So These Are Left Wingers, Eh?

fucking RW's wont take responsibility for a damn thing, not even being RW's ..

cracks me up.

I guess they learned that from LWNJs.

The left has a long history of violence and I have yet to hear one of their leaders take responsibility for it.

HELL...the NY Slimes still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer Prize for promoting Stalin's murdering of the Ukraine. But...I would guess you don't know anything about that.

My guess is you don't even think left wingers commit any violence. Am I right or wrong?
You're wrong. Quite wrong. Stupidly wrong. Couldn't be more wrong.

I've heard this Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™ argument so many times, I've trademarked it!

As for the Stalin's manmade famine in the Ukraine, I am very, very familiar with that historical event, retard. I was a member of YAF probably when you were still in diapers. I used to bitch slap faggot commies on college campuses with the Holodomor.

Goddam, you people make the dumbest fucking logically flawed assumptions.

"Oh, this guy is attacking Nazis. He must be a leftie. Oh, wait. Nazis are left wingers. But he clearly hates left winger Nazis! Help! Help! I'm so confused! I think I'll divert to the crimes lefties have committed. That'll get him!"

It just does not ever occur to you pseudocons that a real conservative would be attacking Nazis and the retards who colloborate with them by portraying Nazis as left wingers.

What does that say about you?
and then there's you!
That's right. There's me, kicking tards in the nuts. Cleaning house.
The only difference between BLM and white nationalists is the fact that Democrats explicitly support BLM

Here's Republican Congressman Tom Garrett meeting with the Nazis who organized the Charlottesville protest.

which ones are they exactly?
fucking RW's wont take responsibility for a damn thing, not even being RW's ..

cracks me up.

I guess they learned that from LWNJs.

The left has a long history of violence and I have yet to hear one of their leaders take responsibility for it.

HELL...the NY Slimes still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer Prize for promoting Stalin's murdering of the Ukraine. But...I would guess you don't know anything about that.

My guess is you don't even think left wingers commit any violence. Am I right or wrong?
You're wrong. Quite wrong. Stupidly wrong. Couldn't be more wrong.
I've heard this Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™ argument so many times, I've trademarked it!

As for the Stalin's manmade famine in the Ukraine, I am very, very familiar with that historical event, retard. I was a member of YAF probably when you were still in diapers. I used to bitch slap faggot commies on college campuses with the Holodomor.

Goddam, you people make the dumbest fucking logically flawed assumptions.

"Oh, this guy is attacking Nazis. He must be a leftie. Oh, wait. Nazis are left wingers. But he clearly hates left winger Nazis! Help! Help! I'm so confused! I think I'll divert to the crimes lefties have committed. That'll get him!"

It just does not ever occur to you pseudocons that a real conservative would be attacking Nazis and the retards who colloborate with them by portraying Nazis as left wingers.

What does that say about you?
and then there's you!
That's right. There's me, kicking tards in the nuts. Cleaning house.
Why must you lefties always resort to violence?
fucking RW's wont take responsibility for a damn thing, not even being RW's ..

cracks me up.

I guess they learned that from LWNJs.

The left has a long history of violence and I have yet to hear one of their leaders take responsibility for it.

HELL...the NY Slimes still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer Prize for promoting Stalin's murdering of the Ukraine. But...I would guess you don't know anything about that.

My guess is you don't even think left wingers commit any violence. Am I right or wrong?
You're wrong. Quite wrong. Stupidly wrong. Couldn't be more wrong.

I've heard this Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™ argument so many times, I've trademarked it!

As for the Stalin's manmade famine in the Ukraine, I am very, very familiar with that historical event, retard. I was a member of YAF probably when you were still in diapers. I used to bitch slap faggot commies on college campuses with the Holodomor.

Goddam, you people make the dumbest fucking logically flawed assumptions.

"Oh, this guy is attacking Nazis. He must be a leftie. Oh, wait. Nazis are left wingers. But he clearly hates left winger Nazis! Help! Help! I'm so confused! I think I'll divert to the crimes lefties have committed. That'll get him!"

It just does not ever occur to you pseudocons that a real conservative would be attacking Nazis and the retards who colloborate with them by portraying Nazis as left wingers.

What does that say about you?
and then there's you!
That's right. There's me, kicking tards in the nuts. Cleaning house.
and then you wake up every morning.
fucking RW's wont take responsibility for a damn thing, not even being RW's ..

cracks me up.

I guess they learned that from LWNJs.

The left has a long history of violence and I have yet to hear one of their leaders take responsibility for it.

HELL...the NY Slimes still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer Prize for promoting Stalin's murdering of the Ukraine. But...I would guess you don't know anything about that.

My guess is you don't even think left wingers commit any violence. Am I right or wrong?
You're wrong. Quite wrong. Stupidly wrong. Couldn't be more wrong.
I've heard this Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™ argument so many times, I've trademarked it!

As for the Stalin's manmade famine in the Ukraine, I am very, very familiar with that historical event, retard. I was a member of YAF probably when you were still in diapers. I used to bitch slap faggot commies on college campuses with the Holodomor.

Goddam, you people make the dumbest fucking logically flawed assumptions.

"Oh, this guy is attacking Nazis. He must be a leftie. Oh, wait. Nazis are left wingers. But he clearly hates left winger Nazis! Help! Help! I'm so confused! I think I'll divert to the crimes lefties have committed. That'll get him!"

It just does not ever occur to you pseudocons that a real conservative would be attacking Nazis and the retards who colloborate with them by portraying Nazis as left wingers.

