So, this is what passes for leadership, now?

The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

Man, the lies continue.
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.

It was rated mostly false all but six were administrative. Of the hundreds and hundreds of amendments added only six were by republicans.

Keep lying.
First of all, I didn't say "hundreds, and hundreds", so please do not attribute something to me I didn't say. I said, specifically, 160mamendments that were authored by Republicans. Second, in order to defend your lie, you want to parse the purpose of the offered amendments. You're argument was that Republicans were not allowed to be involved in the process. Period. Full stop. That is a lie. Just because Republicans chose to make the majority of their offered amendments meaningless fluff to delay the vote on the bill, rather than taking the process seriously, that's their fault. The reality is that they were clearly given the opportunity to participate in the process. Not our fault they chose to waste that opportunity.

Now. Now that your lie has been exposed, how about you demonstrate how Republicans gave Democrats that same opportunity ? You can't.

Nutter, I said hundreds or hundreds of amendments were added, not by just Republicans, learn to comprehend what you read instead of ASSuming you know anything. Who the hell is "our"?
",,,not by just Republicans..." So, you admit that Republicans were invited to the table, and took part in the process. Good. Now we're on the same page. Now demonstrate how Republicans made the same offer to Democrats...
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

Man, the lies continue.
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.

Flunked high school civics, huh?

Amendments do not change the bill. They add to it!

If you put lipstick on a pig, does it cease being a pig?

They didn't vote for it because it was still a pig.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.
We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

How many millions will be thrown off if nothing is done? I am betting more than 38 million!
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

Man, the lies continue.
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.

Flunked high school civics, huh?

Amendments do not change the bill. They add to it!

If you put lipstick on a pig, does it cease being a pig?

They didn't vote for it because it was still a pig.
You are a fucking moron, who is incapable of comprehending simple English. When you add to something, that changes it. Amendments change how bills/laws function.

You are dismissed. Go drool in a corner, while I simply ignore your retarded ass.
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

If it takes 160 amendments and they still couldn't vote for it, do you know what that is called? That's damage control on a sinking ship! We know it is going down, but we are trying to keep it afloat as long as possible before it blows up in our faces!
Changing the argument, when your original was proven false?


You are dismissed. Come back when you can make a cogent argument.

Wrong answer. Republicans were locked out when the original bill was being written. Deny it all you want but that just makes you a liar.
Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

Man, the lies continue.
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.

Flunked high school civics, huh?

Amendments do not change the bill. They add to it!

If you put lipstick on a pig, does it cease being a pig?

They didn't vote for it because it was still a pig.
You are a fucking moron, who is incapable of comprehending simple English. When you add to something, that changes it. Amendments change how bills/laws function.

You are dismissed. Go drool in a corner, while I simply ignore your retarded ass.

You need to watch "I'm just a bill" from Schoolhouse rock so your retarded ass might learn something there, twit!

Were the Republicans locked out of the room when the bill was being written? Yes or no?.

The "markup" phase is where they were not allowed in. The Republicans said turnabout is fair play and did that on their plans also.
We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

If you can't afford standard healthcare, how are you going to pay for it AFTER you get insurance because you still have to meet the premiums, and deductibles before it pays a fucking dime?

You do realize that "Medicaid for all" will bankrupt the US. "Medicare for all" will just bankrupt Medicare and they will still have to pay premiums and coinsurance. You are totally confused.
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.

It was rated mostly false all but six were administrative. Of the hundreds and hundreds of amendments added only six were by republicans.

Keep lying.
First of all, I didn't say "hundreds, and hundreds", so please do not attribute something to me I didn't say. I said, specifically, 160mamendments that were authored by Republicans. Second, in order to defend your lie, you want to parse the purpose of the offered amendments. You're argument was that Republicans were not allowed to be involved in the process. Period. Full stop. That is a lie. Just because Republicans chose to make the majority of their offered amendments meaningless fluff to delay the vote on the bill, rather than taking the process seriously, that's their fault. The reality is that they were clearly given the opportunity to participate in the process. Not our fault they chose to waste that opportunity.

Now. Now that your lie has been exposed, how about you demonstrate how Republicans gave Democrats that same opportunity ? You can't.

Nutter, I said hundreds or hundreds of amendments were added, not by just Republicans, learn to comprehend what you read instead of ASSuming you know anything. Who the hell is "our"?
",,,not by just Republicans..." So, you admit that Republicans were invited to the table, and took part in the process. Good. Now we're on the same page. Now demonstrate how Republicans made the same offer to Democrats...

