So, this is what passes for leadership, now?

Insult after insult, you are a true intolerant asshole lefty. Fuck off you little bitch! I have chronic kidney stones for over 30 years so piss off!

OK, first of all, again with the unverifiable personal anecdotes. Secondly, you said yourself you paid out of pocket $4,800 for surgery (I assume related to your kidney stones). Now, realistically, who has $5K just laying around to use for health care? Not anyone in the middle class, because they're all in debt now thanks to Bush the Dumber. So what are you even blathering on about? Your story has lots of holes in it, big enough to drive a Mack truck through.

And "intolerance"? What? You're saying I should tolerate your bad, stupid, and wrong ideas? You don't even know what you're saying half the time. Your posts are all over the place. You change your position nearly post-to-post as you learn more information that I provide you.
Dishonest coming from you.
Says the guy who just got caught calling someone a liar, for posting a true honest opinion, anyway. I mean I have no proof that you are delusional. After all, you might not actually believe the bullshit you're spewing. In which case you wouldn't be delusional, you'd just be a liar.

You didn't post a true statement, you posted a misleading statement based off of some stupid random thought of your. I expect it from you.
So, you didn't say that we were getting by just fine before Obamacare? Because I'll be happy to like to the post where you did.

So you didn't say "I'm glad it don't live there"?

How was anyone to know the context you dishonest nutjob? And when I asked for clarification, you didn't clarify yourself again! You are a dumb dishonest person. Now, do you have anything new to really add?
By employing reading comprehension, which you apparently are incapable of. My comment was made after pointing out that you live in a delusional world, based on your claim that a period of time when 48 million Americans were uninsured was getting by just fine.

It's not my fault that you are incapable of understanding the words that you read.

Not my fault you are a dumb fuck.
It is your belief

I'm going to stop you right there. This isn't a question of beliefs, it is a question of truth. The "truth" in your argument is something that cannot be validated on an anonymous message board. I think you know that, and are pretending as if it is and can be. Secondly, all follow-up questions on what you're saying go unanswered. Such as the question of how you expect people with chronic conditions to afford health care in catastrophic plans, particularly if they are low-wage workers like those who work at Walmart or McDonald's. You've bounced around two competing positions; that there shouldn't be any insurance at all and everyone should pay with cash, or that there should only be catastrophic plans and everything else is paid with cash. But in both scenarios, you fail to address the elephant in the room; what about the hundreds of millions of people in this country with pre-existing and/or chronic conditions? You've remained entirely silent on those people, assuming that their chronic conditions can be paid out of pocket, which is fucking stupid.

you have an opinion based on your knowledge

It isn't my opinion that catastrophic plans don't help those with pre-existing conditions, it's fact. So once again, we have an instance of a Conservative (you) being unable to distinguish between a fact and an opinion. That's because you don't even know what you think, which is why your posts contradict each other, have holes bigger than the Grand Canyon, and are completely unverifiable.

which is proven to pretty fucking bad, hell you don't even know you can pay cash to a doctor. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, I shared an experience. You are an asshole.

So, you are being stupid on purpose because that's just who you are as a person. So again, how would someone afford to pay for a chronic condition with cash, knowing how expensive treating chronic illnesses are? You haven't even done the hard work of figuring that out. Which is why I call you lazy, uninformed, stupid, etc.

You post stupid shit and lie and twist words, you don't know about paying cash to doctors and hospitals and I'm uninformed and stupid? lol! You are a real moron.
Exactly! My cardiac surgeon would have been "paid" over 20K for my surgery if it were handled by the insurance company. But, he agreed to a cash payment of 4,800 bucks simply because the paper work was greatly reduced. And for him it was worth it.

Bullshit. Don't believe it at all. So you're telling me that the cost of surgery was inflated by nearly $15,000 because of private insurance administration costs? So then, doesn't that make the case for single payer if administrative costs for private insurers to reimburse providers inflates the price by 200%????

You guys are making this way too easy for me.

