So recap on Obama? (Democrats Only, Please)

I was disappointed in the Democrats.

We know who Republicans vote for. Remember when Grimes was asked if she voted for Obama in the last election but wouldn't answer? Why would she do that? I suspect it was because she already told someone and didn't want to get caught in a lie. So who did she vote for? We know she was a Hillary supporter. And after Hillary lost to Obama, being a southern woman and being from Kentucky, I bet she voted for Romney. Of course she couldn't count on Obama voters if they knew that.

And all those other Democrats who ran away from Obama? Where did they think they were going to get support from? And did they think Obama voters would vote for them after they ran from Obama? And the saddest part is that Obama really has a terrific record.

I was talking to a Republican here and asked if they thought Republicans should support equal pay for equal work. She said it was be political suicide not to and besides Republicans would never vote against equal pay for equal work. So I asked her, who do you think voted against it? She said she didn't know, but not Republicans. She had already made up her mind that the GOP would never do that. Nothing can change her mind. I suspect she wouldn't even believe the actual voting records.

Yeah Grimes voted for Romney but was afraid Cheney would use his Magic Halliburton Key to retrieve her Diebold ballot and out her as a liar.

If people thought you were a fucking moron
Good post, Cowboy Ted, and exactly true. President Obama's failure had to do with skin color, and the Tea Party was entirely dedicated to lynching him. The Democrats weren't much better, either, as they decided to stand for nothing at all rather than to stand with him.

President Obama did an amazing job steering the economy out of the ditch, despite obsessive obstruction from the Tea Party/Republican Party.

He accomplished much more than most have in that position, but the hatred is racial and will not soon disappear.

Yes Obama's blackness was on the ballot in 2014, all fucking retards know that

I don't know if it was Obama's race was what they had against him... But they was a definate bigtory or bias against him which was unseen in other politicians(including Hillary)...

Look at the next post, 'Marxist', Are they fu*cking kidding...
Good post, Cowboy Ted, and exactly true. President Obama's failure had to do with skin color, and the Tea Party was entirely dedicated to lynching him. The Democrats weren't much better, either, as they decided to stand for nothing at all rather than to stand with him.

President Obama did an amazing job steering the economy out of the ditch, despite obsessive obstruction from the Tea Party/Republican Party.

He accomplished much more than most have in that position, but the hatred is racial and will not soon disappear.

proof? Or maybe its his failed leftist/marxist policies?

Can you tell us some of Obama marxist polices which most offended you?
Good post, Cowboy Ted, and exactly true. President Obama's failure had to do with skin color, and the Tea Party was entirely dedicated to lynching him. The Democrats weren't much better, either, as they decided to stand for nothing at all rather than to stand with him.

President Obama did an amazing job steering the economy out of the ditch, despite obsessive obstruction from the Tea Party/Republican Party.

He accomplished much more than most have in that position, but the hatred is racial and will not soon disappear.

proof? Or maybe its his failed leftist/marxist policies?

Can you tell us some of Obama marxist polices which most offended you?

ObamaCare and school lunches come to mind
Good post, Cowboy Ted, and exactly true. President Obama's failure had to do with skin color, and the Tea Party was entirely dedicated to lynching him. The Democrats weren't much better, either, as they decided to stand for nothing at all rather than to stand with him.

President Obama did an amazing job steering the economy out of the ditch, despite obsessive obstruction from the Tea Party/Republican Party.

He accomplished much more than most have in that position, but the hatred is racial and will not soon disappear.

proof? Or maybe its his failed leftist/marxist policies?

What policies are you talking about? Oh, and don't forget to give us some good GOP polices. Been waiting a loooooooooooooooong time to hear about one of those.
Good post, Cowboy Ted, and exactly true. President Obama's failure had to do with skin color, and the Tea Party was entirely dedicated to lynching him. The Democrats weren't much better, either, as they decided to stand for nothing at all rather than to stand with him.

President Obama did an amazing job steering the economy out of the ditch, despite obsessive obstruction from the Tea Party/Republican Party.

He accomplished much more than most have in that position, but the hatred is racial and will not soon disappear.

proof? Or maybe its his failed leftist/marxist policies?

Can you tell us some of Obama marxist polices which most offended you?

ObamaCare and school lunches come to mind

School lunches? Are you insane? You thinks feeding children proves Marxism????

