So, The Wana Be Bomb Maker- aka.- The Clock Kid Is Moving to Qatar

I can understand their decision. Why stay to better a country where your inventions scare people, and the insane laws allow a person to gun down anyone who scares them?

I can't blame them at all. I would hesitate to even vacation in such barbaric states.

Why didn't you ask to join them on the epic journey?

Why does the right hate this kid?

His parents want to have their kid attend a program with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood who by the way, the FBI chief notes the MB do indeed support terrorism


FBI Chief: Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism

Elements of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist group whose ideology has inspired terrorists such as Osama bin Laden, are in the United States and have supported terrorism here and overseas, FBI Director Robert Mueller told a House committee Thursday.

FBI Chief: Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism
Every Muslim is a terrorist to you guys

I love how his headline says "Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism" --- and then his excerpt immediately qualifies "Elements of the Muslim Brotherhood"...

.... then in the actual story:
"However, Clapper also characterized the Brotherhood in Egypt as a mostly secular umbrella organization. "The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam," Clapper said in response to a question from Myrick. "They have pursued social ends, a betterment of the political order in Egypt, et cetera.....In other countries, there are also chapters or franchises of the Muslim Brotherhood, but there is no overarching agenda, particularly in pursuit of violence, at least internationally."
--- and the mendacity discount rate continues to soar. Where would these wags be without us to read their links for them?

Egypt’s military-backed government declares Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

They ARE a terrorist organization, and a lot of members (including Obozo's buddy Morsi) are under death sentences in Egypt...

Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's ex-leader, sentenced to death - BBC News

Get your head out of your ass and keep up...
you keep jawing on about the muslim brotherhood, yet you don't even bother to link them to the school the kid is going to

why is that?

What more do you need?

From the OP

"After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development"

And from post #7

Qatar Foundation | The Counter Jihad Report

Given the influence of Georgetown academics and graduates in this nation’s capital, it is imperative to question whether accepting money from the Qatar, a haven for the Muslim Brotherhood, is in America’s best interests.

We urge to you read the information below, which includes evidence that Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today. It is a benefactor of the genocidal armies of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram; it is involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking through a relationship with the Pakistani National Logistics Cell; and profits from operating a virtual slave state. Qatar has leveraged its relationships with violent jihadi groups to its own benefit, and to the detriment of the United States and her allies.
His parents want to have their kid attend a program with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood who by the way, the FBI chief notes the MB do indeed support terrorism


FBI Chief: Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism

Elements of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist group whose ideology has inspired terrorists such as Osama bin Laden, are in the United States and have supported terrorism here and overseas, FBI Director Robert Mueller told a House committee Thursday.

FBI Chief: Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism
Every Muslim is a terrorist to you guys

I love how his headline says "Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism" --- and then his excerpt immediately qualifies "Elements of the Muslim Brotherhood"...

.... then in the actual story:
"However, Clapper also characterized the Brotherhood in Egypt as a mostly secular umbrella organization. "The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam," Clapper said in response to a question from Myrick. "They have pursued social ends, a betterment of the political order in Egypt, et cetera.....In other countries, there are also chapters or franchises of the Muslim Brotherhood, but there is no overarching agenda, particularly in pursuit of violence, at least internationally."
--- and the mendacity discount rate continues to soar. Where would these wags be without us to read their links for them?

Egypt’s military-backed government declares Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

They ARE a terrorist organization, and a lot of members (including Obozo's buddy Morsi) are under death sentences in Egypt...

Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's ex-leader, sentenced to death - BBC News

Get your head out of your ass and keep up...
you keep jawing on about the muslim brotherhood, yet you don't even bother to link them to the school the kid is going to

why is that?

What more do you need?

From the OP

"After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development"

And from post #7

Qatar Foundation | The Counter Jihad Report

Given the influence of Georgetown academics and graduates in this nation’s capital, it is imperative to question whether accepting money from the Qatar, a haven for the Muslim Brotherhood, is in America’s best interests.

We urge to you read the information below, which includes evidence that Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today. It is a benefactor of the genocidal armies of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram; it is involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking through a relationship with the Pakistani National Logistics Cell; and profits from operating a virtual slave state. Qatar has leveraged its relationships with violent jihadi groups to its own benefit, and to the detriment of the United States and her allies.
how about an actual link? you seem to be conflating the Qatar Foundation with the nation of Qatar, an ally of ours, and some rather specious arguments about a 'link' to terror.
in other words your link is to a blog with a letter, it is not a credible source. try again.
Every Muslim is a terrorist to you guys

I love how his headline says "Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism" --- and then his excerpt immediately qualifies "Elements of the Muslim Brotherhood"...

