So...these religious freedom (aka anti tranny) laws are making liberals self-ban from here? YAY!

I don't see what's so free about when only a single religion gets to call the shots at the exclusion of all others.

I love how you Constitution scholars are so adept at Separation of Church and State.
I've read the Constitution several times and studied it in law school and the phrase "separation of Church and State" is not actually in there.

You think we believe that you attended law school?
It must have been one of those internet schools where testing is not required. Something like Trump University.

Blackrook attended the same law school that Tipsycatlover did.

Both constantly prove they know nothing - just like the OP.

Where's the link that proves what he wrote:

I keep seeing all these liberals self-banning themselves from states with "anti tranny" laws....or....religious freedom laws. Sharon Stone from Mississippi. Bruce Springstein from NC. Countless others.

So....the more of these we pass....the fewer liberals we will have down here??? YES!!! THATS AWESOME!!! PASS THE BILL!!!

And is there no end to what RWNJ traitors want to control?
The OP wants to outlaw FACIAL HAIR???

"What else will work??? Can we ban Che t-shirts and ban hipster douche beards??

In another thread, RWNJ traitors are in favor of actually outlawing sexual pleasure if procreation is not the goal.

Clearly, these people belong in a country like N Korea.
According to some here, child molesters are going to dress up as women in order to go into women's bathrooms. These are the same people who actually present their children to men in dresses (priests), even though they know its(the catholic church) a hot bed for pedophiles.

Just when you think RWNJ traitors can't get any more ridiculous, they come up with yet another pile of nonsense like this.
When the minority dictates against the demand for dignity by the majority. Or anyone else for that matter. You want to cherry-pick your fascism.
You mean like when those pesky black folks wanted to ride in the front of the bus and the white majority felt it was an aaffront to their dignity? Or, like when women sought the right to vote, and men were indignant?
You do realize that a man cannot become a woman? Right? They chose to do what they do and the rest of society shouldn't punished for his choice. Especially little girls. Anyone who is for this is a pervert.
You do realize that we are talking about actual HUMAN BEINGS that have a condition that can cause them much pain and suffering? You do realize that many commit suicide when they do not receive the help and support that they need and, instead, are demeaned, marginalized and written off as having made a choice? You do realize that the social, psychological and medical issues are complicated? I am truly sick of the level of willful ignorance being displayed here. Get educated !

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Another despicable moron that I'm sure you can relate to:
Meet The Man Behind All The Anti-LGBT Laws Nationwide, You May Recognize Him (VIDEO)
And the man behind wanting to be able to shower with little girls in north Carolina is a sex offender.
According to some here, child molesters are going to dress up as women in order to go into women's bathrooms. These are the same people who actually present their children to men in dresses (priests), even though they know its(the catholic church) a hot bed for pedophiles.

Just when you think RWNJ traitors can't get any more ridiculous, they come up with yet another pile of nonsense like this.
Hot beds for pedophiles are lib run public schools.
According to some here, child molesters are going to dress up as women in order to go into women's bathrooms. These are the same people who actually present their children to men in dresses (priests), even though they know its(the catholic church) a hot bed for pedophiles.

Just when you think RWNJ traitors can't get any more ridiculous, they come up with yet another pile of nonsense like this.
Hot beds for pedophiles are lib run public schools.

Yep and it's out of control, male and female teachers sexually assaulting students. It has to stop
I keep seeing all these liberals self-banning themselves from states with "anti tranny" laws....or....religious freedom laws. Sharon Stone from Mississippi. Bruce Springstein from NC. Countless others.

So....the more of these we pass....the fewer liberals we will have down here??? YES!!! THATS AWESOME!!! PASS THE BILL!!!

What else will work??? Can we ban Che t-shirts and ban hipster douche beards?

The North Carolina bill banned state law suits to redress grievances concerning discrimination of all types. Now, if you are fired because of your race, religion, age, or sexual orientation, you have to take it to federal court to address the issue. Much tougher to do and many more hoops to jump thru.

