So Rand Paul is against the Civil Rights Act?

But you cannot judge if the reasons for hiring were discriminatory or not, or of there are more people of a certain race than other races working at the business is based on discriminatory reasons.

It's official: you're a feeble minded moron. :evil:

Hey, Take it easy on the kid. He's been civil to you. If you want to start some shit, do it with me bro. ~BH
Not only that, I was talking with CARB! I wasn't even talking to him!
Like I said before, I don't agree with that. However, Some dirt bag that never takes a shower serving food? Nah, Sorry bro. I am sure if you owned a place of business you would hire the dirt bag in order to feel good right? Oh, You also can't force someone to put a sign on their place of business. This isn't nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia like the madman Obama and his group of windy city gangstars wish it was. Also, They will make up some other excuse to not hire them like certain racist business owners already do. ;) ~BH

There are no laws on the books that you have to hire such a person.

You can't force someone to put a sign on their business? And you bring up Germany? Despite the fact it was Hitler's racism is what was his motivation behind the Holocaust? :cuckoo:

Like I said, these places don't want to serve African Americans, their customers have a right to know. So that way, if they don't approve of such practices, they know enough to take their business elsewhere.

And at point, if they're trying to skirt the law, then you have the people who are licensing them to make sure they're following the law.
Businesses are licensed. They are not private clubs. Businesses 'open to the public' should never be allowed be allowed to use prejudice of the sort you mention. I think there are state laws against such.

Oh I'm sure there are. I'm just saying it would be a good way for the racists to learn that hate is not a appealing business factor.

you give too much credit to racists.

Businesses that ask for permission to vend/sell/trade with the public are not private businesses in the same way a private club is.
* I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
o Acceptance Speech as the 1964 Republican Presidential candidate. Variants and derivatives of this that are often quoted include:
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue.
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
Moderation in the protection of liberty is no virtue; extremism in the defense of freedom is no vice.
Barry Goldwater - Wikiquote

I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed" before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents' "interests," I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can.
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It's official: you're a feeble minded moron. :evil:

Hey, Take it easy on the kid. He's been civil to you. If you want to start some shit, do it with me bro. ~BH

eat shit and die you fucking nitwit

I hope you get a brain tumor and choke on your own puke yuh fucking maggot. Remember Private Ryan where they were fighting house to house? Remember when The German slowly sunk that knife into that guys chest as he begged "no, no, no wait, no"?

Do yuh worm? That's me on top of you looking into your eyes as you fade away from this world. Mother Fucker! ~BH
Of course, that is nothing but your spin...

OK, I'll give it a shot.

Some things are all are nothing. Where is the "line". Naturally, a restaurant can refuse someone if they are dressed inappropriately. No shoes, no shirt, no service.

But to completely block doing business with an entire race of people simply because of the color of their skin? Where does it stop? No grocery store will sell them food? No business will hire them? No Private university will accept them as students? No doctor will treat them?

Seriously, does this have to be "explained"?

Come on there has to be some bleeding heart, moonbat, liberals that own businesses.
Like I said before, I don't agree with that. However, Some dirt bag that never takes a shower serving food? Nah, Sorry bro. I am sure if you owned a place of business you would hire the dirt bag in order to feel good right? Oh, You also can't force someone to put a sign on their place of business. This isn't nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia like the madman Obama and his group of windy city gangstars wish it was. Also, They will make up some other excuse to not hire them like certain racist business owners already do. ;) ~BH

There are no laws on the books that you have to hire such a person.

You can't force someone to put a sign on their business? And you bring up Germany? Despite the fact it was Hitler's racism is what was his motivation behind the Holocaust? :cuckoo:

Like I said, these places don't want to serve African Americans, their customers have a right to know. So that way, if they don't approve of such practices, they know enough to take their business elsewhere.

And at point, if they're trying to skirt the law, then you have the people who are licensing them to make sure they're following the law.

You can think that it's all about not serving African Americans, but I don't bro. I think it's about the rights of private business owners. ~BH
You can think that it's all about not serving African Americans, but I don't bro. I think it's about the rights of private business owners. ~BH

Anyone has a right to be a racist business owner in this country. However, I have a right as a non-racist customer to take my business elsewhere.
I'd be more worried if Rand has the same obsession with Ayn Rand and religion over civil liberties as his father.
Or maybe he chose "Rand" because he doesn't like "Randy" as a nickname and/or because he doesn't like being addressed by his full name by those he knows.

I like being called "Paul," not "Paulie/Pauly." Something about being addressed by the latter annoys me for some reason.

No.. it's pretty clear it's an Ayn Rand thing.

One of my best friends is paulette... i've called her paulie since junior high school ;)
You can think that it's all about not serving African Americans, but I don't bro. I think it's about the rights of private business owners. ~BH

Anyone has a right to be a racist business owner in this country. However, I have a right as a non-racist customer to take my business elsewhere.

bert, You guys are changing the arguement from deciding who you can hire to who you will serve? Am I missing something, and if so, where did he mention anything about who you can serve? Maybe I missed it, but if so where? ~BH
Ummm, Excuse me Dick, I mean Rich? You left out where he said that we should get those on welfare back to work. What is wrong with that? ~BH

then Dean would have to go to work.....

You can think that it's all about not serving African Americans, but I don't bro. I think it's about the rights of private business owners. ~BH

Anyone has a right to be a racist business owner in this country. However, I have a right as a non-racist customer to take my business elsewhere.

bert, You guys are changing the arguement from deciding who you can hire to who you will serve? Am I missing something, and if so, where did he mention anything about who you can serve? Maybe I missed it, but if so where? ~BH

so if a corporation hired only white people that would be okay with you?

it's my understanding, btw, that anti-discrimination laws only apply to businesses with 50 or more people. i might be wrong about that, but that's my recollection.
Anyone has a right to be a racist business owner in this country. However, I have a right as a non-racist customer to take my business elsewhere.

bert, You guys are changing the arguement from deciding who you can hire to who you will serve? Am I missing something, and if so, where did he mention anything about who you can serve? Maybe I missed it, but if so where? ~BH

so if a corporation hired only white people that would be okay with you?

In today's America, a company doesn't need a law dictating that. Not only would the average consumer most likely avoid doing business there, but the company would earn a horrible reputation and so would any other companies who do business with them.

It would be suicide.
Anyone has a right to be a racist business owner in this country. However, I have a right as a non-racist customer to take my business elsewhere.

bert, You guys are changing the arguement from deciding who you can hire to who you will serve? Am I missing something, and if so, where did he mention anything about who you can serve? Maybe I missed it, but if so where? ~BH

so if a corporation hired only white people that would be okay with you?

Idiot, Go back and read pages upon pages of this debate. Can you do that, yuh think? I have mentioned 10 fucking times that I don't support not hiring anyone based on race, but that I believe that his views are more about preventing private business owners from having to hire filthy, dirty, smelly scumbags to serve their food. These guys are anti-Government. They could give a fuck what race they are, it's about private business and their right to hire who they want. If some racist business owner doesn't like the race of an applicant, they will make something else up any way J, and that's wrong, but what the fuck are idiots gonna do about it or how are they gonna prove it? Jeesuz, Show me where I have made a habit here to be a racist? I have never been that kind of guy. I just recongize Pauls intentions, and I don't believe that they are rooted in racism. ~BH

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