So recap on Obama? (Democrats Only, Please)

I have used evidence .
Like nobody went over this before? You use propaganda and one of the tools is to accuse your opponent of what you're doing. You pick and choose and ignore what you don't like. From your link:

Whom would Milton have blamed?

For the bubble itself? Probably nobody. From the tulip mania in Holland more than three-and-a-half centuries ago to the dot-com bubble here in the U.S. less than a decade ago, wildly irrational behavior sometimes develops in markets. “Friedman never argued that markets are perfect,” says Jay, “only that over the long run they’re a lot more efficient than any other method of allocating resources.” Sometimes, Milton recognized, bubbles just happen.

Whatever the origin of the bubble, however, Milton would have blamed Congress for making it much, much worse. Congress, after all, created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , institutions that spent tens of billions of dollars on subprime instruments. “Congress told Fannie and Freddie to subsidize bad loans for the purposes of social engineering,” says Jay. “It was terrible, just terrible.”
I have used evidence .
Like nobody went over this before? You use propaganda and one of the tools is to accuse your opponent of what you're doing. You pick and choose and ignore what you don't like. From your link:

Whom would Milton have blamed?

For the bubble itself? Probably nobody. From the tulip mania in Holland more than three-and-a-half centuries ago to the dot-com bubble here in the U.S. less than a decade ago, wildly irrational behavior sometimes develops in markets. “Friedman never argued that markets are perfect,” says Jay, “only that over the long run they’re a lot more efficient than any other method of allocating resources.” Sometimes, Milton recognized, bubbles just happen.

Whatever the origin of the bubble, however, Milton would have blamed Congress for making it much, much worse. Congress, after all, created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac , institutions that spent tens of billions of dollars on subprime instruments. “Congress told Fannie and Freddie to subsidize bad loans for the purposes of social engineering,” says Jay. “It was terrible, just terrible.”

There was many things that led to the crisis, I mentioned one of them but if you want to point to Fannie and Freddie... You have two parties to blame there not one...
The True Origins of This Financial Crisis The American Spectator (this is some liberal source)
Financial deregulation had a big part too, something that GOP asked for and Clinton signed. Self regulating finance industry were a disaster too.

But lets say one thing:
'Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie. That’s right — most subprime mortgages did not meet Fannie or Freddie’s strict lending standards. All those no money down, no interest for a year, low teaser rate loans? All the loans made without checking a borrower’s income or employment history? All made in the private sector, without any support from Fannie and Freddie.'

Facts are that the GOP were in charge for 6 years in the lead up to it.

You are blaming the Democrats for setting the course 6 years earlier and not calling into account who was at the helm during the following 6 years.
Facts are that the GOP were in charge for 6 years in the lead up to it.

You are blaming the Democrats for setting the course 6 years earlier and not calling into account who was at the helm during the following 6 years.
After Bush was re-elected in 2004 Democrats in Congress did not compromise
After losing badly to President Bush in 2004, there was plenty of soul searching in the Democratic party — but they didn’t choose compromise with the president or his agenda.

After winning re-election, Bush thought he had the “political capital” he needed to push forward major reforms. “Let me put it to you this way: I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it,” Bush said to reporters. “It is my style.”

But even though Bush had a substantial majority in both Houses of Congress at first, Democrats successfully blocked nearly all of his second term agenda even before their party took power in Congress in 2006.
Facts are that the GOP were in charge for 6 years in the lead up to it.

You are blaming the Democrats for setting the course 6 years earlier and not calling into account who was at the helm during the following 6 years.
After Bush was re-elected in 2004 Democrats in Congress did not compromise
After losing badly to President Bush in 2004, there was plenty of soul searching in the Democratic party — but they didn’t choose compromise with the president or his agenda.

After winning re-election, Bush thought he had the “political capital” he needed to push forward major reforms. “Let me put it to you this way: I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it,” Bush said to reporters. “It is my style.”

But even though Bush had a substantial majority in both Houses of Congress at first, Democrats successfully blocked nearly all of his second term agenda even before their party took power in Congress in 2006.

The congress has broken every record... Least legislation passed, most filibusters....