But if you think that is progress.....

and so?

So? So the discrimination is still illegal, but you are not allowed to take them to court. How do you get justice?

discrimination of what? what the fk does that even mean. I care for the kids, you want to impose your rights on them. shame on you fk.

Shame on me? At least I am able to read the entire thread.

If you had done so, you would have seen my post concerning "...if you are fired because of your race, religion, age, or sexual orientation...".

that's political correctness in the work place, what the fk does that have to do with outside employment. Again, you still haven't answered my question. What is the discrimination charge?
the transgender male that's who. He's imposing his will against children, perversion is the word to use.

You do know that pedophiles have to register themselves right?

So if you view the trans person as the sinner, you aren't being required to do anything against your religion, and using your religion as an excuse to deny their rights is not valid. If you have anything to show a link between trans people and pedophiles, you might have something. Everything I have seen says trans people are no more likely to be a pedophile than anyone else.
I don't care about my religion, stop getting hung up on that. it's protection for the children. Pedophiles are not welcomed in women's restrooms. Keep the whittle pee pees in the men's room. you still haven't stated the need to go to the women's room. What's the big deal?

Good. WE can discard the illogical and continue with logical discussion. I agree with pedophiles being banned from everything. Women's restrooms, men's restrooms, anywhere they are found. You have anything to show that trans people and pedophiles are the same,or that trans people are more likely than the general public to be a pedophile? If you do, I might change my mind.
anyone who wants to pee in front of children openly are pedophiles. I have no issue making that statement. And again, you still haven't shown that special constitutional right transgender are deserved of?
What fascinates me the most about this forum is that there are so many small minded, anti intellectuals like you who not only cling to their ignorant ideas and hatred of those who are different, but actually seem to take pride in it. It is one thing to be ill informed, it is quite another to deliberately avoid and shut out information that my challenge your views. You are so afraid and for that I almost feel sorry for you.
cling to my ideas? Well stupid fk their my ideas. Why do you think you get to tell anyone what their ideas ought to be? Who the fk are you? Now your statement is as true a libturd statement if I ever read one.

Now tell us why they deserve special treatment.
According to some here, child molesters are going to dress up as women in order to go into women's bathrooms. These are the same people who actually present their children to men in dresses (priests), even though they know its(the catholic church) a hot bed for pedophiles.

Just when you think RWNJ traitors can't get any more ridiculous, they come up with yet another pile of nonsense like this.
Hot beds for pedophiles are lib run public schools.

According to some here, child molesters are going to dress up as women in order to go into women's bathrooms. These are the same people who actually present their children to men in dresses (priests), even though they know its(the catholic church) a hot bed for pedophiles.

Just when you think RWNJ traitors can't get any more ridiculous, they come up with yet another pile of nonsense like this.
Hot beds for pedophiles are lib run public schools.

Yep and it's out of control, male and female teachers sexually assaulting students. It has to stop

You fools always use this as an excuse -

Child molestation takes place elsewhere so its okay to molest them in church.
The North Carolina bill banned state law suits to redress grievances concerning discrimination of all types. Now, if you are fired because of your race, religion, age, or sexual orientation, you have to take it to federal court to address the issue. Much tougher to do and many more hoops to jump thru.

But if you think that is progress.....
and so?

So? So the discrimination is still illegal, but you are not allowed to take them to court. How do you get justice?
discrimination of what? what the fk does that even mean. I care for the kids, you want to impose your rights on them. shame on you fk.

Shame on me? At least I am able to read the entire thread.

If you had done so, you would have seen my post concerning "...if you are fired because of your race, religion, age, or sexual orientation...".
that's political correctness in the work place, what the fk does that have to do with outside employment. Again, you still haven't answered my question. What is the discrimination charge?

