So, this is what passes for leadership, now?

Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
How many Republicans voted for Obamacare the first time? Please remind us. They own it!

The problem is there are too many options for 52 people to agree upon. One end of the party doesn't want to repeal because it will not be replaced. The vast majority of the party doesn't want it repealed because they want to replace it . The other end wants nothing done and let Obamacare implode.
When Obama was President, Republicans even voted against stuff they supported because they didn't want Obama to have any accomplishments to run on.

One act of utter cruelty was the Republican failure to pass funding for the health crisis and treatment for children in Flint Michigan who had been poisoned by the water crisis there.

They passed the funding after Trump was inaugurated. Despicable.

They shouldn't have passed anything. It was a city/state issue. The feds should not spend a dime.
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.

The system hasn't worked for a long long time and was becoming unsustainable. Costs were spiralling out of control, with catastrophic treatments for cancer, or serious heart conditions costing hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment.

Every President since Truman has tried to reform US healthcare and failed. Obama was the only one to succeed.

Succeed? You have a funny definition of "succeed"!

Last I checked, limiting doctor choices, raising costs, raising premiums, raising taxes, lowering benefits, and raising deductibles is about as far from succeed as you can get.
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So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

If it takes 160 amendments and they still couldn't vote for it, do you know what that is called? That's damage control on a sinking ship! We know it is going down, but we are trying to keep it afloat as long as possible before it blows up in our faces!
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

What would repeal actually accomplish? Nothing other than throwing millions off insurance immediately, and spiking costs for everyone else. You assholes had seven fucking years to come up with a replacement. What the fuck have you shitheads been doing this whole time?!?!?!?!
Last I checked, limiting doctor choices, raising costs, raising premiums, raising taxes, lowering benefits, and raising deductibles is about as far from succeed as you can get.

Obamacare doesn't limit doctor choices, insurance companies do. There is no Obamacare insurance plan, there are only plans that are offered as part of the Obamacare websites. Premiums and deduictibles were rising at faster rates prior to the ACA, and medical bankruptcies were 60% of all bankruptcies with the average amount at about $17K. The benefits were not lowered, they were enhanced to include a minimum set of requirements every plan must have if it is to be offered on the exchanges, and if the consumer is to receive subsidies to defray the cost because private insurance is not a sustainable business model if your goal is universal coverage and access. So you fools need to decide what it is you actually want; insurance company profits or universal coverage. Because you can't have both. So grow the fuck up already and stop acting like children.

And to the deductibles, I thought you fucking fools wanted patients to "put more skin in the game". Don't deductibles do just that!? So why are you mad about them? Their rising costs are exactly what you want. This is what I am talking about when I say Conservatives have absolutely no fucking idea what it is they want out of health care. All they know is what they don't want, and even that position is misinformed. Why? Because none of you idiots has any understanding of what insurance actually is and what an insurance company actually does.
Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard.

Of course, that's a fucking load of bullshit. The ACA was debated, had hearings after hearings, and had over 160+ Republican amendments in the 12 months it took to create and pass the law. Contrast that to the sloppy, rushed work Conservatives do and you can't even come close to making a comparison. You all ran on repeal for seven fucking years. The fact that in that time you idiots didn't bother to come up with a replacement plan, despite voting to repeal Obamacare 60+ times shows how fucking worthless and intellectually devoid you all are. But then, you already knew that about yourself.

This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.

Well, that traces its origins to Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress that led all the way into Bush's disastrous Presidency. A Presidency most Conservatives pretend never happened. The problem isn't that there are two competing valid ideas. The problem is there is only one valid idea, and the other side is just a bunch of anti-intellectual, superstitious, boring screeching. Conservatives have control of all three branches of government, and they can't even repeal the thing they threatened to for 7 fucking years.

You all are losers. Plain and simple.
aking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.

Wow, so you have no clue what you're talking about. You do realize that the concept of health insurance is only really about 80 years old, not 240. I think you fools take things like Medicare for granted because you simply don't know any better. None of you were alive before Medicare, so you have no point of comparison. A full repeal will kick at least 15,000,000 people off insurance immediately. Right away. You people are too fucking lazy and in too much denial to actually admit that our health care system is broken. Obamacare is but a band-aid on a larger problem; for-profit private insurance is not a sustainable business model if you are also guaranteeing universal coverage.

So you idiots have a decision to make as to what you want; private insurance company profits or universal coverage. Because you can't have both.
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

Man, the lies continue.
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

If it takes 160 amendments and they still couldn't vote for it, do you know what that is called? That's damage control on a sinking ship! We know it is going down, but we are trying to keep it afloat as long as possible before it blows up in our faces!
Changing the argument, when your original was proven false?


