So Ryan Promises To Arrive Newly Into Office With No Mandate For Closing Loopholes(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Others have likely noticed that Romney-Ryan have no plan. Toward the end of the remarks to George. . .S on "This Week," Sunday September 9: Anyone sees that Romney-Ryan intend to take a mandate, to the Congress, for doing absolutely nothing about closing loopholes!

From an ABC News transcript:

STEPHANOPOULOS: But why not specify the --

RYAN: We want to do this --

STEPHANOPOULOS: -- loopholes now?

RYAN: -- out in the open --

STEPHANOPOULOS: Why not say right now --

RYAN: -- because we want to do this --


RYAN: -- we want to have this -- George, because we want to have this debate in the public. We want to have this debate with Congress. And we want to do this with the consent of the elected representatives of the people, and figure out what loopholes should stay or go and who should or should not get them.

And our priorities are high-income earners should not get these kinds of loopholes. And we should have broad-based policies that go to middle-class taxpayers, to make sure we can advance things that we care about, like charities. But that is a debate we shouldn't cut in a back room, shouldn't hatch a secret plan like ObamaCare. We should do it out in the public view where the public can participate.

STEPHANOPOULOS: That's exactly what I'm suggesting, having it in public before the election so voters can have that information before they make up their minds.

RYAN: We think the best way to get -- look, I've been in Congress a number of years. I've been on the Ways and Means Committee for 12 years. And we think the best way to do this is to get this framework in place, and then negotiate, work with Democrats, work with people across the aisle, have these kinds of hearings, have this conversation to get this objective.

The Romney-Ryan Agenda will have essentially no "Bully Pulpit" from which to show the Congress--on any one loophold item--that in fact said item deleted is what the people voted for in any election of Romney-Ryan!

Effectively undermining--even again--their opposition to the Health Care Act: Everything will be done in secret. There will even be hearings, just like with the Health Care Act. No one will know, however, whether or not anyone who voted in the election wanted any or another loophole deleted, or kept.

There will be no perceived mandate to do that! Romney-Ryan will be able to say that their plan was a part of any national referendum that got any votes!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe White-Eyes-Who-Flip-Flop-Like-Dying-Fish-On-Boating-Dock, will pretend the mandate was to send many other groups off to Reservations! Stranger things have happened in even recent history!)
RYAN: -- we want to have this -- George, because we want to have this debate in the public. We want to have this debate with Congress. And we want to do this with the consent of the elected representatives of the people, and figure out what loopholes should stay or go and who should or should not get them.
perfectly reasonable.
RYAN: -- we want to have this -- George, because we want to have this debate in the public. We want to have this debate with Congress. And we want to do this with the consent of the elected representatives of the people, and figure out what loopholes should stay or go and who should or should not get them.
perfectly reasonable.
You're right that is perfectly reasonable, however....

That explains why he can't even name which ones he'd look to target? :confused:
Look what everyone put in boldface type.

"And we want to do this with the consent of the elected representatives of the people, and figure out what loopholes should stay or go and who should or should not get them."

The oil district reps will promise to end the oil district loopholes. The Eviro-Sanity district reps will promise to end the Enviro-Sanity Loopholes. All the Reps will promise to end the mortgage decuctions and charitable deductions: In time for April 15. The NASCAR track owner district reps will promise to end the accelerated depreciation loopholes. The other industry district reps will promise to end the accelerated depreciation loopholes.

The Tax Code is 71,000 pages.

Every day, all the reps running are going to discuss this?

The dying fish flopping is likely to cause a seismic event: Especially if there is one or more obese all on the dry land flip-flopping!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe Head-Dolt-In-Charge, and Latter-Dolt-In-Charge: Will have all the reps make their marks on paper, filled with little marks of promises that will surely be kept!(?)!"

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