Did I say there was a discrimination charge? I pointed out that this law removes law suits on a state level as a method of redress for discrimination. If someone is fired because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender ect, they cannot sue their former employer without going to federal court.
What fascinates me the most about this forum is that there are so many small minded, anti intellectuals like you who not only cling to their ignorant ideas and hatred of those who are different, but actually seem to take pride in it. It is one thing to be ill informed, it is quite another to deliberately avoid and shut out information that my challenge your views. You are so afraid and for that I almost feel sorry for you.

Oh yes, you regressives are simply erudite...

Trying to impress me with a big word won't work.


Trying to prompt you to actually think obviously didn't work.

What is your goal in demanding that grown men be allowed in public restrooms with little girls?

Are you just evil and perverted, or is this a ploy in hopes of achieving a goal?
I am thinking quite clearly- unlike you. My goal is to ensure that all people- regardless od sexual orientation or gender identity are treated with dignity and respect, If you are suggesting that my "goal" is to put children and women at risk is as stupid as stupid can get!

It appears that you are not even bright enough to understand that those " grown men" are not- in their own minds men- and have no interest in those girls. Thank you for confirming the accuracy of my assessment of the anti-intellectualism and commitment to ignorance that dominates this forum.
why does a man need to use a stall in a woman's restroom. you still haven't answered? What is the issue? I don't get what the need is.
According to some here, child molesters are going to dress up as women in order to go into women's bathrooms. These are the same people who actually present their children to men in dresses (priests), even though they know its(the catholic church) a hot bed for pedophiles.

Just when you think RWNJ traitors can't get any more ridiculous, they come up with yet another pile of nonsense like this.
Hot beds for pedophiles are lib run public schools.

According to some here, child molesters are going to dress up as women in order to go into women's bathrooms. These are the same people who actually present their children to men in dresses (priests), even though they know its(the catholic church) a hot bed for pedophiles.

Just when you think RWNJ traitors can't get any more ridiculous, they come up with yet another pile of nonsense like this.
Hot beds for pedophiles are lib run public schools.

Yep and it's out of control, male and female teachers sexually assaulting students. It has to stop

You fools always use this as an excuse -

Child molestation takes place elsewhere so its okay to molest them in church.
why do you want to open up a new venue?
I am thinking quite clearly- unlike you. My goal is to ensure that all people- regardless od sexual orientation or gender identity are treated with dignity and respect,

Wait, you think it's RESPECTFUL to put a 40 year old man in a public restroom with a 5 year old girl who had never met him?


You can't be that dumb and draw breath, so I call bullshit.

If you are suggesting that my "goal" is to put children and women at risk is as stupid as stupid can get!

There is no question that is the goal of your party, to destroy the foundations of civil society.

It appears that you are not even bright enough to understand that those " grown men" are not- in their own minds men- and have no interest in those girls. Thank you for confirming the accuracy of my assessment of the anti-intellectualism and commitment to ignorance that dominates this forum.

Yes, you identify as a poodle. Yet you still can't jump through a ring.

You demand that fantasy trumps reality, that your delusion is greater than empirical fact.

You are either insane, or driven by motives that you do not state
That moronic assertion tells us all that we need to know about you and your ilk. How fucking stupid!
and yet you're comfortable letting loose a man that doesn't know who he is in his own mind in front of little girls. yeah, your plugs are firing all at once there bubba. LOL, you keep contradicting yourself. everything, every point can be reversed and you blow it off for the sake of what? The little girl doesn't matter? Oh yeah, you're comfortable killing them before they breathe oxygen. Why doesn't that surprise me?
When the minority dictates against the demand for dignity by the majority. Or anyone else for that matter. You want to cherry-pick your fascism.
You mean like when those pesky black folks wanted to ride in the front of the bus and the white majority felt it was an aaffront to their dignity? Or, like when women sought the right to vote, and men were indignant?
You do realize that a man cannot become a woman? Right? They chose to do what they do and the rest of society shouldn't punished for his choice. Especially little girls. Anyone who is for this is a pervert.
You do realize that we are talking about actual HUMAN BEINGS that have a condition that can cause them much pain and suffering? You do realize that many commit suicide when they do not receive the help and support that they need and, instead, are demeaned, marginalized and written off as having made a choice? You do realize that the social, psychological and medical issues are complicated? I am truly sick of the level of willful ignorance being displayed here. Get educated !