You are dismissed. Come back when you can make a cogent argument.
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

Man, the lies continue.
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.

It was rated mostly false all but six were administrative. Of the hundreds and hundreds of amendments added only six were by republicans.

Keep lying.
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Guess what, the costs continue to spiral and Obamacare is imploding. Still can't afford insurance and now the deductibles are so much, you can't afford to see a doctor.

So, you're now admitting that the costs were spiraling before the ACA...good. At least we are on the same page there. Now, were the cost increases pre-ACA greater than post-ACA? No. So Obamacare didn't reverse the spiraling costs, it just reduced the amount by which they grew.

For those who still cannot afford insurance, the bulk of them fall into the Medicaid gap when the Red State Death Panels chose not to expand Medicaid. Millions of people fall into the gap between qualifying for Medicaid, and qualifying for subsidies. This is entirely the fault of the Republican Party, who chose to oppose Medicaid expansion for no good reason.

And as far as deductibles...wha wha whaaaaaa? I thought you fucking assholes wanted everyone to "put more skin in the game". Higher deductibles do just that. So what the fuck are you complaining about? Christ on a crutch...
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

Man, the lies continue.
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.

It was rated mostly false all but six were administrative. Of the hundreds and hundreds of amendments added only six were by republicans.

Keep lying.
First of all, I didn't say "hundreds, and hundreds", so please do not attribute something to me I didn't say. I said, specifically, 160 amendments that were authored by Republicans. Second, in order to defend your lie, you want to parse the purpose of the offered amendments. Your argument was that Republicans were not allowed to be involved in the process. Period. Full stop. That is a lie. Just because Republicans chose to make the majority of their offered amendments meaningless fluff to delay the vote on the bill, rather than taking the process seriously, that's their fault. The reality is that they were clearly given the opportunity to participate in the process. Not our fault they chose to waste that opportunity.

Now. Now that your lie has been exposed, how about you demonstrate how Republicans gave Democrats that same opportunity ? You can't.
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I'm still trying to get my head around having a sitting President of the United States matter-of-factly say that he's going to let our health care system collapse.

Out of adjectives.

How would Obama care collapsing, collapse the whole system?
Guess what, the costs continue to spiral and Obamacare is imploding. Still can't afford insurance and now the deductibles are so much, you can't afford to see a doctor.

So, you're now admitting that the costs were spiraling before the ACA...good. At least we are on the same page there. Now, were the cost increases pre-ACA greater than post-ACA? No. So Obamacare didn't reverse the spiraling costs, it just reduced the amount by which they grew.

For those who still cannot afford insurance, the bulk of them fall into the Medicaid gap when the Red State Death Panels chose not to expand Medicaid. Millions of people fall into the gap between qualifying for Medicaid, and qualifying for subsidies. This is entirely the fault of the Republican Party, who chose to oppose Medicaid expansion for no good reason.

And as far as deductibles...wha wha whaaaaaa? I thought you fucking assholes wanted everyone to "put more skin in the game". Higher deductibles do just that. So what the fuck are you complaining about? Christ on a crutch...

Why do you lump me in with others? I only speak for myself asshole! I am for repeal, not anything the Republicans or the Democrats have put forth.

Also you have no proof that Obamacare slowed anything. We now will have counties in this country that will have no options for Obamacare because insurance companies are backing out. Obamacare did nothing to address rising healthcare costs, they addressed a mandatory insurance program that is a burden to the middle class.
No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.
Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

Man, the lies continue.
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.

It was rated mostly false all but six were administrative. Of the hundreds and hundreds of amendments added only six were by republicans.

Keep lying.
First of all, I didn't say "hundreds, and hundreds", so please do not attribute something to me I didn't say. I said, specifically, 160mamendments that were authored by Republicans. Second, in order to defend your lie, you want to parse the purpose of the offered amendments. You're argument was that Republicans were not allowed to be involved in the process. Period. Full stop. That is a lie. Just because Republicans chose to make the majority of their offered amendments meaningless fluff to delay the vote on the bill, rather than taking the process seriously, that's their fault. The reality is that they were clearly given the opportunity to participate in the process. Not our fault they chose to waste that opportunity.

Now. Now that your lie has been exposed, how about you demonstrate how Republicans gave Democrats that same opportunity ? You can't.

Nutter, I said hundreds or hundreds of amendments were added, not by just Republicans, learn to comprehend what you read instead of ASSuming you know anything. Who the hell is "our"? one defending Lord Dampnuts. Colour me shocked...

Because it ain't his fault. It is the fault of incompetent repubs pure stop. They ALL need to go! They are the most worthless group of politicians that the US has ever seen.

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