His Name is Dr. Chapman from Carson Tahoe Cardiology, call his office and ask what the cash rate is for open heart surgery. Go ahead, I dare you. And no, it doesn't make your case. It destroys your case, most operating expenses are defensive in nature for doctors. That's absurd.
You post stupid shit and lie and twist words, you don't know about paying cash to doctors and hospitals and I'm uninformed and stupid? lol! You are a real moron.

Paying cash is not the solution to our health care problems. You continue to just gloss over pre-existing conditions and chronic conditions as if they don't matter. Have you even given those any thought?
Exactly! My cardiac surgeon would have been "paid" over 20K for my surgery if it were handled by the insurance company. But, he agreed to a cash payment of 4,800 bucks simply because the paper work was greatly reduced. And for him it was worth it.

Bullshit. Don't believe it at all. So you're telling me that the cost of surgery was inflated by nearly $15,000 because of private insurance administration costs? So then, doesn't that make the case for single payer if administrative costs for private insurers to reimburse providers inflates the price by 200%????

You guys are making this way too easy for me.

His Name is Dr. Chapman from Carson Tahoe Cardiology, call his office and ask what the cash rate is for open heart surgery. Go ahead, I dare you. And no, it doesn't make your case. It destroys your case, most operating expenses are defensive in nature for doctors. That's absurd.

Mine is Dr. Baird, Everett, WA. Tell him you have no insurance and he will take care of you.

Here is a web site of some doctors that will make discounts if you pay cash.

Self-Pay Healthcare Market

Of course the derp and czernobog don't believe these providers exist and even after this link, he will still say they don't exist.
His Name is Dr. Chapman from Carson Tahoe Cardiology, call his office and ask what the cash rate is for open heart surgery. Go ahead, I dare you. And no, it doesn't make your case. It destroys your case, most operating expenses are defensive in nature for doctors. That's absurd.

Operating expenses are defensive in nature? What do those "Operational expenses" entail? Do you even know? I find it hard to believe that $15K in paperwork is required to perform a $5K procedure. That sounds made up.

What does that have to do with health insurance, which is what we are talking about? First you said it was the administrative expenses, now you're saying it's operational expenses. Well those are two different things. How does the operating expenses amount to $15K above the $4,800 you claimed you paid. And you didn't negotiate with the doctor, you negotiated with the billing department. Also, who has $5K just lying around for medical expenses? No one in the middle class because they're all in debt.
Of course the derp and czernobog don't believe these providers exist and even after this link, he will still say they don't exist.

How does paying cash w/ or w/o a catastrophic plan help anyone with a pre-existing and/or chronic condition?
Of course the derp and czernobog don't believe these providers exist and even after this link, he will still say they don't exist.

How does paying cash w/ or w/o a catastrophic plan help anyone with a pre-existing and/or chronic condition?

Doctors don't accept cash according to you and czernobog, don't you remember? You mentioned something about chickens or something like that.
Says the guy who just got caught calling someone a liar, for posting a true honest opinion, anyway. I mean I have no proof that you are delusional. After all, you might not actually believe the bullshit you're spewing. In which case you wouldn't be delusional, you'd just be a liar.

You didn't post a true statement, you posted a misleading statement based off of some stupid random thought of your. I expect it from you.
So, you didn't say that we were getting by just fine before Obamacare? Because I'll be happy to like to the post where you did.

So you didn't say "I'm glad it don't live there"?

How was anyone to know the context you dishonest nutjob? And when I asked for clarification, you didn't clarify yourself again! You are a dumb dishonest person. Now, do you have anything new to really add?
By employing reading comprehension, which you apparently are incapable of. My comment was made after pointing out that you live in a delusional world, based on your claim that a period of time when 48 million Americans were uninsured was getting by just fine.

It's not my fault that you are incapable of understanding the words that you read.

Not my fault you are a dumb fuck.
You didn't post a true statement, you posted a misleading statement based off of some stupid random thought of your. I expect it from you.
So, you didn't say that we were getting by just fine before Obamacare? Because I'll be happy to like to the post where you did.

