid of what once was a human, k?
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Are we going to see him in handcuffs? And will they show his mugshot?

Personally I don’t think there’s anything good that can come from this, just a more fractured country.
Yeah. Holding people accountable for the crimes they commit. Unbelievable. What is this country coming to?
Trump’s not going to be ‘arrested.’

This is just another Trump lie, more Trump demagoguery, and another attempt by Trump to foment rightwing violence and lawlessness.
Well, why did that New York DA say he was going to be arrested, then?? Tuesday?
Everyone labels people

I decide for me, you decide for you.

I do not expect anything except for the party members to remain loyal to their tribes. When Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and you all would still vote for him, he knew what he was talking about. And the other side is no different.
Yep, politicians say all sorts of crazy things….Rhetoric is really an art form…But, it’s when you take that nonsense seriously, it makes me wonder how easily you are duped…

I wish we could go back to a time when politicians could actually debate their differences with ideas, instead of pejorative labels….But, that would take reasonable people, not the name calling, label attaching hacks we see today….

Reason, and sound argument used to be a thing that made us great, are any of us striving for that today? Sadly no…

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