What does that say about you?
and then there's you!
That's right. There's me, kicking tards in the nuts. Cleaning house.
Why must you lefties always resort to violence?
it's all they know and have since facts are never on their side.
The only difference between BLM and white nationalists is the fact that Democrats explicitly support BLM

Here's Republican Congressman Tom Garrett meeting with the Nazis who organized the Charlottesville protest.

Seek mental help.....NOW!!!
That photo is from the Nazi's own web site, tard.

What is a Republican Congressman doing meeting with Nazis for a photo op? These very same Nazis held a public event right outside his office in March, not long before he sidled up to them smiling his ass off with them.

And now they all have blood on their hands.
I am curious to know how many times you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer in order to be profoundly stupid enough to say "Nazis are lefties".



nazis are left wing......they are socialists, they believe in government control of the economy, that is socialism, ding bat.....socialism is a left wing economic model.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

My purpose today is to make just two main points: (1) To show why Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And (2) to show why socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

The identification of Nazi Germany as a socialist state was one of the many great contributions of Ludwig von Mises.

When one remembers that the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party — Mises's identification might not appear all that noteworthy. For what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?


De facto government ownership of the means of production, as Mises termed it, was logically implied by such fundamental collectivist principles embraced by the Nazis as that the common good comes before the private good and the individual exists as a means to the ends of the State. If the individual is a means to the ends of the State, so too, of course, is his property. Just as he is owned by the State, his property is also owned by the State.

Actually, Hitler claimed that Nazism was not exclusively for any class, and he also indicated that it favored neither the left nor the right.
Hitler made it very clear in Mein Kampf his party was right wing. He laughed at the tards who mistook his deliberate attempts to mislead them into thinking he was left wing.

You may find this shocking, but I was so uninterested in him that I didn't bother to wade through Mein Kampf. I tend to not want to read a lot of ridiculous rantings from a hate filled mass murderer.
Yes, his book is longer than a tweet. That's why pseudocons have never read it and are susceptible to the ridiculously hilarious lie that nazis are left wing.

Whoever writes first on the blank slate that is the pseudocon mind has the advantage. No pseudocon has ever allowed reality to erase a lie put in their heads by their Nazi collaborating propagandists.

Good grief, you're obviously delusional if that is what you gleaned from my post. Please find the closest responsible adult to explain what my post said and apologize. Until then, you, like Hitler, are not worthy of the courtesy given when someone reads your missives.
The only difference between BLM and white nationalists is the fact that Democrats explicitly support BLM

Here's Republican Congressman Tom Garrett meeting with the Nazis who organized the Charlottesville protest.

The event was called "Unite the Right", retard.

It was about the alt-right(white nationalists) trying to get the alt-lite(civic nationalists who are not anti-white aka Trump supporters) to hear them out on issues that they actually agree.
The only difference between BLM and white nationalists is the fact that Democrats explicitly support BLM

Here's Republican Congressman Tom Garrett meeting with the Nazis who organized the Charlottesville protest.

Seek mental help.....NOW!!!
That photo is from the Nazi's own web site, tard.

What is a Republican Congressman doing meeting with Nazis for a photo op? These very same Nazis held a public event right outside his office in March, not long before he sidled up to them smiling his ass off with them.
You need to learn to control your emotions. Violence will lead you nowhere.
You guys have not answered my question. What is it you do to make yourselves stupid enough to say Nazis are left wing?
The only difference between BLM and white nationalists is the fact that Democrats explicitly support BLM

Here's Republican Congressman Tom Garrett meeting with the Nazis who organized the Charlottesville protest.

The event was called "Unite the Right", retard.

It was about the alt-right(white nationalists) trying to get the alt-lite(civic nationalists who are not anti-white aka Trump supporters) to hear them out on issues that they actually agree.
Yes, so what is a Republican Congressman doing rubbing cocks with Nazis?
The protest day was set, the guilty ones are those that showed up to counter protest dressed in helmets and body armor. What did they think would happen?
You guys have not answered my question. What is it you do to make yourselves stupid enough to say Nazis are left wing?
I don't answer questions from crazy people. You need to get mental help. Then we can talk.
The only difference between BLM and white nationalists is the fact that Democrats explicitly support BLM

Here's Republican Congressman Tom Garrett meeting with the Nazis who organized the Charlottesville protest.

Seek mental help.....NOW!!!
That photo is from the Nazi's own web site, tard.

What is a Republican Congressman doing meeting with Nazis for a photo op? These very same Nazis held a public event right outside his office in March, not long before he sidled up to them smiling his ass off with them.

And now they all have blood on their hands.
so you go looking at the nazi web page and then challenge us? too funny, what a hack job.
You guys have not answered my question. What is it you do to make yourselves stupid enough to say Nazis are left wing?
Because I am a national socialist myself, and every political affliation test I have ever taken puts me decidedly on the left of the spectrum.
You guys have not answered my question. What is it you do to make yourselves stupid enough to say Nazis are left wing?
Hitler and the Nazis were socialist. They were an anti capitalistic movement. They wanted big government to run everything. And they got what they wished for.
You guys have not answered my question. What is it you do to make yourselves stupid enough to say Nazis are left wing?
I don't answer questions from crazy people. You need to get mental help. Then we can talk.
Yeah, the guy who knows Nazis are right wing is the crazy person in the land of pseudocons.

I guess you want me to report to a re-education camp until I get my mind right, eh?

"But first, we must delouse you in the showers, citizen!"
I am curious to know how many times you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer in order to be profoundly stupid enough to say "Nazis are lefties".



national SOCIALISTS!!1!

nuff belched!

this post sponsored by PBR

I wish someone would explain to us how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger. This has GOT to be fucking priceless.

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