So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

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cause he promised them free shit and a better economy, none have come true yet.

That sounds familiar.
Before or after the Great Recession that Obama fixed?
You dumb fuck.

You dumb stupid ignorant fuck.

You dumb stupid ass hypocritical ignorant fuck.

Hey, dumb fucking loser.

What did the economy do after the democrats took over Congress in 2007 you piece of shit?

What happened to the economy from 2007 to 2010 after the democrats controlled the House and Senate you deranged fucking moron?

Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation loser? Answer it fuck. You dumb fuck.

Who rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act which put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income families loser? Answer that you fuck.

Who headed Fannie and Freddie debacle you fucking loser? Answer that you dumb ignorant illiterate hypocritical fuck.

You are fucking owned you stupid piece of shit. Would have been better for all of us if you were flushed or swallowed loser.

Go the fuck away and find a safe space to be coddled. You are fucking ripped apart here loser.
The meatheads voted for trump cause he promised them free shit like money and no mexicans and a better economy, none have come true yet.

The economy is booming asswipe!
For the rich it is. Trump told them it would be, and it is.

He made me $500k and is set to make me an additional $250k.
And that doesn't include our 401k's.
Let me guess,you're one of those paycheck to paycheck people with no money for retirement.
I am retired. trump has cost business money .

So am I.
I just love the stock market.
Easiest way to make money while sitting on your ass doing nothing.
cause he promised them free shit and a better economy, none have come true yet.

That sounds familiar.
Before or after the Great Recession that Obama fixed?
You dumb fuck.

You dumb stupid ignorant fuck.

You dumb stupid ass hypocritical ignorant fuck.

Hey, dumb fucking loser.

What did the economy do after the democrats took over Congress in 2007 you piece of shit?

What happened to the economy from 2007 to 2010 after the democrats controlled the House and Senate you deranged fucking moron?

Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation loser? Answer it fuck. You dumb fuck.

Who rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act which put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income families loser? Answer that you fuck.

Who headed Fannie and Freddie debacle you fucking loser? Answer that you dumb ignorant illiterate hypocritical fuck.

You are fucking owned you stupid piece of shit. Would have been better for all of us if you were flushed or swallowed loser.

Go the fuck away and find a safe space to be coddled. You are fucking ripped apart here loser.
The economy from the stimulus, during Obama went from shedding 800,000 jobs a month to job growth, and it hasn't stopped yet. And by the way, if that hadn't happened, we would be with a Trump administration that would be feeding people in soup lines. Thank you Obama! And did you forget to take your blood pressure medicine today? You seem to be overly emotional? Or maybe you are just naturally insane?
I voted for him because he wasn't a mealy mouthed politician.

He's a billionaire who can't be bought and doesn't have a PC bone in his entire body.

He's also a great business man.
He was bought by Russia. He’s gone bankrupt six times. How can you call that great?
The meatheads voted for trump cause he promised them free shit like money and no mexicans and a better economy, none have come true yet.

The economy is booming asswipe!
For the rich it is. Trump told them it would be, and it is.

He made me $500k and is set to make me an additional $250k.
And that doesn't include our 401k's.
Let me guess,you're one of those paycheck to paycheck people with no money for retirement.
I am retired. trump has cost business money .

So am I.
I just love the stock market.
Easiest way to make money while sitting on your ass doing nothing.
So that your job? Sitting on your a$$ doing nothing?

Thought so.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?
Fuck you.

That is literally why
I love these threads because it brings out the most extreme of the extreme Trump cultist retards on this forum. Thanks for the heads up.
No other expression is needed for a fucking hypocritical god damn cocksucker like you, you fucking loser.

Not one of you is worth a warm pouch of piss or a large bag of shit you pathetic loser.

Not one fucking thing can be said. You dumb demented fuck and that is precisely why I take fucking pleasure whenever I take a long smelly piss on a liberal's grave.

Now, did the FUCK YOU suffice, or did you really want me to go into a more detail of why I voted for Trump and why I will be voting for Trump again you fucking hypocritical loser?