CrusaderFrank tells us what's wrong with America. And here is a picture to prove it.
Good post, Cowboy Ted, and exactly true. President Obama's failure had to do with skin color, and the Tea Party was entirely dedicated to lynching him. The Democrats weren't much better, either, as they decided to stand for nothing at all rather than to stand with him.

President Obama did an amazing job steering the economy out of the ditch, despite obsessive obstruction from the Tea Party/Republican Party.

He accomplished much more than most have in that position, but the hatred is racial and will not soon disappear.

proof? Or maybe its his failed leftist/marxist policies?

Can you tell us some of Obama marxist polices which most offended you?

ObamaCare and school lunches come to mind
So lets be clear:
Marxism posits that the struggle between social classes, specifically between the bourgeoisie (capitalists) and proletariat (workers), defines the development of the state, and that the bourgeoisie seek to gain control of the factors of production from the "masses." Only by eliminating the control of the economy from private ownership will the economy continue to grow.

Can you tell me how Obamacare which is a regulatory and individual mandate to buy private insurance can be described as eliminating private control. You might have got somewhere with Universal Healthcare but since no one is forced to use government services, you seem to have lost here...

School Lunches

So lets start, Obama didn't expand the program by much (only 115,000, about 50 million kids in school)... What it did is set the lowest standards on food given to children.
So no government expansion and a reasonable safety standard against America's number one child health concern. Parents entrust their kids with schools everyday, putting in basic minimum standards is just logical.
You can call that a lot of things but Marxism it is not by definition.
But lads this is the kind of crap we let them away with:
"proof? Or maybe its his failed leftist/marxist policies?" - ninja007

He just blurted that out. He will say that 20 times a day... Yes he is wrong and I don't see him coming back to apologise quickly...
This continues to other medias like pundit on TV and Radio, blurting out this stuff day in day out...

There used to be a time when saying something wrong on national airwaves or in public was a cause for embarrassment. You would have the manners to apologise to the offended party and the people you told. Where is that gone...

I am glad to say in Europe if you lie or tell untruths in Media to a large part you apologise for integrity of the news source you represent or you got your ass sued. News stations used to pride themselves on the integrity of not only there own personal but also the guests (pundit in US) have one to speak. Things like right of reply to accusers, evidence based accusations, investigative reporting has now been left asise for pundits, opinion pieces and shock jocks.

This is abuse of the 1st amendment, they might as well take out the constitution and piss on it... They hide behind the right it gives but doesn't take into the responsibility that needs to be exercised when using that right.

ninja007 you are a joke, what you say in future is a joke until you apologise to Obama, his administration and the people of the this board. You used the 1st amendment as toilet paper when wilfully accusing the President of the United States of America of something he didn't do. You are not alone but I would say to people of decency that truth should be our ultimate goal.
and by the way one said that throwing trillions of borrowed dollars into the economy will not help it over 6 years...I mean, rocket science.....borrow from peter to give Paul a job results in a job created...but debt to paul.

It was believed by those on the right...and economists who think alike, that it would be quicker and cheaper to let the free market correct itself. guys just don't get it.
Since Obama has been president:
Unemployment is down 4%

Economy Growth rate:

Have been brought back to normal levels

Obama says he has cut national deficit in half

Brought in Gay Marraige (popular)
Supported Gun background checks (highly popular)
Improved Health insurance (polls on that undecided)
And a range of other good things...

He did not get US involved in Wars they couldn't get out of.

So he couldn't sort out Iraq and Afganisatan like he liked but, Hey! he didn't break them either...

So all things considered (he had the most hostile and uncompromising opposition which though of nothing of using scourced earth policies to achieve there ends)

He has to be definately considered better than the GOP last option as President and all in all a better financial record than Regan.

So how did the Democrats stick there heads up their asses and not defend him. The Democrats were the disgrace here, they slept on the wheel here... They owned nearly every postion and opposed a party of degenerates who kept repeating the same lies after lies.

And to top it all off, we had Kansas, the experiment of Tea Party polices going drastically wrong... So wrong they voted Democrat. Kansas voted Democrat becuase they saw Tea Party polices up close and personal and Democrats are lucky to hold New Hampshire to a carpet bagger.

Americans actively vorted against their own interest. Where is the Democrat holding the line, the GOP knucledraggers know that. The Democrats sold out a president not doing a bad job (who's approval rate has stayed stable for the last 9 months) because GOP told them he wasn't that good.