.... then in the actual story:
"However, Clapper also characterized the Brotherhood in Egypt as a mostly secular umbrella organization. "The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam," Clapper said in response to a question from Myrick. "They have pursued social ends, a betterment of the political order in Egypt, et cetera.....In other countries, there are also chapters or franchises of the Muslim Brotherhood, but there is no overarching agenda, particularly in pursuit of violence, at least internationally."
--- and the mendacity discount rate continues to soar. Where would these wags be without us to read their links for them?

Egypt’s military-backed government declares Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

They ARE a terrorist organization, and a lot of members (including Obozo's buddy Morsi) are under death sentences in Egypt...

Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's ex-leader, sentenced to death - BBC News

Get your head out of your ass and keep up...
you keep jawing on about the muslim brotherhood, yet you don't even bother to link them to the school the kid is going to

why is that?

What more do you need?

From the OP

"After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development"

And from post #7

Qatar Foundation | The Counter Jihad Report

Given the influence of Georgetown academics and graduates in this nation’s capital, it is imperative to question whether accepting money from the Qatar, a haven for the Muslim Brotherhood, is in America’s best interests.

We urge to you read the information below, which includes evidence that Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today. It is a benefactor of the genocidal armies of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram; it is involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking through a relationship with the Pakistani National Logistics Cell; and profits from operating a virtual slave state. Qatar has leveraged its relationships with violent jihadi groups to its own benefit, and to the detriment of the United States and her allies.
how about an actual link? you seem to be conflating the Qatar Foundation with the nation of Qatar, an ally of ours, and some rather specious arguments about a 'link' to terror.
in other words your link is to a blog with a letter, it is not a credible source. try again.

What's wrong, you didn't like the foreign policy site?
Don't hate him at all. He and his Dad just figured out how to create the American dream Muslim style. And in the process exposed Obama for the knee jerk dope that he is. I thought the kid was headed to MIT but they got a better more immediate offer. Kudos.
I love how his headline says "Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism" --- and then his excerpt immediately qualifies "Elements of the Muslim Brotherhood"...

.... then in the actual story:
"However, Clapper also characterized the Brotherhood in Egypt as a mostly secular umbrella organization. "The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam," Clapper said in response to a question from Myrick. "They have pursued social ends, a betterment of the political order in Egypt, et cetera.....In other countries, there are also chapters or franchises of the Muslim Brotherhood, but there is no overarching agenda, particularly in pursuit of violence, at least internationally."
--- and the mendacity discount rate continues to soar. Where would these wags be without us to read their links for them?

Egypt’s military-backed government declares Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

They ARE a terrorist organization, and a lot of members (including Obozo's buddy Morsi) are under death sentences in Egypt...

Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's ex-leader, sentenced to death - BBC News

Get your head out of your ass and keep up...
you keep jawing on about the muslim brotherhood, yet you don't even bother to link them to the school the kid is going to

why is that?

What more do you need?

From the OP

"After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development"

And from post #7

Qatar Foundation | The Counter Jihad Report

Given the influence of Georgetown academics and graduates in this nation’s capital, it is imperative to question whether accepting money from the Qatar, a haven for the Muslim Brotherhood, is in America’s best interests.

We urge to you read the information below, which includes evidence that Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today. It is a benefactor of the genocidal armies of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram; it is involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking through a relationship with the Pakistani National Logistics Cell; and profits from operating a virtual slave state. Qatar has leveraged its relationships with violent jihadi groups to its own benefit, and to the detriment of the United States and her allies.
how about an actual link? you seem to be conflating the Qatar Foundation with the nation of Qatar, an ally of ours, and some rather specious arguments about a 'link' to terror.
in other words your link is to a blog with a letter, it is not a credible source. try again.

What's wrong, you didn't like the foreign policy site?
"the foreign policy site?" what are you talking about?
Don't hate him at all. He and his Dad just figured out how to create the American dream Muslim style. And in the process exposed Obama for the knee jerk dope that he is. I thought the kid was headed to MIT but they got a better more immediate offer. Kudos.
still might. he is still in high school.
Why does the right hate this kid?

Why do progressives love him? He ripped a electric clock apart and put it in a box. In other words he didn't do anything creative. He basically faked a project. You all fall all over yourselves claiming he's special. Why?
Don't love him...but feel sorry for the shit storm that he had to endure.

He created it. Created it when I gutted a clock and shoved it's parts into a metallic box and started showing it off and plugged it in during class....despite an engineer warning him not to let anyone see it.

I feel no sympathy at all towards him. In fact...there's strong evidence his sister (who was suspended for threatening to blow up the same school) put him up to it.
Why does the right hate this kid?

