So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

So in other words you just made your claim up. The fact is a percentage of people DO get their news from social media. That's why the commies sent their FBI to censor the story. That 16% would have changed the entire election and Trump would be our President today. That would mean reasonable fuel prices, no war in Ukraine, no inflation, stock market stable and growing, Afghanistan withdrawal handled the right way and 13 dead Americans would still be alive, a secured southern border. We lost all that thanks to the government controlling what was allowed on social media, and now everybody is suffering, especially those of us that depended on our IRA.
Ray, I'm pretty certain I've mentioned this before....but the banning of the article for a couple of days on social media,

gave the NY POST their biggest read article in their history, the 7 days following release!!!!

The term used for it, is called The Streisand Effect....

Something you try to ban, brings attention to it. It does the absolute opposite of what a ban is suppose to do.

More people read the Hunter lap top story, than would have if it were not held back.

Trump still lost.
The owner of the laptop is the shop owner
Not the data on it
Uhm. Huh? Hunter’s laptop which was denied by many leftists as disinformation was recently verified by Hunter, himself, as real.
That a laptop exists...yes. What was on it? Nope
I don’t think it was Rudy who dropped Hunter’s laptop off at a computer repairman’s place
No one said Roody dropped it off at that shop stupid. How do you get shit like that wrong and claim to know anything.
. Rudy didn’t insert the images of Hunter with whores or smiling crack on that laptop. And Rudy clearly isn’t responsible in any way for whatever emails etc Hunter had stored in his laptop.
The repair creep gave it to Roody . Roody or one of his people could have put all sorts of shit on it
It is certainly a witch hunt meant to imprison a political opponent so the other side can't win the election.

However, I speculate they'll get away with it. Paying off a prostitute isn't a cause that would bring me out rioting for Trump. There may be a sort of resounding silence.
I bet they don't, and it fucks them all kinds of up.
Ray, I'm pretty certain I've mentioned this before....but the banning of the article for a couple of days on social media,

gave the NY POST their biggest read article in their history, the 7 days following release!!!!

The term used for it, is called The Streisand Effect....

Something you try to ban, brings attention to it. It does the absolute opposite of what a ban is suppose to do.

More people read the Hunter lap top story, than would have if it were not held back.

Trump still lost.

Then how does 16% of people not know about it? Like I said, the uninformed voters do get their news exclusively from social media. The only time the MSM brought it up was to air that it was Russian disinformation, and that was scant at best. The only news outlet to continuously talk about it was Fox news and in spite of their high ratings, it still leaves a lot of people in the dark.
I buy a computer you are selling. When I go through it I find child porn images and movies on it. Are you telling me I have no right to report it to authorities because the images and movies are your property?
This was not a laptop sale jackass.

And that laptop went through at least one other person's hands before the FBI got it
How much would you bet?
And where do you go for such a wager?
Just curious.


?????? Poster Gator is "unhinged"??
Didja see what he was responding to?
Here, this is a clue for the cluefull:
To channel waltky: "Granny sez dat's right"

Deal with it, leftist shitbird.
This was not a laptop sale jackass.

And that laptop went through at least one other person's hands before the FBI got it

It doesn't matter. Taking possession is taking possession whether through sale or willingly surrendering that device (per contract) to the shop itself. They own it and can do whatever they like with it.
Not the data on it

That a laptop exists...yes. What was on it? Nope

No one said Roody dropped it off at that shop stupid. How do you get shit like that wrong and claim to know anything.

The repair creep gave it to Roody . Roody or one of his people could have put all sorts of shit on it
Yeah, of Hunter in action, riiiight. :rolleyes-41:
Uhm. Huh? Hunter’s laptop which was denied by many leftists as disinformation was recently verified by Hunter, himself, as real.

I don’t think it was Rudy who dropped Hunter’s laptop off at a computer repairman’s place. Rudy didn’t insert the images of Hunter with whores or smiling crack on that laptop. And Rudy clearly isn’t responsible in any way for whatever emails etc Hunter had stored in his laptop.

So, try again. Maybe consider using reality this time.
We, wouldn't know that....we would have needed a clean copy of the lap top, to be able to determine if it was the real deal at the time, and the NY POST refused to give it to the main stream media, at the time.....

So what the heck? Do you really think any of us would have voted for trump due to Biden's son, without verification and fact checking....hell no! We already had gone through the facts in Trump's first impeachment scandal, with Trump trying to use his presidency and military arms as hostage, against his Political opponent and opponent's son in the Ukraine......

I'm just saying the polling on this, isn't correct, imo....I have no doubt, what so ever, that it ain't true!
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We, wouldn't know that....we would have needed a clean copy of the lap top, to be able to determine if it was the real deal at the time, and the NY POST refused to give it to the main stream media, at the time.....

So what the heck? Do you really think any of us would have voted for trump due to Biden's son, without verification and fact checking....hell no! We already had gone through the facts in Trump's first impeachment scandal, with Trump trying to use his presidency against his opponent and opponent's son in the Ukraine......

I'm just saying the polling on this, isn't correct, imo....I have no doubt, what so ever, that it ain't true!

That's your opinion and not a fact.

According to the Pew Research Center, 20% of adults in the United States in 2018 said they get their news from social media "often," compared to 16% who said they often get news from print newspapers, 26% who often get it from the radio, 33% who often get it from news websites, and 49% who often get it from TV.

You see, now that's fact.
I have the codes saved on my phone to my play money account. Lets say I take it to the shop and forget about it. Are you saying the shop could empty my savings account legally?
No, but the shop could simply sell the phone to another shop.

Which is kinda what happened.
Hey, I hope they do it, because I wanna see Chuck Todd get what he has coming.

And a few others, too. Like uh..Stephen Colbert.
It doesn't matter. Taking possession is taking possession whether through sale or willingly surrendering that device (per contract) to the shop itself. They own it and can do whatever they like with it.
Wrong as always Jackass Ray

I have the codes saved on my phone to my play money account. Lets say I take it to the shop and forget about it. Are you saying the shop could empty my savings account legally?

If included in evidence of Criminal activities, the Police would freeze you accounts. Shop owner couldn’t and wouldn't have passwirds unless crackhead was stupid enough to store that too?
I buy a computer you are selling. When I go through it I find child porn images and movies on it. Are you telling me I have no right to report it to authorities because the images and movies are your property?
You have every right to report and give it, to authorities. But your computer guy Never claimed he saw porn on the laptop when he called in authorities, nor after wards.

You have no right to give anyone, outside of authorities personal, private, intellectual, financial and other documents of a customer's to someone like Rudy Giuliani....

In Delaware you have to petition the courts for abandoned personal property like documents, or financial stuff, etc for you to take possession, I believe it was something like 5 years before that kind of process is over.

Just think about it computer tech guy should be able to use your personal stuff on your computer... SS numbers, bank accts, business deals, medical history, nude pictures even.... And exploit them, just because you for got about picking up your laptop being repaired or didn't pay for repairs....

The guy may own the physical laptop after a certain amount of time, so he could sell it as a used laptop to recoup fees..but not to exploit your personal, private documents and information stored in it of another person's.... That's just plain wrong....
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