I love the smell of Cult45 negativity in the morning. :21: Really brightens my day.
The economy is booming asswipe!
For the rich it is. Trump told them it would be, and it is.

He made me $500k and is set to make me an additional $250k.
And that doesn't include our 401k's.
Let me guess,you're one of those paycheck to paycheck people with no money for retirement.
I am retired. trump has cost business money .

So am I.
I just love the stock market.
Easiest way to make money while sitting on your ass doing nothing.
So that your job? Sitting on your a$$ doing nothing?

Thought so.

Why work if you dont have to?
/ Who cares? No skin off my nose. I got my share of the tax cut.

The above moron, doesn't realize that give him a few bucks off of his taxes from his Burger King job........borrowed $1.4 TRILLION and added it the national debt.

It really isn't that hard to keep nitwits like OneBrainCellBlock "happy"
/——/ I’m retired, run a small publishing business, partnship in real estate rentals and am an active option trader. Combined income is about $200k
And you, as well as the rest of the country got ripped off by Trump, and are still being ripped off.
/----/ Please post some evidence we were ripped off by letting us keep more of our own money.
View attachment 249264
Failing infrastructure. Duh!
/-----/ Obozo fixed our crumbling infrastructure with his trillion dollar stimuLESS package - unless you're calling Obozo a liar.
Obviously that didn't matter, since there was a bunch of sexual assaults thanks to Trump's HS. Where are the parents?

Ah, it does matter. It's against the law to house juveniles with adult offenders. Take your propaganda and slide down the road...and take the pictures of Mexican jails with you.
Sexual assault is against the law too. Take your HS thugs and walk them through a patch of South Texas cactus.

I'm sorry, little Naziboi, but while I have a lot of sympathy for the children who have been abused, I can't stand that you want to USE them in your propaganda. You obviously don't care about them, as you didn't make a peep about it prior to 2017, so forgive me for laughing at your pathetic attempt to play on our heartstrings.
Pre-2017, didn't hear about them being permanently taken away from their parents so they could be sexually abused. Did you?

that's true. The only policy to separate children from their families was Trump's zero tolerance policy.

It's like saying " you didn't hear about NASAs budget when Lincoln was president"

You< sir, are a liar.

Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?
What is embarrassing is that you had the courage to post so many lies in such a small paragraph...sorta like how there is so much HATE in your wee lil' body..... amazing.
The above moron, doesn't realize that give him a few bucks off of his taxes from his Burger King job........borrowed $1.4 TRILLION and added it the national debt.

It really isn't that hard to keep nitwits like OneBrainCellBlock "happy"
/——/ I’m retired, run a small publishing business, partnship in real estate rentals and am an active option trader. Combined income is about $200k
And you, as well as the rest of the country got ripped off by Trump, and are still being ripped off.
/----/ Please post some evidence we were ripped off by letting us keep more of our own money.
View attachment 249264
Failing infrastructure. Duh!
/-----/ Obozo fixed our crumbling infrastructure with his trillion dollar stimuLESS package - unless you're calling Obozo a liar.
Obozo is a liar.

Do I get a prize for telling the truth when dean would not? :p
Ah, it does matter. It's against the law to house juveniles with adult offenders. Take your propaganda and slide down the road...and take the pictures of Mexican jails with you.
Sexual assault is against the law too. Take your HS thugs and walk them through a patch of South Texas cactus.

I'm sorry, little Naziboi, but while I have a lot of sympathy for the children who have been abused, I can't stand that you want to USE them in your propaganda. You obviously don't care about them, as you didn't make a peep about it prior to 2017, so forgive me for laughing at your pathetic attempt to play on our heartstrings.
Pre-2017, didn't hear about them being permanently taken away from their parents so they could be sexually abused. Did you?

Ah, so ignorance is your excuse? Sad for you, Adolph.
A cowards way of not answering. That figures.

