So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

That would be unconstitutional....
I don't know? Could be? I would have to research it more, and read its actual law before saying for certain and find out if it has been tested in the courts yet, with a previous case!!!!
Yeah, anything is possible. He's completely panicked, so he can do anything now. From what I've seen, the jury meets on Monday and will probably be voting at that time. Nothing he says can be believed, as usual. So it could happen, or not. All he cares about his what he's always cared about: Saving his sorry, needy, weak ass.

There could be several other -- and far more significant -- shoes to drop over the next few months. Who knows. But regardless of what happens, this cancer that has invaded this country has not receded. That's more important. They adore this man. They actually love him. This obvious con man, of all people. This society remains diseased.
i said it back in 2026, I saw Trump's behavior on the campaign trail & I knew this guy was one vile son of a bitch & I was right. The Republican Party led by people like McConnell, Graham, McCarthy, & his enablers like Susan Collins are partly to blame & they own what is going on for not standing up to that degenerate lowlife. We could have been rid of that motherfu*ker during his first impeachment but THEY let him walk knowing he was guilty.

THEY assisted Trump & are partly responsible for all of it.
I am betting Civil War starts Tuesday and leftists start being found dead A LOT.

And I'm OK with that. They fucking deserve it.

We may even see what happens when people that have jobs and are productive in society riot with guns.

There won't be no lootin'; But there will be some killin'. I suggest nobody make a move unless they are well-protected.

And well-protected they most certainly can be.
You left out the part where that favor was to open a criminal investigation into a political opponent running for office against him.
Why would there be a criminal investigation, brah?
Because somebody took 10 million dollars plus from China while they were VP?

Yeah, that's probably criminal, and traitorous.

Oh! You were referring the Ukraine thing; Hokay. :D

Why did Hunter Biden have anything to do with Ukrainian business and government while his dad was VP, hmm, fucktard?

Exactly what is the legitimacy of that happening at all?

I'm all ears. :D
You're threats are noted, sweetie. You got popcorn for when your lackeys do your dirty work & you're on your ass?
Have you participated directly in any of the events that we would recognize? Or is this just another internet toughie coming out of the closet....?
You're threats are noted, sweetie. You got popcorn for when your lackeys do your dirty work & you're on your ass?
I got bullets and other things is what I got.
Money, brains, ability. What do you got?

"The narrative"? Okay, good luck with that. :rolleyes-41:
Are we going to see him in handcuffs? And will they show his mugshot?

Personally I don’t think there’s anything good that can come from this, just a more fractured country.
There is one thread of the DOJ and law enforcement’s integrity left. And it looks like they are ready to pull on it hard. Once that happens…
Can you define "Trump follower"? Is that someone who voted for him? Or is it as simple as trying to debate against those in here who would attack anyone who didn't vote for a democrat?

A Trump follower is someone that will attack anyone that did not vote for Trump. Look in the mirror and you will see one. They are no different at all from those that will attack anyone that did not vote for a Dem.

One coin, two sides.

I think they do...And they are getting tired of it....This constant, never ending agenda to jail Trump, while Biden floats through selling us to the Chinese...

I do agree that many are tiring of it, but the same people are also tiring of hearing you all claim all the things you do about Biden.

Again, there is literally no difference between the two when it comes to this.
There is one thread of the DOJ and law enforcement’s integrity left. And it looks like they are ready to pull on it hard. Once that happens…

Once that happens you all will post some very harsh words on the internet.

And not a damn thing else.
Yeah, anything is possible. He's completely panicked, so he can do anything now. From what I've seen, the jury meets on Monday and will probably be voting at that time. Nothing he says can be believed, as usual. So it could happen, or not. All he cares about his what he's always cared about: Saving his sorry, needy, weak ass.

There could be several other -- and far more significant -- shoes to drop over the next few months. Who knows. But regardless of what happens, this cancer that has invaded this country has not receded. That's more important. They adore this man. They actually love him. This obvious con man, of all people. This society remains diseased.
The jury meets Monday? I had thought i read it was Tuesday...?
A Trump follower is someone that will attack anyone that did not vote for Trump. Look in the mirror and you will see one. They are no different at all from those that will attack anyone that did not vote for a Dem.

One coin, two sides.

I do agree that many are tiring of it, but the same people are also tiring of hearing you all claim all the things you do about Biden.

Again, there is literally no difference between the two when it comes to this.
More baloney from you.
A Trump follower is someone that will attack anyone that did not vote for Trump. Look in the mirror and you will see one. They are no different at all from those that will attack anyone that did not vote for a Dem.

One coin, two sides.

I do agree that many are tiring of it, but the same people are also tiring of hearing you all claim all the things you do about Biden.

Again, there is literally no difference between the two when it comes to this.
So, let me see if I have this straight....You get to label people. You get to decide who is or not credible. And, by all means let's keep the heat on Trump, while you say NOTHING about the Biden crime family....And you expect to be taken seriously?
The jury meets Monday? I had thought i read it was Tuesday...?
Ahhhhh, I was WRONG!

The grand jury, which meets in secret in a lower Manhattan office building, only gathers to hear testimony during three-hour afternoon sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
i said it back in 2026, I saw Trump's behavior on the campaign trail & I knew this guy was one vile son of a bitch & I was right. The Republican Party led by people like McConnell, Graham, McCarthy, & his enablers like Susan Collins are partly to blame & they own what is going on for not standing up to that degenerate lowlife. We could have been rid of that motherfu*ker during his first impeachment but THEY let him walk knowing he was guilty.

THEY assisted Trump & are partly responsible for all of it.

Guilty? Guilty of what? He asked a leader of another country for a favor. Let me explain what happened for you politically ignorant:

Trump asked Zelenskyy to look into the very suspicious Biden family dealings. The commies had to find a way to shut Zelenskyy up. So they created this phony impeachment deal with no impeachable offense. Zelenskyy didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the House and the President since his money came from both places, so he didn't say a word about anything; he didn't take sides.
It worked out in Zelenskyy's favor too. Now he has over 100 billion of US tax dollars for his war and dragged us into a potential nuclear war down the road as prepayment for keeping his mouth shut.
Are we going to see him in handcuffs? And will they show his mugshot?

Personally I don’t think there’s anything good that can come from this, just a more fractured country.
No, Trump won't be handcuffed. He won't be perp walked. I'm betting the booking will take place at Trump's house and no one will even know about it until after the fact. The Secret Service won't allow any of that for security reasons.

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