Oh my, are you dumb or what? I said six amendments were taken in by democrats. When you learn to comprehend what you read, let me know. I hate dense nutters.
We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind.
We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

What did Republicans break in the ACA bill?
Except they aren't lies. Even the politifact article you link to admits that there were 160 amendments written by Republicans, and adopted, even while rating the claim "half" true. So you're right. the lies do continue. From assholes on the Right who keep wanting to pretend that they had no input.

It was rated mostly false all but six were administrative. Of the hundreds and hundreds of amendments added only six were by republicans.

Keep lying.
First of all, I didn't say "hundreds, and hundreds", so please do not attribute something to me I didn't say. I said, specifically, 160mamendments that were authored by Republicans. Second, in order to defend your lie, you want to parse the purpose of the offered amendments. You're argument was that Republicans were not allowed to be involved in the process. Period. Full stop. That is a lie. Just because Republicans chose to make the majority of their offered amendments meaningless fluff to delay the vote on the bill, rather than taking the process seriously, that's their fault. The reality is that they were clearly given the opportunity to participate in the process. Not our fault they chose to waste that opportunity.

Now. Now that your lie has been exposed, how about you demonstrate how Republicans gave Democrats that same opportunity ? You can't.

Nutter, I said hundreds or hundreds of amendments were added, not by just Republicans, learn to comprehend what you read instead of ASSuming you know anything. Who the hell is "our"?
",,,not by just Republicans..." So, you admit that Republicans were invited to the table, and took part in the process. Good. Now we're on the same page. Now demonstrate how Republicans made the same offer to Democrats...

Oh my, are you dumb or what? I said six amendments were taken in by democrats. When you learn to comprehend what you read, let me know. I hate dense nutters.
And that's a lie. 160 amendments proposed by Republicans were "taken in" by Democrats. it is not my comprehension that is the problem. It is your need to tell lies. Now, you're going to insist that "most of those don't count", because they were fluff. Well, too bad. Republicans were given the opportunity to engage, and they did. Their choice to use that opportunity to just waste time, was their problem. However, you don't get to pretend that they weren't given the opportunity to engage.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. I'll just leave you with this thought. Who do you think were paying for all of those emergency room visits, and hospital stays - visits, and stays that may well not have been necessary had those people had access to standard care? You ruminate on that for a bit. Have a good day.
Last edited:
It was rated mostly false all but six were administrative. Of the hundreds and hundreds of amendments added only six were by republicans.

Keep lying.
First of all, I didn't say "hundreds, and hundreds", so please do not attribute something to me I didn't say. I said, specifically, 160mamendments that were authored by Republicans. Second, in order to defend your lie, you want to parse the purpose of the offered amendments. You're argument was that Republicans were not allowed to be involved in the process. Period. Full stop. That is a lie. Just because Republicans chose to make the majority of their offered amendments meaningless fluff to delay the vote on the bill, rather than taking the process seriously, that's their fault. The reality is that they were clearly given the opportunity to participate in the process. Not our fault they chose to waste that opportunity.

Now. Now that your lie has been exposed, how about you demonstrate how Republicans gave Democrats that same opportunity ? You can't.

Nutter, I said hundreds or hundreds of amendments were added, not by just Republicans, learn to comprehend what you read instead of ASSuming you know anything. Who the hell is "our"?
",,,not by just Republicans..." So, you admit that Republicans were invited to the table, and took part in the process. Good. Now we're on the same page. Now demonstrate how Republicans made the same offer to Democrats...

Oh my, are you dumb or what? I said six amendments were taken in by democrats. When you learn to comprehend what you read, let me know. I hate dense nutters.
And that's a lie. 160 amendments proposed by Republicans were "taken in" by Democrats. it is not my comprehension that is the problem. It is your need to tell lies. Now, you're going to insist that "most of those don't count", because they were fluff. Well, too bad. Republicans were given the opportunity to engage, and they did. Their choice to use that opportunity to just waste time, was their problem. However, you don't get to pretend that they weren't given the opportunity to engage.

Let's check out the record:

Gutierrez said that "hundreds of Republican amendments were adopted" during the drafting of the 2010 health care law. His statement has some basis, because Republican amendments were adopted in both the House and the Senate during the legislative process. Most of these amendments were not particularly meaningful, though, so calling it a bipartisan enactment effort remains a stretch.

We rate this claim Half True.
Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

What did Republicans break in the ACA bill?
The risk corridors, which is a major contributor to why insurance companies are fleeing many markets.
What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

So you concede, nice way to back out loser.

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