So the left says I have no say about abortion because I am a man....

anti-choice legislation is about criminalizing people for making their own decisions, not just about protecting the unborn
If they truly cared about the children or the mother's health they would expend a similar effort after the birth...not seeing that.

You're not looking hard enough. I suspect your bubble is tinted
All I have to fo is look at the laws, funding a d perjoratives leveled at the women.

Well no Im a part of what's army against the baby killing crowd.

The tide is turning....fact
I am all for msking abortion scarce and innecessary but not removing that choice from the one person it ultimately belongs to.

I'm 100% behind the baby
anti-choice legislation is about criminalizing people for making their own decisions, not just about protecting the unborn
If they truly cared about the children or the mother's health they would expend a similar effort after the birth...not seeing that.

You're not looking hard enough. I suspect your bubble is tinted
All I have to fo is look at the laws, funding a d perjoratives leveled at the women.

Well no Im a part of what's army against the baby killing crowd.

The tide is turning....fact
I am all for msking abortion scarce and innecessary but not removing that choice from the one person it ultimately belongs to.

Absolutely. I think we can get abortion under control without resorting to legal mandates.

As is the case with most social reform efforts, the only real way to win is to convince people that the change is needed. You need public support for a law to stick - and I mean real consensus, not a 50.1% majority. And the real kicker is - once you have the support necessary to sustain a law, you really don't need a law.

I think conservatives are falling for the same conceit as liberals - they've come to see government as a tool to force change on society.
Here is what we need to do....pass a law that protects pre-born humanity, defined as that which, in the proper environment, has the ability to become a person. That means methods which make that environment hostile to human life, prevent the natural process from fulfilling it's human destiny or, worse cut it short must be treated as murder.

Human life, which in the right environment becomes a baby must be protected. It is not it's fault it requires a special environment for a while.

To quote the great George Carlin, "Every sperm is sacred".

It is time to make masturbation illegal.

Men need to learn to control their hands.

Every incident results in the death's of thousands of human sperm, which in a woman's body could develop into a baby. It is not the sperm's fault it needs a special environment. It didnt ask to be released by a wayward hand.

How many deaths have resulted from this careless disregard of human life?

I am going to suggest the following:

A waiting period (of up to 3 days) between the decision to massage and actual eja ulation.

Mandatory pre-masturbation counseling where the man get's counseling on exactly what those sperm could become, looks at pictures of developing babies, and an explanation of the health risks. They do not have to scientifically grounded. Just tell him he will go blind on top of carpal tunnel syndrom.

Mandatory proctological exam before each ejaculation.

All sperm must be buried or cremated.

Drugs which have the potentisl to increase spermacidal slaughter should not be covered by insurance and possibly be made illegal.

Minors must have parental consent before before the procedure and it should be illegal for a minor to cross state lines to masturbate in order to avoid consent.

I am sure there is more but this is a start. If mencant controle their hands, they should face the full penalty of the law.
Here is what we need to do....pass a law that protects pre-born humanity, defined as that which, in the proper environment, has the ability to become a person. That means methods which make that environment hostile to human life, prevent the natural process from fulfilling it's human destiny or, worse cut it short must be treated as murder.

Human life, which in the right environment becomes a baby must be protected. It is not it's fault it requires a special environment for a while.

To quote the great George Carlin, "Every sperm is sacred".

It is time to make masturbation illegal.

Men need to learn to control their hands.

Every incident results in the death's of thousands of human sperm, which in a woman's body could develop into a baby. It is not the sperm's fault it needs a special environment. It didnt ask to be released by a wayward hand.

How many deaths have resulted from this careless disregard of human life?

I am going to suggest the following:

A waiting period (of up to 3 days) between the decision to massage and actual eja ulation.

Mandatory pre-masturbation counseling where the man get's counseling on exactly what those sperm could become, looks at pictures of developing babies, and an explanation of the health risks. They do not have to scientifically grounded. Just tell him he will go blind on top of carpal tunnel syndrom.

Mandatory proctological exam before each ejaculation.

All sperm must be buried or cremated.

