So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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I'll bite, WHO invited her? It wasn't me.
The United States. Read the link.
I am part of the US and did NOT invite ANYBODY. WHO invited her? Hillary?

Doctors needing to find someone with her extremely rare disease. Americans can now have access to treatment for the disease because of her. Someone YOU love could be saved by the treatment she helped create. Sending her back to Guatemala, where she has not lived since she was 7, is a literal death sentence.
How so if they cured her? Site the law!

She is not "cured". There is no cure, only treatment not available anywhere else in the world.
Is Mexico picking up the tab? Yes or no?
I'll bite, WHO invited her? It wasn't me.
The United States. Read the link.
I am part of the US and did NOT invite ANYBODY. WHO invited her? Hillary?

Doctors needing to find someone with her extremely rare disease. Americans can now have access to treatment for the disease because of her. Someone YOU love could be saved by the treatment she helped create. Sending her back to Guatemala, where she has not lived since she was 7, is a literal death sentence.
What I hear is she brought a rare disease here-treat her in guatemala then. Send her back-Circle of Life

Because of her there is a treatment that is only available in the United States.
So, lets use it on US citizens only.
Now Texas gov relaxes gun laws,,,It's hard to believe this crap

guns in fucking church.... that is just stunning - ain't it?


well........ white jesus would..................
About time, no nut case will enter, they’re now safe
How his it that America that has the worst healthcare of first world countries is the only one that has life saving treatment for thousands of people. Hell, Cuba has better healthcare than we do. I remember that during the healthcare debates, why don’t we send these people to countries that can actually save them?

For the girl I have been talking about, there is no other country that can provide the treatment. The U.S. is the only place the treatment is approved.

Saying other countries do better at universally providing healthcare to its citizens is not meant to denigrate the quality of care the U.S. can provide, its just saying we CAN do better.
Fk you

Ah, there's that American exceptionalism we've heard so much about. You don't believe we can do better?
We are better, it’s why they’re here
How his it that America that has the worst healthcare of first world countries is the only one that has life saving treatment for thousands of people. Hell, Cuba has better healthcare than we do. I remember that during the healthcare debates, why don’t we send these people to countries that can actually save them?

For the girl I have been talking about, there is no other country that can provide the treatment. The U.S. is the only place the treatment is approved.

Saying other countries do better at universally providing healthcare to its citizens is not meant to denigrate the quality of care the U.S. can provide, its just saying we CAN do better.
Fk you

Ah, there's that American exceptionalism we've heard so much about. You don't believe we can do better?
We can do better if we focus on fixing our own problems first and foremost.
How his it that America that has the worst healthcare of first world countries is the only one that has life saving treatment for thousands of people. Hell, Cuba has better healthcare than we do. I remember that during the healthcare debates, why don’t we send these people to countries that can actually save them?

For the girl I have been talking about, there is no other country that can provide the treatment. The U.S. is the only place the treatment is approved.

Saying other countries do better at universally providing healthcare to its citizens is not meant to denigrate the quality of care the U.S. can provide, its just saying we CAN do better.
Fk you

Ah, there's that American exceptionalism we've heard so much about. You don't believe we can do better?
We can do better if we focus on fixing our own problems first and foremost.
Doing better is our nation and only one
The United States. Read the link.
I am part of the US and did NOT invite ANYBODY. WHO invited her? Hillary?

Doctors needing to find someone with her extremely rare disease. Americans can now have access to treatment for the disease because of her. Someone YOU love could be saved by the treatment she helped create. Sending her back to Guatemala, where she has not lived since she was 7, is a literal death sentence.
How so if they cured her? Site the law!

She is not "cured". There is no cure, only treatment not available anywhere else in the world.
Is Mexico picking up the tab? Yes or no?
Right? How is this on us exactly?
Yes, I will. Trump is following the law-something these sick people should check out before depending on us. Today's illegal children are tomorrow's MS13 and Cartel member.
they are legally here, with documentation.... they followed the rules, reported to homeland security for acceptance in the program that has been available to the sick, since 1976....

Trump is ending this 45 year old program.

How many have been deported so far?
Why would that matter? Is the 33 days of notice by Trump to send them to their likely deaths up?

Not it’s not, they now report to ICE and each case is going to be reviewed and accessed. Every honest story’s says just that.

Wrong, sorry. The ICE thing is what they offered as an excuse when we all found out about this extremely cruel for cruelty sake policy change. ICE said "no, we don't do that"
i'll name 3.

john mccain
the free press.