You have just mentioned three pieces of legislation... They controlled everything... Obama got Obamacare passed...
The reason those things had problems:
The Energy Bill:
The Washington Post contended that the spending bill is a broad collection of subsidies for United States energy companies; in particular, the nuclear and oil industries.
There were numerous senators who voted against the bill. John McCain, the Republican Party nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election voted against the bill

The Bill passed with these amendments:
Provisions in the original bill that were not in the act
Social Security
Look at the facts Republicans killed that one themselves...

But the big thing here was compromise, bills were passed but with compromise... Fillerbuster as last resort...

So there is no fondation to your claims... Again another trotted out lie... Whats the count now... There seems to be no remorse for lieing, no apology, Just keep doing more... Is there any integrity from your side or is it just about lieing moe...
and by the way one said that throwing trillions of borrowed dollars into the economy will not help it over 6 years...I mean, rocket science.....borrow from peter to give Paul a job results in a job created...but debt to paul.

It was believed by those on the right...and economists who think alike, that it would be quicker and cheaper to let the free market correct itself. guys just don't get it.
It isn't "borrowed money," it's new money. It's necessary--and always will be--for an expanding economy. Unfortunately, there is a strata of American voters that will never understand that. They continue to think the federal "debt" is similar to regular debt.
and by the way one said that throwing trillions of borrowed dollars into the economy will not help it over 6 years...I mean, rocket science.....borrow from peter to give Paul a job results in a job created...but debt to paul.

It was believed by those on the right...and economists who think alike, that it would be quicker and cheaper to let the free market correct itself. guys just don't get it.
Again another lie, Bush borrowed the money for the stimulus, Bush bailed out the banks...
I was a no brainer at the time. A deep depression or inject cash now situation... The Bush tax cuts during the war overheated the economy(econ 101 stuff)...
Milton Friedman and Regonomics (from past history) had said that the bank bailout would be needed.
What Would Milton Friedman Say - Forbes

This mess was created in a GOP lead era, nice try but you are complaining that Obama did clean up a GOP mess quick enough while the GOP tied one hand behind his back...

Get serious...
This "mess" as you refer it to was nothing more than a cyclical recession. We experience them every 4-7 years. What made it worse was it coincided with the housing bubble explosion and Bush, back in the early 2000's asked Congress to look into the Fannie Mae concerns and Barney Frank said "all was kosher".....

Know your facts before you tell others to "get serious"....
Facts are that the GOP were in charge for 6 years in the lead up to it.

You are blaming the Democrats for setting the course 6 years earlier and not calling into account who was at the helm during the following 6 years.
After Bush was re-elected in 2004 Democrats in Congress did not compromise
After losing badly to President Bush in 2004, there was plenty of soul searching in the Democratic party — but they didn’t choose compromise with the president or his agenda.

After winning re-election, Bush thought he had the “political capital” he needed to push forward major reforms. “Let me put it to you this way: I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it,” Bush said to reporters. “It is my style.”

But even though Bush had a substantial majority in both Houses of Congress at first, Democrats successfully blocked nearly all of his second term agenda even before their party took power in Congress in 2006.

The congress has broken every record... Least legislation passed, most filibusters....

You have just mentioned three pieces of legislation... They controlled everything... Obama got Obamacare passed...
The reason those things had problems:
The Energy Bill:
The Washington Post contended that the spending bill is a broad collection of subsidies for United States energy companies; in particular, the nuclear and oil industries.
There were numerous senators who voted against the bill. John McCain, the Republican Party nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election voted against the bill

The Bill passed with these amendments:
Provisions in the original bill that were not in the act
Social Security
Look at the facts Republicans killed that one themselves...

But the big thing here was compromise, bills were passed but with compromise... Fillerbuster as last resort...

So there is no fondation to your claims... Again another trotted out lie... Whats the count now... There seems to be no remorse for lieing, no apology, Just keep doing more... Is there any integrity from your side or is it just about lieing moe...
Just an FYI, Sparky....

The House of Representatives passed over 300 pieces of legislation...It was the senate majority that refused to bring them up for a vote.

So the "record" you mentioned was set by the democrats.

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