Why do progressives love him? He ripped a electric clock apart and put it in a box. In other words he didn't do anything creative. He basically faked a project. You all fall all over yourselves claiming he's special. Why?
Don't love him...but feel sorry for the shit storm that he had to endure.

He created it. Created it when I gutted a clock and shoved it's parts into a metallic box and started showing it off and plugged it in during class....despite an engineer warning him not to let anyone see it.

I feel no sympathy at all towards him. In fact...there's strong evidence his sister (who was suspended for threatening to blow up the same school) put him up to it.
there's no proof that she threatened anything.
Egypt’s military-backed government declares Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

They ARE a terrorist organization, and a lot of members (including Obozo's buddy Morsi) are under death sentences in Egypt...

Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's ex-leader, sentenced to death - BBC News

Get your head out of your ass and keep up...
you keep jawing on about the muslim brotherhood, yet you don't even bother to link them to the school the kid is going to

why is that?

What more do you need?

From the OP

"After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development"

And from post #7

Qatar Foundation | The Counter Jihad Report

Given the influence of Georgetown academics and graduates in this nation’s capital, it is imperative to question whether accepting money from the Qatar, a haven for the Muslim Brotherhood, is in America’s best interests.

We urge to you read the information below, which includes evidence that Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today. It is a benefactor of the genocidal armies of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram; it is involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking through a relationship with the Pakistani National Logistics Cell; and profits from operating a virtual slave state. Qatar has leveraged its relationships with violent jihadi groups to its own benefit, and to the detriment of the United States and her allies.
how about an actual link? you seem to be conflating the Qatar Foundation with the nation of Qatar, an ally of ours, and some rather specious arguments about a 'link' to terror.
in other words your link is to a blog with a letter, it is not a credible source. try again.

What's wrong, you didn't like the foreign policy site?
"the foreign policy site?" what are you talking about?

The link was for the foreign policy site regarding Qatar's connection to certain jihad groups.

You complain about sources and then don't use the ones provided?
you keep jawing on about the muslim brotherhood, yet you don't even bother to link them to the school the kid is going to

why is that?

What more do you need?

From the OP

"After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development"

And from post #7

Qatar Foundation | The Counter Jihad Report

Given the influence of Georgetown academics and graduates in this nation’s capital, it is imperative to question whether accepting money from the Qatar, a haven for the Muslim Brotherhood, is in America’s best interests.

We urge to you read the information below, which includes evidence that Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today. It is a benefactor of the genocidal armies of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram; it is involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking through a relationship with the Pakistani National Logistics Cell; and profits from operating a virtual slave state. Qatar has leveraged its relationships with violent jihadi groups to its own benefit, and to the detriment of the United States and her allies.
how about an actual link? you seem to be conflating the Qatar Foundation with the nation of Qatar, an ally of ours, and some rather specious arguments about a 'link' to terror.
in other words your link is to a blog with a letter, it is not a credible source. try again.

What's wrong, you didn't like the foreign policy site?
"the foreign policy site?" what are you talking about?

The link was for the foreign policy site regarding Qatar's connection to certain jihad groups.

You complain about sources and then don't use the ones provided?
the link was to a blog, maybe one about foreign policy, but still just a blog - and this one is written by a 'retired nurse.' those are some wicked foreign policy credentials, let me tell you.
i could write one on astronomy, doesn't mean i'd know betelgeuse from beetlejuice
What more do you need?

From the OP

"After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development"

And from post #7

Qatar Foundation | The Counter Jihad Report

Given the influence of Georgetown academics and graduates in this nation’s capital, it is imperative to question whether accepting money from the Qatar, a haven for the Muslim Brotherhood, is in America’s best interests.

We urge to you read the information below, which includes evidence that Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today. It is a benefactor of the genocidal armies of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram; it is involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking through a relationship with the Pakistani National Logistics Cell; and profits from operating a virtual slave state. Qatar has leveraged its relationships with violent jihadi groups to its own benefit, and to the detriment of the United States and her allies.
how about an actual link? you seem to be conflating the Qatar Foundation with the nation of Qatar, an ally of ours, and some rather specious arguments about a 'link' to terror.
in other words your link is to a blog with a letter, it is not a credible source. try again.

What's wrong, you didn't like the foreign policy site?
"the foreign policy site?" what are you talking about?

The link was for the foreign policy site regarding Qatar's connection to certain jihad groups.

You complain about sources and then don't use the ones provided?
the link was to a blog, maybe one about foreign policy, but still just a blog - and this one is written by a 'retired nurse.' those are some wicked foreign policy credentials, let me tell you.
i could write one on astronomy, doesn't mean i'd know betelgeuse from beetlejuice

You consider FP a blog?

