So RWers....Is It OK To Call Him General Betray Us Now?

Anyone who will denigrate the general while holding clinton to high esteem proves themselves slimeball hypocrites of the lowest order, good job folks, good job.

There must be a psychiatric term for the thought process displayed in this post.
So everyone who takes a dangerous job and is killed should just be dismissed with a "they knew what they were getting into"... Interesting no matter how stupid of a comment. Behold the thinking of the new America.

Guy, you assholes have been trying for two months to make a political issue out of this.

Again, where was your outrage during Iraq? There weren't any WMD's. 5000 soldiers and contractors died. So did 100,000 Iraqis.

"You guys"? You think that Ike would take your dismissive attitude. Keep trying to cover-up the failings of those involved, hero.

Maybe you need to read up on Ike and his actions during the Gary Powers incident.
We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


Did you left wingers object when Obama appointed him to head of the C.I.A.? Or did you cheer that as Obama bi partisanship ? Hypocrisy anyone.
We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


What a dummy.

Lefties with connect the dots issues are failing to put the dots together once again.

Think this resignation has anything to do with an affair?:D:D:D

The White House is collectively shitting their shorts this am..........when Patraeus came out and said Benghazi was a result of a video, he had a hammer ready to fall on his head.

Not anymore..................:coffee:

Im giddy about his upcoming testimony!!!:2up:
General Petreaus is a good democrat. He has sacrificed himself for the good of the party and the glory of the presidebt.
Guy, you assholes have been trying for two months to make a political issue out of this.

Again, where was your outrage during Iraq? There weren't any WMD's. 5000 soldiers and contractors died. So did 100,000 Iraqis.

"You guys"? You think that Ike would take your dismissive attitude. Keep trying to cover-up the failings of those involved, hero.

Maybe you need to read up on Ike and his actions during the Gary Powers incident.

Petraeus isn't Powers and Obama is certainly no Ike and yes to your previous question.
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I find it hilarious that the same Right Wingers who dismissed and downplayed 5000 american deaths in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist are now trying to find something sinister in four deaths in Benghazi. Or i would if it wasn't so tragic.

Libya was a dangerous place, and Ambassador Stevens knew that when he took the job.

So everyone who takes a dangerous job and is killed should just be dismissed with a "they knew what they were getting into"... Interesting no matter how stupid of a comment. Behold the thinking of the new America.

Guy, you assholes have been trying for two months to make a political issue out of this.

Again, where was your outrage during Iraq? There weren't any WMD's. 5000 soldiers and contractors died. So did 100,000 Iraqis.

No...this is NOT like Iraq. And no i wasn't outraged about Iraq because we didn't do anything wrong. My son had been there 3 times, once near the beginning of the war, and he saw the terrorist training camps that were "recently" shut down, and he saw the evidence that there had been WMD there not too long before we went in!

This is not even CLOSE to being the same thing as Benghazi. All we want to know is the truth. It's been over 2 months and we have no answers...why? There is no reason other than they hiding something.
Pussy is Pussy. I'm not concerned with the General's sex life....:cool:

I'm more concerned on how and why a Muslim Socialist got re-selected as POTUS. :mad:
Impeach Eric Cantor. He was told of the Petrarus situation in late October but did not tell the President nor the Chairs of the Intelligence Committees. How is the President to know when a top level Republican withholds national security info from him?

Regards from Rosie

You might want to read your Constitution, there are no provisions to impeach a congressman. Each house of congress conducts their own disciplinary actions.
We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


Its not ok at all so don't be a little puke about it. Why don't YOU spend decades serving the rest of your fellow man, get all the FACTS first, then come back to this.

I normally like you man but this thread is poor.
Anyone who will denigrate the general while holding clinton to high esteem proves themselves slimeball hypocrites of the lowest order, good job folks, good job.

I hold both men in high esteem.

And I think both men made horrible mistakes.

I think there should have been some sanction against Clinton for his actions in the Lewinsky matter. But impeachment was an overreaction. (Not what I felt at the time, but in retrospect, absolutely.)

As for Petreaus, resigning was his decision, probably because he's going to be too focused on saving his 37 year marriage at this point.

Clinton was not impeached for his fling, he was impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury. The attempted coverup was the real problem.
Anyone who will denigrate the general while holding clinton to high esteem proves themselves slimeball hypocrites of the lowest order, good job folks, good job.

I hold both men in high esteem.

And I think both men made horrible mistakes.

I think there should have been some sanction against Clinton for his actions in the Lewinsky matter. But impeachment was an overreaction. (Not what I felt at the time, but in retrospect, absolutely.)

As for Petreaus, resigning was his decision, probably because he's going to be too focused on saving his 37 year marriage at this point.

Clinton was not impeached for his fling, he was impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury. The attempted coverup was the real problem.

I have a feeling it's going to be a problem with ben a gh zi too..
Anyone who will denigrate the general while holding clinton to high esteem proves themselves slimeball hypocrites of the lowest order, good job folks, good job.

There must be a psychiatric term for the thought process displayed in this post.

Great arguement, I bet you was your debate team captin. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Silly Bots don't even know who he currently works for. He's actually their guy too. He's been their guy for a long time. God, Obamabots are so damn dumb.
It wasn't us he betrayed, but his vows to his wife. Not our business and doesn't affect the job he has done.

Someone who willingly lies to and cheats on their spouse can never be fully trusted. Had Gingrich gotten the nod he would not have gotten my vote for that very reason.
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I hold both men in high esteem.

And I think both men made horrible mistakes.

I think there should have been some sanction against Clinton for his actions in the Lewinsky matter. But impeachment was an overreaction. (Not what I felt at the time, but in retrospect, absolutely.)

As for Petreaus, resigning was his decision, probably because he's going to be too focused on saving his 37 year marriage at this point.

Clinton was not impeached for his fling, he was impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury. The attempted coverup was the real problem.

I have a feeling it's going to be a problem with ben a gh zi too..

Is that going to pan out as well as your election predictions, Willow?

We told you that guy was no good YEARS ago, but you didn't want to listen, b/c he was Bush's guy.

Now look what you got on your hands.


Obama is the one that put him in charge of the CIA.
It wasn't Obama that went dipping his penis all around town though.

Seems that there's at least 2 mistresses involved, Broadwell got caught b/c she used certain emails to contact another female she felt threatened by, concerning BetrayUs that is.

Common sense tells you that was the other "other woman."

Man oh man, oh man.

What happened to personal responsibility?

Obama was just doing the right thing by America in keeping the most qualified man, or so All of America thought, in that position.

Boy did Obama get a shock!


General rule of thumb, the more people talk about sex, the less they are getting. Maybe you should stop obsessing on what other people are doing in the bedroom and get someone into your bed.

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