Drugs which have the potentisl to increase spermacidal slaughter should not be covered by insurance and possibly be made illegal.

Minors must have parental consent before before the procedure and it should be illegal for a minor to cross state lines to masturbate in order to avoid consent.

I am sure there is more but this is a start. If mencant controle their hands, they should face the full penalty of the law.
I suggest women swallow when having oral sex.
"Defenders of women and their health care rights have agreed for decades: the Hyde Amendment is federally sanctioned discrimination. It is wrong and should be overturned immediately." - 2020 Candidate Michael Bennett
If they truly cared about the children or the mother's health they would expend a similar effort after the birth...not seeing that.

You're not looking hard enough. I suspect your bubble is tinted
All I have to fo is look at the laws, funding a d perjoratives leveled at the women.

Well no Im a part of what's army against the baby killing crowd.

The tide is turning....fact
I am all for msking abortion scarce and innecessary but not removing that choice from the one person it ultimately belongs to.

I'm 100% behind the baby
Until it's born.
Here is what we need to do....pass a law that protects pre-born humanity, defined as that which, in the proper environment, has the ability to become a person. That means methods which make that environment hostile to human life, prevent the natural process from fulfilling it's human destiny or, worse cut it short must be treated as murder.

Human life, which in the right environment becomes a baby must be protected. It is not it's fault it requires a special environment for a while.

To quote the great George Carlin, "Every sperm is sacred".

It is time to make masturbation illegal.

Men need to learn to control their hands.

Every incident results in the death's of thousands of human sperm, which in a woman's body could develop into a baby. It is not the sperm's fault it needs a special environment. It didnt ask to be released by a wayward hand.

How many deaths have resulted from this careless disregard of human life?

I am going to suggest the following:

A waiting period (of up to 3 days) between the decision to massage and actual eja ulation.

Mandatory pre-masturbation counseling where the man get's counseling on exactly what those sperm could become, looks at pictures of developing babies, and an explanation of the health risks. They do not have to scientifically grounded. Just tell him he will go blind on top of carpal tunnel syndrom.

Mandatory proctological exam before each ejaculation.

All sperm must be buried or cremated.

Drugs which have the potentisl to increase spermacidal slaughter should not be covered by insurance and possibly be made illegal.

Minors must have parental consent before before the procedure and it should be illegal for a minor to cross state lines to masturbate in order to avoid consent.

I am sure there is more but this is a start. If mencant controle their hands, they should face the full penalty of the law.
I suggest women swallow when having oral sex.
You mean sodomy.
Here is what we need to do....pass a law that protects pre-born humanity, defined as that which, in the proper environment, has the ability to become a person. That means methods which make that environment hostile to human life, prevent the natural process from fulfilling it's human destiny or, worse cut it short must be treated as murder.

Human life, which in the right environment becomes a baby must be protected. It is not it's fault it requires a special environment for a while.

To quote the great George Carlin, "Every sperm is sacred".

It is time to make masturbation illegal.

Men need to learn to control their hands.

Every incident results in the death's of thousands of human sperm, which in a woman's body could develop into a baby. It is not the sperm's fault it needs a special environment. It didnt ask to be released by a wayward hand.

How many deaths have resulted from this careless disregard of human life?

I am going to suggest the following:

A waiting period (of up to 3 days) between the decision to massage and actual eja ulation.

Mandatory pre-masturbation counseling where the man get's counseling on exactly what those sperm could become, looks at pictures of developing babies, and an explanation of the health risks. They do not have to scientifically grounded. Just tell him he will go blind on top of carpal tunnel syndrom.

Mandatory proctological exam before each ejaculation.

All sperm must be buried or cremated.

Drugs which have the potentisl to increase spermacidal slaughter should not be covered by insurance and possibly be made illegal.

Minors must have parental consent before before the procedure and it should be illegal for a minor to cross state lines to masturbate in order to avoid consent.

I am sure there is more but this is a start. If mencant controle their hands, they should face the full penalty of the law.
I suggest women swallow when having oral sex.
You mean sodomy.

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