Look at them today, We just got duped... F*cksake we probably still believe there is a liberal bias in the media even though there is plenty of proof to the opposite... Time to man up.

Dems only so you can propagandize like usual?????

Obama is a loser. Everyone knows it.

How many econ threads do those of us who understand how the economy works have to do to explain economic REALITY on the ground?
and by the way one said that throwing trillions of borrowed dollars into the economy will not help it over 6 years...I mean, rocket science.....borrow from peter to give Paul a job results in a job created...but debt to paul.

It was believed by those on the right...and economists who think alike, that it would be quicker and cheaper to let the free market correct itself. guys just don't get it.
Again another lie, Bush borrowed the money for the stimulus, Bush bailed out the banks...
I was a no brainer at the time. A deep depression or inject cash now situation... The Bush tax cuts during the war overheated the economy(econ 101 stuff)...
Milton Friedman and Regonomics (from past history) had said that the bank bailout would be needed.
What Would Milton Friedman Say - Forbes

This mess was created in a GOP lead era, nice try but you are complaining that Obama did clean up a GOP mess quick enough while the GOP tied one hand behind his back...

Get serious...
Since Obama has been president:
Unemployment is down 4%

Economy Growth rate:

Have been brought back to normal levels

Obama says he has cut national deficit in half

Brought in Gay Marraige (popular)
Supported Gun background checks (highly popular)
Improved Health insurance (polls on that undecided)
And a range of other good things...

He did not get US involved in Wars they couldn't get out of.

So he couldn't sort out Iraq and Afganisatan like he liked but, Hey! he didn't break them either...

So all things considered (he had the most hostile and uncompromising opposition which though of nothing of using scourced earth policies to achieve there ends)

He has to be definately considered better than the GOP last option as President and all in all a better financial record than Regan.

So how did the Democrats stick there heads up their asses and not defend him. The Democrats were the disgrace here, they slept on the wheel here... They owned nearly every postion and opposed a party of degenerates who kept repeating the same lies after lies.

And to top it all off, we had Kansas, the experiment of Tea Party polices going drastically wrong... So wrong they voted Democrat. Kansas voted Democrat becuase they saw Tea Party polices up close and personal and Democrats are lucky to hold New Hampshire to a carpet bagger.

Americans actively vorted against their own interest. Where is the Democrat holding the line, the GOP knucledraggers know that. The Democrats sold out a president not doing a bad job (who's approval rate has stayed stable for the last 9 months) because GOP told them he wasn't that good.

Look at them today, We just got duped... F*cksake we probably still believe there is a liberal bias in the media even though there is plenty of proof to the opposite... Time to man up.

Dems only so you can propagandize like usual?????

Obama is a loser. Everyone knows it.

How many econ threads do those of us who understand how the economy works have to do to explain economic REALITY on the ground?

Well I have a the equivalent of a BA in Macroeconomics...

You have answered using propaganda, no Facts as usual..

Lets use ' Obama is a loser', keep repeating that, There is enough dumb guys to believe you...

Again no facts...
You should get a job as a SPINMASTER.
I was thinking he's more like a playing card in a kid's bicycle spokes.

How many one line answers of no substance...

You are now embarrassing yourself...

I said Bush overheated the economy and shown why, backed by a GOP House... You have no answers but just garbage...

I have shown you Obama's work which is positive and you got nothing...

I have used evidence .

No matter how many people are here you are not using evidence, the facts on the few should alway beat the propaganda of the many.

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
Joseph Goebbels
Good post, Cowboy Ted, and exactly true. President Obama's failure had to do with skin color, and the Tea Party was entirely dedicated to lynching him. The Democrats weren't much better, either, as they decided to stand for nothing at all rather than to stand with him.

President Obama did an amazing job steering the economy out of the ditch, despite obsessive obstruction from the Tea Party/Republican Party.

He accomplished much more than most have in that position, but the hatred is racial and will not soon disappear.

proof? Or maybe its his failed leftist/marxist policies?

Can you tell us some of Obama marxist polices which most offended you?

ObamaCare and school lunches come to mind
Mandating (a Republican idea) that citizens purchase private health insurance is "Marxist"? More like a corporate giveaway. School lunches, Marxist? Oooh, I can just feel the tyranny of having to pay my hard earned money so some poor kid can eat! If you feed them they will reproduce.

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