So RWers....Is It OK To Call Him General Betray Us Now?

No, Plama, the women he cheated with weren't just sneaked in and out the side door, they had access to his friggin' computer and office files. They are security issues. Do I personally think they were spies? No, but for all any of us know they could have taken top-secret info home with them. They could blackmail him or sell it to "interested parties" sometime down the road.

Do you have any proof of this "access"? I know one was an Army officer, but I seriously doubt even she had the access you claim.
...I really couldn't care less that he or any other public person had an affair. As long as he didn't falter in his duties as a public official he can do anything he wants in private.
...I really couldn't care less that he or any other public person had an affair. As long as he didn't falter in his duties as a public official he can do anything he wants in private.

Personally I thought Petraeus was an odd choice for the CIA. Seems the CIA didn't much care for him either.
...I really couldn't care less that he or any other public person had an affair. As long as he didn't falter in his duties as a public official he can do anything he wants in private.

Personally I thought Petraeus was an odd choice for the CIA. Seems the CIA didn't much care for him either.

To me it seemed he was getting kicked downstairs with how strongly this country redirected it's efforts in the Middle East after the change in the administrations. I think Obama kicked him downstairs to the CIA so as not to embarass him by outright getting rid of him but still get him out of the way of our efforts in the middle east which is obviously the top military job right now. I didn't expect Petreaus to be around for long but it's interesting that he's going out like this. I wonder how long it'll be before we see him in commercials on Fox News?
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...I really couldn't care less that he or any other public person had an affair. As long as he didn't falter in his duties as a public official he can do anything he wants in private.

Personally I thought Petraeus was an odd choice for the CIA. Seems the CIA didn't much care for him either.

To me it seemed he was getting kicked downstairs with how strongly this country redirected it's efforts in the Middle East after the change in the administrations. I think Obama kicked him downstairs to the CIA so as not to embarass him by outright getting rid of him but still get him out of the way of our efforts in the middle east which is obviously the top middle east job right now. I didn't expect Petreaus to be around for long but it's interesting that he's going out like this. I wonder how long it'll be before we see him in commercials on Fox News?

It seems it was the job he wanted.

Dunno why. He didn't seem all that suited for it.
Oh yeah,

Petraeus totally blew it here.

He's toast.

His career is ruined.

Love and lust make fools of us all sooner or later.

But seldomly does our foolishness also mean a violation of the top secret security.

I almost feel sorry for the guy.

He blew up his life for a skirt.
We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


my gawd, you are just over the top and the biggest child ever

nothing about Obama's judgment in keeping him on in his administration?
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We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


No its not ok. As of right now his career and personal life are two different things.ill be blunt with you marc. You are not making yourself look good with this trashy style of posting you did.

The guy cheated and people are using it as a politcal football on other issues that are not relevant.
I think it it you who are mistaken my good friend.

His mistress or mistresses have created national security issues.

This isn't just Clinton getting free BJs innocently in the Oval Office closets. This is warfare type stuff.

Not equivalent.

Not to mention, I believe the military has a morality clause. So that's TWO strikes against him, any one of the two are reason enough to bash him.

I hope you realize the gravity of the matter.
We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


my gawd, you are just over the top and the biggest child ever

nothing about Obama's judgment in keeping him on in his administration?
How the heck is President Obama supposed to know the man is a liar and cheat?

I bet you blame Obama for the spoiled milk in your fridge too....right?!?!

Sheeesh!!! :rolleyes:
...I really couldn't care less that he or any other public person had an affair. As long as he didn't falter in his duties as a public official he can do anything he wants in private.

Personally I thought Petraeus was an odd choice for the CIA. Seems the CIA didn't much care for him either.

To me it seemed he was getting kicked downstairs with how strongly this country redirected it's efforts in the Middle East after the change in the administrations. I think Obama kicked him downstairs to the CIA so as not to embarass him by outright getting rid of him but still get him out of the way of our efforts in the middle east which is obviously the top military job right now. I didn't expect Petreaus to be around for long but it's interesting that he's going out like this. I wonder how long it'll be before we see him in commercials on Fox News?

He may get his own show like the other even WORSE liar and cheat, Ollie North.

All the criminals congregate on theFOXNEWS
We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


my gawd, you are just over the top and the biggest child ever

nothing about Obama's judgment in keeping him on in his administration?
How the heck is President Obama supposed to know the man is a liar and cheat?

I bet you blame Obama for the spoiled milk in your fridge too....right?!?!

Sheeesh!!! :rolleyes:

well for sure, how the hell were we suppose to know our President Bill Clinton was a liar and a cheat...?
and you don't find it sad our President doesn't know what's going on around him?
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It wasn't us he betrayed, but his vows to his wife. Not our business and doesn't affect the job he has done.
Impeach Eric Cantor. He was told of the Petrarus situation in late October but did not tell the President nor the Chairs of the Intelligence Committees. How is the President to know when a top level Republican withholds national security info from him?

Regards from Rosie
Impeach Eric Cantor. He was told of the Petrarus situation in late October but did not tell the President nor the Chairs of the Intelligence Committees. How is the President to know when a top level Republican withholds national security info from him?

Regards from Rosie

you don't know this, but the hell with waiting for all the facts..
but we don't need all the facts on the attacks on our Embassies, obama didn't have to know what was going on then.
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On one hand, he was a lifelong govt employee (taker), living off the govt dime, and having an adultrous affair, violating military law, etc, etc, etc.

On the other, he was a war hero and a military general.

Will be fun to see which stance the right wing takes on this.

i think it's a shame that affairs are even an issue... unless the affair impacts on the service provided to the country.
Impeach Eric Cantor. He was told of the Petrarus situation in late October but did not tell the President nor the Chairs of the Intelligence Committees. How is the President to know when a top level Republican withholds national security info from him?

Regards from Rosie

Tell you what

When Pelosi actually tries to clean the swamp, the gop might go after one of their own.

Until then, keep hypocrassy alive
All of a sudden "affairs" are important to Democrats.

you hear that Billy Clinton

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