So you didn't say "I'm glad it don't live there"?

How was anyone to know the context you dishonest nutjob? And when I asked for clarification, you didn't clarify yourself again! You are a dumb dishonest person. Now, do you have anything new to really add?
By employing reading comprehension, which you apparently are incapable of. My comment was made after pointing out that you live in a delusional world, based on your claim that a period of time when 48 million Americans were uninsured was getting by just fine.

It's not my fault that you are incapable of understanding the words that you read.

Not my fault you are a dumb fuck.

Well if that is all you got, then that is all you got. Lol!
Doctors don't accept cash according to you and czernobog, don't you remember? You mentioned something about chickens or something like that.

Obviously, that was an exaggeration intended for comedic effect, while also shouting back to the 2010 Conservative policy position of Sue Lowden, the Conservative running for the Senate seat in Nevada who suggested using chickens to pay for health care.

But again, how does paying cash help someone with pre-existing conditions or chronic conditions? You haven't answered that question because you know you can't. Doing so would unravel your stupid idea of doing away with insurance altogether, which was your idea after your other idea which was catastrophic plans and cash.

And because I know you don't open links (obviously), I've cut and pasted her exact quote for you:

"You know, before we all started having health care, in the olden days, our grandparents, they would bring a chicken to the doctor. They would say I'll paint your house.... In the old days that's what people would do to get health care with their doctors. Doctors are very sympathetic people. I'm not backing down from that system."
So how is that any different from the position you have today, 7 years later? If someone doesn't have the cash, should they prostitute themselves in order to get health care? That seems to be what you think.
Conservatives ultimately want a health care system where people pay for health care by prostituting themselves. Every single Conservative wants this. All of them. No exceptions.
Doctors don't accept cash according to you and czernobog, don't you remember? You mentioned something about chickens or something like that.

Obviously, that was an exaggeration intended for comedic effect, while also shouting back to the 2010 Conservative policy position of Sue Lowden, the Conservative running for the Senate seat in Nevada who suggested using chickens to pay for health care.

But again, how does paying cash help someone with pre-existing conditions or chronic conditions? You haven't answered that question because you know you can't. Doing so would unravel your stupid idea of doing away with insurance altogether, which was your idea after your other idea which was catastrophic plans and cash.

And because I know you don't open links (obviously), I've cut and pasted her exact quote for you:

"You know, before we all started having health care, in the olden days, our grandparents, they would bring a chicken to the doctor. They would say I'll paint your house.... In the old days that's what people would do to get health care with their doctors. Doctors are very sympathetic people. I'm not backing down from that system."
So how is that any different from the position you have today, 7 years later? If someone doesn't have the cash, should they prostitute themselves in order to get health care? That seems to be what you think.

You said doctors didn't take cash or give a break for not going through your insurance. You are dead wrong.
Conservatives ultimately want a health care system where people pay for health care by prostituting themselves. Every single Conservative wants this. All of them. No exceptions.

Another stupid claim that you can't substantiate. It seems all you do is make up shit for the sake of making up shit.
So, you didn't say that we were getting by just fine before Obamacare? Because I'll be happy to like to the post where you did.

So you didn't say "I'm glad it don't live there"?

How was anyone to know the context you dishonest nutjob? And when I asked for clarification, you didn't clarify yourself again! You are a dumb dishonest person. Now, do you have anything new to really add?
By employing reading comprehension, which you apparently are incapable of. My comment was made after pointing out that you live in a delusional world, based on your claim that a period of time when 48 million Americans were uninsured was getting by just fine.

It's not my fault that you are incapable of understanding the words that you read.

Not my fault you are a dumb fuck.

Well if that is all you got, then that is all you got. Lol!
Okay, then. Since that's all you got, I guess we're done here. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
You said doctors didn't take cash or give a break for not going through your insurance. You are dead wrong.

Fine. I was wrong about that. But that doesn't change that your stupid idea doesn't satisfy the questions of pre-existing conditions.

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