So the left says I have no say about abortion because I am a man....

Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.

Let's pretend that some magic phenomena just took place and women no longer get pregnant.

Now, by some magic freak of nature ONLY men can now get pregnant.

I can just imagine the rate of abortion will likely increase 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 fold; maybe more.

When are you getting your abortion, Gramps?
One has to actually have sex with the opposite sex to get pregnant...
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.

if women voted to cut off your balls, you would be nutless before dark ..

Fortunately you don't need to worry about it since you are a leftist cuck

weak ..
Shut up pussy. Take your whipping like the cuck you are

so you want to tell women what they can do with their body, but dont like them telling you what to do with yours.

youre an idiot -
Go out in public and threaten to do bodily harm to yourself. Then watch the state as they do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO STOP YOU up to and including SHOOTING you to stop you.

Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.

Let's pretend that some magic phenomena just took place and women no longer get pregnant.

Now, by some magic freak of nature ONLY men can now get pregnant.

I can just imagine the rate of abortion will likely increase 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 fold; maybe more.

When are you getting your abortion, Gramps?
One has to actually have sex with the opposite sex to get pregnant...
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.

Let's pretend that some magic phenomena just took place and women no longer get pregnant.

Now, by some magic freak of nature ONLY men can now get pregnant.

I can just imagine the rate of abortion will likely increase 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 fold; maybe more.

When are you getting your abortion, Gramps?
One has to actually have sex with the opposite sex to get pregnant...
That's for after the kid has arrived...
if women voted to cut off your balls, you would be nutless before dark ..

Fortunately you don't need to worry about it since you are a leftist cuck

weak ..
Shut up pussy. Take your whipping like the cuck you are

so you want to tell women what they can do with their body, but dont like them telling you what to do with yours.

youre an idiot -
Go out in public and threaten to do bodily harm to yourself. Then watch the state as they do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO STOP YOU up to and including SHOOTING you to stop you.


They shoot you for going to McDonalds?
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.

That’s funny because the Left feels entitled to have a say in everything; people’s personal wealth and healthcare for example. Or people’s free speech.
Why don’t child support payments start at 6 weeks?

They do. They're called medical Bill's.

And you can get off my nuts anytime bitch.

My oldest daughter was conceived and born while I was in prison. Her mother got welfare while i was gone.
When i got out the State sued me for all that money. When i pointed out the fact that it was impossible for me to be the father their response wasn't "good on you for stepping up to a commitment that isn't ultimately yours"

Government and leftist aren't interested in the childs welfare. To them it is a weapon. A weapon they effectively used against me and many others I'm sure
Your story does nothing to convince me you should be able to force a woman to have a child against their will
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.
Did you knock someone up?
You're an idiot
I’m not the one getting young ladies preggers

Well, after a certain age performance issues are not uncommon...
10 years ago, Dr. George Tiller was murdered at his church in Kansas. He was proud to provide safe and legal abortion. He was a kind, gentle man, devoted to his family and his patients. His motto, "Trust Women," is as relevant as ever. I still ask myself: "What would George do?"
if women voted to cut off your balls, you would be nutless before dark ..

Fortunately you don't need to worry about it since you are a leftist cuck

weak ..
Shut up pussy. Take your whipping like the cuck you are

so you want to tell women what they can do with their body, but dont like them telling you what to do with yours.

youre an idiot -
Go out in public and threaten to do bodily harm to yourself. Then watch the state as they do EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER TO STOP YOU up to and including SHOOTING you to stop you.


so a sniper will shoot me off a roof top to keep me from jumping...

rw's get dumber by the day ..
anti-choice legislation is about criminalizing people for making their own decisions, not just about protecting the unborn
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.

Yeah. The "men shouldn't have a say" argument never made much sense to me.
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.

Let's pretend that some magic phenomena just took place and women no longer get pregnant.

Now, by some magic freak of nature ONLY men can now get pregnant.

I can just imagine the rate of abortion will likely increase 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 fold; maybe more.

When are you getting your abortion, Gramps?
One has to actually have sex with the opposite sex to get pregnant...

maybe gramps can do it 'asexually'
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.

They're just repeating what they think sounds cool. If we aren't supposed to "TELL A WOMAN WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR BODY", then drugs should be fully legal, prostitution should be fully legal, and they should be allowed to run around nude. Not that the later would be so bad.

And they're missing the elephant in the room, which is what about the child's body?
If we aren't supposed to "TELL A WOMAN WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR BODY", then drugs should be fully legal, prostitution should be fully legal, and they should be allowed to run around nude. Not that the later would be so bad.

Yep. All those laws are based on the same delusion behind outlawing abortion.

Note that drug use, prostitution and nudity are still quite common, despite the fantasies of social engineers.
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.
You do not put your at risk with a pregnancy or childbirth. You have no right to force those risks on an unwilling person.
anti-choice legislation is about criminalizing people for making their own decisions, not just about protecting the unborn
If they truly cared about the children or the mother's health they would expend a similar effort after the birth...not seeing that.
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.
You do not put your at risk with a pregnancy or childbirth. You have no right to force those risks on an unwilling person.
They put those risks on themselves by their own poor choices
Why then do welfare freeloaders and people who pay no taxes get a say via voting on tax increases or decreases?

If y'all wanna use this lame excuse apply it across the board.

For example, I have no children in school yet my property taxes goto the schools.
You do not put your at risk with a pregnancy or childbirth. You have no right to force those risks on an unwilling person.
They put those risks on themselves by their own poor choices
That doesnt give you any right to force to accept the risks due to your poor choices

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