The Case Against Qatar
how about an actual link? you seem to be conflating the Qatar Foundation with the nation of Qatar, an ally of ours, and some rather specious arguments about a 'link' to terror.
in other words your link is to a blog with a letter, it is not a credible source. try again.

What's wrong, you didn't like the foreign policy site?
"the foreign policy site?" what are you talking about?

The link was for the foreign policy site regarding Qatar's connection to certain jihad groups.

You complain about sources and then don't use the ones provided?
the link was to a blog, maybe one about foreign policy, but still just a blog - and this one is written by a 'retired nurse.' those are some wicked foreign policy credentials, let me tell you.
i could write one on astronomy, doesn't mean i'd know betelgeuse from beetlejuice

You consider FP a blog?

The Case Against Qatar
see, this is why i asked the question. I had not seen that link. it's a good article, i'll have to give it a thorough read when i get the chance. at a glance it doesn't seem that damning. remember, qatar is still our ally, and the qatar foundation is not qatar.
The kid was probably afraid of rightwing terrorists

All his family had to do is listen to what was being said in the rightwing media
What's wrong, you didn't like the foreign policy site?
"the foreign policy site?" what are you talking about?

The link was for the foreign policy site regarding Qatar's connection to certain jihad groups.

You complain about sources and then don't use the ones provided?
the link was to a blog, maybe one about foreign policy, but still just a blog - and this one is written by a 'retired nurse.' those are some wicked foreign policy credentials, let me tell you.
i could write one on astronomy, doesn't mean i'd know betelgeuse from beetlejuice

You consider FP a blog?

The Case Against Qatar
see, this is why i asked the question. I had not seen that link. it's a good article, i'll have to give it a thorough read when i get the chance. at a glance it doesn't seem that damning. remember, qatar is still our ally, and the qatar foundation is not qatar.

Qatar Linked To Islamic Jihad - MiddleEastNewsline

Qatar: Banker to the Global Jihad | Clarion Project

Qatar — global jihad’s financier
SS guy watching kids hands no?

What a turn of events. One day after meeting Obama to discuss his bomb making skills, the kids Dad announced he is moving the family to Qtar

Terrorist support this move I suspect.


Less than 24 hours after Ahmed Mohamed met President Obama, his family decided it’s time to leave America for good.

The 14-year-old Texas boy who was arrested for bringing to school a homemade clock that authorities said resembled a bomb will soon be living in Qatar.

“After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) for Ahmed to join the prestigious QF Young Innovators Program, which reflects the organization’s on-going dedication to empowering young people and fostering a culture of innovation and creativity,” the family said in a news release Tuesday.

‘Clock kid’ Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar

Guts of our computers resembles a bomb too. Doesn't mean it is one.
SS guy watching kids hands no?

What a turn of events. One day after meeting Obama to discuss his bomb making skills, the kids Dad announced he is moving the family to Qtar

Terrorist support this move I suspect.


Less than 24 hours after Ahmed Mohamed met President Obama, his family decided it’s time to leave America for good.

The 14-year-old Texas boy who was arrested for bringing to school a homemade clock that authorities said resembled a bomb will soon be living in Qatar.

“After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) for Ahmed to join the prestigious QF Young Innovators Program, which reflects the organization’s on-going dedication to empowering young people and fostering a culture of innovation and creativity,” the family said in a news release Tuesday.

‘Clock kid’ Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar

Guts of our computers resembles a bomb too. Doesn't mean it is one.

Try taking those guts and making them appear as if it is a bomb, go to your local airport, walk through, and see how quickly you are getting an up close view of the floor.
SS guy watching kids hands no?

What a turn of events. One day after meeting Obama to discuss his bomb making skills, the kids Dad announced he is moving the family to Qtar

Terrorist support this move I suspect.


Less than 24 hours after Ahmed Mohamed met President Obama, his family decided it’s time to leave America for good.

The 14-year-old Texas boy who was arrested for bringing to school a homemade clock that authorities said resembled a bomb will soon be living in Qatar.

“After careful consideration of all the generous offers received, we would like to announce that we have accepted a kind offer from Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) for Ahmed to join the prestigious QF Young Innovators Program, which reflects the organization’s on-going dedication to empowering young people and fostering a culture of innovation and creativity,” the family said in a news release Tuesday.

‘Clock kid’ Ahmed Mohamed and his family will move to Qatar

Guts of our computers resembles a bomb too. Doesn't mean it is one.

Try taking those guts and making them appear as if it is a bomb, go to your local airport, walk through, and see how quickly you are getting an up close view of the floor.

This entire incident was racial profiling. If the kid had been a local farmboy with a huge bag of ammonium nitrate and some fuel oil claiming a gardening experiment no one'd have said shit.

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