All three who attacked him first.

are you kidding? trump spent a solid 5 YEARS claiming obama was a mooooooslum born in kenya. tell me wtf did he do to donny that set him off the rails, 'eh? & the rest is petty shit that anybody who is supposta be the 'potus' is also supposta be held to a higher standard. he's a petty little orange man baby snowflake.


What did he do to Trump? Is that a joke question or what?

Trump knew he had the FBI pulling their stunts on him. Everybody had a big laugh at first, especially the media. Then we found it was all true.

DumBama had the FBI make up this phony scam that Trump was colluding with Russia, of course with the help of Hillary. It started this entire surveillance on Trump and his associates. As we now know, it was a lie from the beginning.

So of course Trump is pissed at Obama and has every right to be. The idea of using our federal agencies to bring down a political opponent is unprecedented. I would be super pissed too.

fake news ray, ray.... is that all you got? of course it is. & you didn't address the fact that donny went after obama for 5 straight years --- that is until he wanted a free 30 minute infomercial to hawk his new DC hotel then VOILA! obama was no longer a kenyan born moooooooslum.

huh 'magine dat. so ray ray, was president tinkles lying for those 5 years, or lying when he all of a sudden said 'never mind ' ?

It wasn't five years, and Trump stopped when DumBama provided a copy of his birth certificate which some are claiming was a fake. Before Trump won the election, he got information that DumBama was tapping his phone calls. After his inauguration and found out for sure, he was outraged.

That's besides the fact questioning his BC is not a personal attack. Trump's personal attacks on Ears didn't start until after he entered the White House.

you are one of the most ridiculous trump spinners we got on this little piece ofthe internets ray ray.........

march 2011:

sept 2016:

Now, not to mention her in the same breath, but Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it. You know what I mean. President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.

Read Trump's Speech Admitting President Obama Was Born in the U.S.

soooooooooooooo..... raymond.................. tell the class how 2016 - 2011 does NOT = 5? lol!!!!

you fail.

oh & one more thing, b4 you start in on hillary, cause donny mentioned her?

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?
By Jon Greenberg on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 at 5:59 p.m.


Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?

Did Clinton Supporters Start the ‘Birther’ Movement?
We investigate Donald Trump's claim that the conspiracy theory about Barack Obama not being born in the U.S. originated inside Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign.
David Emery
  • Published 16 September 2016 FALSE.
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Trump on Birtherism: Wrong, and Wrong
By Robert Farley
Posted on September 16, 2016

Trump on Birtherism: Wrong, and Wrong -
Last edited:
cause you want no constitutional due process of a misdemeanor but want this nation to emulate 1930s germany... drumpf must love you long time.

No, that's what the left is wanting.

^^^ :cuckoo: ^^^

Lol, I know. You really are crazy.

so, you are playing the ' i know you are, but what am i ' game?

why doesn't that surprise me? you learned the art of projection from your gropenführer very well, dummkopf!

Im not playing your games.

yep - you are straight outa goebbels... good for you!
All three who attacked him first.

are you kidding? trump spent a solid 5 YEARS claiming obama was a mooooooslum born in kenya. tell me wtf did he do to donny that set him off the rails, 'eh? & the rest is petty shit that anybody who is supposta be the 'potus' is also supposta be held to a higher standard. he's a petty little orange man baby snowflake.


What did he do to Trump? Is that a joke question or what?

Trump knew he had the FBI pulling their stunts on him. Everybody had a big laugh at first, especially the media. Then we found it was all true.

DumBama had the FBI make up this phony scam that Trump was colluding with Russia, of course with the help of Hillary. It started this entire surveillance on Trump and his associates. As we now know, it was a lie from the beginning.

So of course Trump is pissed at Obama and has every right to be. The idea of using our federal agencies to bring down a political opponent is unprecedented. I would be super pissed too.

fake news ray, ray.... is that all you got? of course it is. & you didn't address the fact that donny went after obama for 5 straight years --- that is until he wanted a free 30 minute infomercial to hawk his new DC hotel then VOILA! obama was no longer a kenyan born moooooooslum.

huh 'magine dat. so ray ray, was president tinkles lying for those 5 years, or lying when he all of a sudden said 'never mind ' ?

It wasn't five years, and Trump stopped when DumBama provided a copy of his birth certificate which some are claiming was a fake. Before Trump won the election, he got information that DumBama was tapping his phone calls. After his inauguration and found out for sure, he was outraged.

That's besides the fact questioning his BC is not a personal attack. Trump's personal attacks on Ears didn't start until after he entered the White House.

you are one of the most ridiculous trump spinners we got on this little piece ofthe internets ray ray.........

march 2011:

sept 2016:

Now, not to mention her in the same breath, but Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it. You know what I mean. President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.