Look Naziboi, The 9th Circuit's decision in 2016 was published in 2016 and was on the news. Heck, it's even published on the internet here: If you didn't pay attention, or didn't care, that's on you. What is obvious is that you are a small minded buffoon who is here just as an exercise in propaganda and as such, I don't intend on devoting much more attention to you. So, name call away...all you do is call attention to your pathetic performance.
Ah, it does matter. It's against the law to house juveniles with adult offenders. Take your propaganda and slide down the road...and take the pictures of Mexican jails with you.
Sexual assault is against the law too. Take your HS thugs and walk them through a patch of South Texas cactus.

I'm sorry, little Naziboi, but while I have a lot of sympathy for the children who have been abused, I can't stand that you want to USE them in your propaganda. You obviously don't care about them, as you didn't make a peep about it prior to 2017, so forgive me for laughing at your pathetic attempt to play on our heartstrings.
Pre-2017, didn't hear about them being permanently taken away from their parents so they could be sexually abused. Did you?

that's true. The only policy to separate children from their families was Trump's zero tolerance policy.

It's like saying " you didn't hear about NASAs budget when Lincoln was president"

You< sir, are a liar.

Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too

Trump said "Obama had a separation policy; we all had the same policy".

That is a lie (or please name the policy that predated the zero tolerance one which separated families en masse at the border.

Trump was the first president in US history to put together a policy of mass separation of families at the border with the zero tolerance policy put in act on April 6th 2018.
Trump was the first president in US history to put together a policy of mass separation of families at the border with the zero tolerance policy put in act on April 6th 2018.


Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too

'Obama prosecuted mothers for coming to the United States illegally. He fast tracked deportations. And yes, he housed
unaccompanied children in tent cities.

For much of the country — and President Donald Trump — the prevailing belief is that Obama was the president who went easier on immigrants.

Neither Obama nor Democrats created Trump's zero-tolerance policy, which calls for every illegal border crosser to be prosecuted and leads to their children being detained in separate facilities before being shipped to a shelter and eventually a sponsor family.

But Obama's policy helped create the road map of enforcement that Trump has been following — and building on.'


Trump correct that Democrats mistakenly tweeted 2014 photo

Those photos of immigrant children “caged” by the US? They’re from 2014

AP FACT CHECK: 2014 photo wrongly used to hit Trump policies

Trump was the first president in US history to put together a policy of mass separation of families at the border with the zero tolerance policy put in act on April 6th 2018.


Yes, Obama separated families at the border, too

'Obama prosecuted mothers for coming to the United States illegally. He fast tracked deportations. And yes, he housed
unaccompanied children in tent cities.

For much of the country — and President Donald Trump — the prevailing belief is that Obama was the president who went easier on immigrants.

Neither Obama nor Democrats created Trump's zero-tolerance policy, which calls for every illegal border crosser to be prosecuted and leads to their children being detained in separate facilities before being shipped to a shelter and eventually a sponsor family.

But Obama's policy helped create the road map of enforcement that Trump has been following — and building on.'


Trump correct that Democrats mistakenly tweeted 2014 photo

Those photos of immigrant children “caged” by the US? They’re from 2014

AP FACT CHECK: 2014 photo wrongly used to hit Trump policies


Your source literally said "Tens of thousands of unaccompanied children and families have been apprehended since 2014"

Damn Obama, you separated unaccompanied children from their nonexistant families...

Wow. and in real news instead of your fake stuff using YOUR OWN SOURCE of an AP fact check.

AP FACT CHECK: Obama didn't have family separation policy
So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?
Aside from the crooked DNC screwing Bernie, I blame free publicity on Trump getting elected.
September, 2015.
So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

View attachment 249328

I've never seen that pic, photoshop, whatever it is, anywhere but here.

And "here" of course is the same place we all read that "three million Amish were mobilizing to vote for Rump" and that "Hillary has Parkinsons/cancer/dementia, a list of murder victims, and didn't show up for her own rally, replaced by a hologram".

Me, I always consider the source.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?
Aside from the crooked DNC screwing Bernie, I blame free publicity on Trump getting elected.
September, 2015.

Very very true. The irony is and always has been that for all his whining about "the media", it's the grease that got him where he is. Without it nobody would know his name. He wouldn't even be painting himself orange because nobody would see it.
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