Theories of the Causes of Transsexualism
Then get them in a hospital.
They have no right to force the rest of the world to become their personal shrink.
Some morons that you might know:

Mississippi Gov. Claims New Anti-LGBT Law Just Balances The Scales Of Justice Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 4/14/2016 10:52 am Yesterday, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant took time out of his day to be interviewed by Tim Wildmon, head of the Mississippi-based anti-gay hate group the American Family Association. As Wildmon and his co-hosts showered Bryant in praise and prayer for recently signing a radical anti-LGBT bill into law, the governor said that he didn't understand why the law provoked so much outrage, since it was just an effort to balance the scales of justice by allowing people to openly discriminate in the name of "religious liberty." "This is about the churches," Bryant said. "The next stop will be American Family Radio and it will be Mississippi College, it will be St. Dominic's Hospital as lawsuits will be filed; it will be churches where pastors can say, 'I can't perform that ceremony,' a lawsuit will be filed, it will go to a federal court and the federal court will say, yes, they should be a protected class, those who choose to marry and want to be married in the church and that church might lose its tax-exempt status and they'll have to close. And church after church after church across this country will close." - See more at: Mississippi Gov. Claims New Anti-LGBT Law Just Balances The Scales Of Justice

Peroutka Aide Charged In Connection With Deceptive Anti-LGBT Robocall
Submitted by Miranda Blue on Thursday, 4/14/2016 2:48 pm
Back in 2014, we watched with amazement as Michael Peroutka, the head of the Christian Reconstructionist group Institute on the Constitution and a former board member of the southern secessionist League of the South, won a local election to be a county councilman in his home county in Maryland.

After Peroutka’s victory, the news broke that an unidentified group that called itself “Marylanders for Transgenders” had sent out robocalls in the final days of the campaign asking voters to call Peroutka’s openly gay Democratic opponent, Patrick Armstrong, to “thank him for his bravery in coming out of the closet” and for supporting a bill that means “transgenders can now openly and freely go into any bathroom of their choice based on their confused gender identity.” The call provided the home phone number of Armstrong’s mother.

- See more at: Peroutka Aide Charged In Connection With Deceptive Anti-LGBT Robocall
I love the legislation thank you! I appreciate that you recognize that fine material.
According to some here, child molesters are going to dress up as women in order to go into women's bathrooms. These are the same people who actually present their children to men in dresses (priests), even though they know its(the catholic church) a hot bed for pedophiles.

Just when you think RWNJ traitors can't get any more ridiculous, they come up with yet another pile of nonsense like this.
still sacrificing little girls I see. Aren't you a proud mama?

So? So the discrimination is still illegal, but you are not allowed to take them to court. How do you get justice?
discrimination of what? what the fk does that even mean. I care for the kids, you want to impose your rights on them. shame on you fk.

Shame on me? At least I am able to read the entire thread.

If you had done so, you would have seen my post concerning "...if you are fired because of your race, religion, age, or sexual orientation...".
that's political correctness in the work place, what the fk does that have to do with outside employment. Again, you still haven't answered my question. What is the discrimination charge?

Did I say there was a discrimination charge? I pointed out that this law removes law suits on a state level as a method of redress for discrimination. If someone is fired because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, age, gender ect, they cannot sue their former employer without going to federal court.
and I wrote, so what?
still sacrificing little girls I see. Aren't you a proud mama?

Most conservatives have as their top 3 priorities, Family, God, Country.

Democrats have as their top 3, party, party, and party.
it is the libturd value system, push bills for .5% of the population and fk the 95.5%. That is their standard base of operation.

I still want to know, if TheRegressiveTraitor identifies as a poodle, does he demand the "right" to whip out his dick in front of children and pee on a tree or a fire hydrant?

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