Read Trump's Speech Admitting President Obama Was Born in the U.S.

soooooooooooooo..... raymond.................. tell the class how 2016 - 2100 does NOT = 5? lol!!!!

you fail.

oh & one more thing, b4 you start in on hillary, cause donny mentioned her?

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?
By Jon Greenberg on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 at 5:59 p.m.


Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?

Did Clinton Supporters Start the ‘Birther’ Movement?
We investigate Donald Trump's claim that the conspiracy theory about Barack Obama not being born in the U.S. originated inside Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign.
David Emery
  • Published 16 September 2016 FALSE.
Did Clinton Supporters Start the 'Birther' Movement?

Trump on Birtherism: Wrong, and Wrong
By Robert Farley
Posted on September 16, 2016

Trump on Birtherism: Wrong, and Wrong -

Wow TDS on steroids!
i expect nothing less than those who call themselves christians. i bet mike pence is totally on board with it....
If you feel so strongly about helping perhaps you should also give some bone marrow to try and save some of the less fortunate with bad genes.
Genetic variations in a fourth gene linked to elevated leukemia risk in Hispanic children

Find out where to donate here.
Clinical Trials | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

lol.... mike pence wouldn't even look at those brownies in cages, let alone talk to them when he went down to 'inspect' the detention centers.

so much for pro life... love the fetus, hate the child & if they are brown - then they don't matter at all.

so bite me.
So, what is preventing you from being pro active?

Anyone being held can leave the detention centers

The names of the various Organizations and advocacy groups
working on behalf of these illegal immigrants are easy to find...
They have been referenced in countless articles

I would start with a legal advocacy group
that has had direct contact with those being held in DC’s

Google the advocacy group to get their contact information
and to find out who is the top dog within said group
Visit the website of said group and see if contact information
for the TOP DOG is provided and if so, that it is different
from the contact information provided for the group itself

If it is not, Google the top dog
and see if you can find the information
to directly contact that person

If you weren’t able to find the top dog info
to contact that person directly, call the number you have
Ask to speak to someone in a position of authority

When that person gets on the phone, explain to them
you will like to be a ‘foster parent’ of sorts
for 1 family that is being held at a detention center
that would like to return to their own country
(since we know these ‘asylum’ claims are economic based)

You can provide the difference for
whatever 1 family needs to avoid their hardships(reality)
So they can enjoy ‘a better life’
and forgo the consequences of their choices

See, a better life for these immigrants
is easing their hardships

They are not leaving a life of poverty
for a prosperous life in another country
They are leaving one country
to live their lives in poverty, in another

There are children dying in Africa
from starvation and and water
And, these immigrants think they have it bad

children separated from their parents can't leave....
i expect nothing less than those who call themselves christians. i bet mike pence is totally on board with it....
If you feel so strongly about helping perhaps you should also give some bone marrow to try and save some of the less fortunate with bad genes.
Genetic variations in a fourth gene linked to elevated leukemia risk in Hispanic children

Find out where to donate here.
Clinical Trials | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

lol.... mike pence wouldn't even look at those brownies in cages, let alone talk to them when he went down to 'inspect' the detention centers.

so much for pro life... love the fetus, hate the child & if they are brown - then they don't matter at all.

so bite me.
So, what is preventing you from being pro active?

Anyone being held can leave the detention centers

The names of the various Organizations and advocacy groups
working on behalf of these illegal immigrants are easy to find...
They have been referenced in countless articles

I would start with a legal advocacy group
that has had direct contact with those being held in DC’s

Google the advocacy group to get their contact information
and to find out who is the top dog within said group
Visit the website of said group and see if contact information
for the TOP DOG is provided and if so, that it is different
from the contact information provided for the group itself

If it is not, Google the top dog
and see if you can find the information
to directly contact that person

If you weren’t able to find the top dog info
to contact that person directly, call the number you have
Ask to speak to someone in a position of authority

When that person gets on the phone, explain to them
you will like to be a ‘foster parent’ of sorts
for 1 family that is being held at a detention center
that would like to return to their own country
(since we know these ‘asylum’ claims are economic based)

You can provide the difference for
whatever 1 family needs to avoid their hardships(reality)
So they can enjoy ‘a better life’
and forgo the consequences of their choices

See, a better life for these immigrants
is easing their hardships

They are not leaving a life of poverty
for a prosperous life in another country
They are leaving one country
to live their lives in poverty, in another

There are children dying in Africa
from starvation and and water
And, these immigrants think they have it bad

children separated from their parents can't leave....
They left them in their home country, or at the border-I know-unite them on the Mexican side of the border.
the winners of this culture war of whether we need immigrants or not will decide the future of western civ, my friends


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