So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

Wrong as always Jackass Ray

You provided an opinion piece moron. As for copyright, that needs to be filed and paid for in order to receive protection. Trust me, I wrote songs that I had copyrighted and it takes much more for copyright protection than just putting it on tape or video.
You provided an opinion piece moron. As for copyright, that needs to be filed and paid for in order to receive protection. Trust me, I wrote songs that I had copyrighted and it takes much more for copyright protection than just putting it on tape or video.
And you provided what?

YOUR fucking stupid opinion?
You have every right to report and give it, to authorities. But your computer guy Never claimed he saw porn on the laptop when he called in authorities, nor after wards.

You have no right to give anyone, outside of authorities personal, private, intellectual, financial and other documents of a customer's to someone like Rudy Giuliani....

In Delaware you have to petition the courts for abandoned personal property like documents, or financial stuff, etc for you to take possession, I believe it was something like 5 years before that kind of process is over.

Just think about it computer tech guy should be able to use your personal stuff on your computer... SS numbers, bank accts, business deals, medical history, nude pictures even.... And exploit them, just because you for got about picking up your laptop being repaired or didn't pay for repairs....

The guy may own the physical laptop after a certain amount of time, so he could sell it as a used laptop to recoup fees..but not to exploit your personal, private documents and information stored in it of another person's.... That's just plain wrong....

He didn't exploit anything, he reported the laptop to the FBI because he found questionable material on it that may be in violation of laws.
He didn't exploit anything, he reported the laptop to the FBI because he found questionable material on it that may be in violation of laws.
He initially claimed it was his concern over Burisma related emails...

That story changed after Roody got hold of a copy of the hard drive
He initially claimed it was his concern over Burisma related emails...

That story changed after Roody got hold of a copy of the hard drive

I've seen John Paul Mac interviewed several times on Fox news. His story has been consistent every time.
I've seen John Paul Mac interviewed several times on Fox news. His story has been consistent every time.
His initial claim was that he was concerned about some bullshit or other having to do with Burisma.

He has said numerous things since in numerous interviews
I don't know why he would turn himself in when the charges are complete bullshit. No crime or violation of NYC laws. This Soros paid moron is acting out of his jurisdiction.

Because law dumbass.

He either turns himself in or gets arrested.
Maybe if a few 1000 people showed up dressed in all black, hurled Molotov Cocktails at the courthouse and DA, and yell Anti American slurs at NYC mayor, would they back off then?

The people dressed in all Black hurling firebombs and destroying cities are not real. They are just an idea.
I agree. I wish they had not done this, truly a waste of time and makes the other cases harder.
Seems to me that the Insurrection sedition and the Georgia calls are the most important. The Georgia calls were clearly election tampering.

Oh well. I remind myself that as important as this is, the larger problem remains: The alternate universe, this separate organism that operates under its own reality and its own rules. The buffoon is just a symptom. Our society is diseased.
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Whatever happens will not only make Trump stronger and more determined, but will solidify his voter base. It will also be a good opportunity to see who the snakes are among us.
The thing is... Micheal Coen went to jail for this specific crime...

Trump was named by the Trump DOJ as been 'Individual No.1' and think Trump could be in serious trouble here...
Hush money. So what action had the most impact on our last presidential election, the hush money (if true and unproven so far) or the fact the FBI silenced social media about Hunter and his laptop? Here, I'll give you a hint:

Whataboutism is a not a defence in court...

Did Trump pay hush money to a porn actress as a company expense?

If he did there is a number crimes committed...

Do you agree that Trump should convicted if he commits a crime?
Trump supporters are now claiming that since Bill Clinton paid off Paula Jones in 1998 without getting indicted Trump should not be indicted either. The two situations are COMPLETELY different: 1) Clinton didn’t falsify business records to cover the payments up. TRUMP DID. 2) Clinton was NOT running for office, trying to keep information from the public, likely breaking campaign finance laws. TRUMP WAS. 3) We have absolutely no idea what Trump’s charges even are yet. Anyone saying Trump is innocent or guilty right now are fools. We don’t even know what he is charged with nor what all the evidence is
His initial claim was that he was concerned about some bullshit or other having to do with Burisma.

He has said numerous things since in numerous interviews

This thread is not about Hunter, it clearly states it is about Trump...

There is no legal defence in US by using Whataboutism...

Hunter could be guilty of triple murder and doesn't make Trump innocent of anything..

LEt's not fall into Ray's trap..
The Stalinist demented LEFT are going too far in this two-tiered "justice" system if they indicte Trump for the SAME SHIT that OTHERS have gotten no such treatment for.
It's not even in the jurisdiction of NY to presue such "charges"!!!!!
The demented LEFT are OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!

Oh, you have a meme.

You should find a clue.

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