So, this is what passes for leadership, now?

Yep, it is crazy and I am forced by my own government to buy it. I used to have a plan that was $150 a month $5000 deductible but it was major medical. I used to bargain with my doctors and they cut me breaks because I didn't go through insurance companies.

You don't go through insurance companies, yet you have a deductible? Wha? one defending Lord Dampnuts. Colour me shocked...

President Donald Trump on Tuesday ducked responsibility after it became clear that neither “repeal and replace” nor a straight repeal of Obamacare had the votes to pass the Senate.

“We’re not going to own it. I’m not going to own it,” he said. “I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it.”

But that’s very different from what he said about leadership and responsibility nearly four years ago:

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

2:01 PM - 8 Nov 2013
Yep, it is crazy and I am forced by my own government to buy it. I used to have a plan that was $150 a month $5000 deductible but it was major medical. I used to bargain with my doctors and they cut me breaks because I didn't go through insurance companies.

You don't go through insurance companies, yet you have a deductible? Wha?

When I had major medical it only kicked in when I was hospitalized. I used to have it, not now, not under our current plan.
Who cares if they were uninsured?

You should care because uninsured people are part of the reason why health care costs are so expensive.

They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance.

Yes, but who pays for it? If the patient can't afford $200K for chemo, who pays? Or in your mind should the patient suffer and then die?

Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care! Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.

Hey, I have news for cannot get health care on demand in this country either. There are wait lists here too. In fact, most of our health care system revolves around waiting for things. Waiting in the ER, waiting in the doctor's office, waiting in the exam room, waiting for test results, waiting for prescriptions to be filled, waiting for claims to be processed, waiting for providers to be reimbursed. It's obvious and clear to me you have never traveled outside the country, so what the fuck do you know about it?
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

Those who cannot afford insurance now will not be able to afford insurance in the future, so what did the ACA accomplish? All it did was spending tax dollars and charging people for insurance they cannot afford to use.

That's it exactly, $2000 deductibles, $450 a month policy, then you have co-pays. I never reach my deductibles.

$5000 a year for health insurance plus deductibles and copays is insanity.

I have no copay, except $2 for a prescription, and no deductible. But then I live in a single payer country.

You also pay ridiculous taxes for a country with a military akin to the Boy Scouts of America,
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

The only thing we need to socialize is the entity that reimburses your provider. That's it. We don't need to change anything else about our system, just how health care providers are reimbursed. It's a transaction no patient is even a part!
Wrong answer. Republicans were locked out when the original bill was being written. Deny it all you want but that just makes you a liar.

No they weren't. They chose to not be a part of crafting the legislation. It was an active choice they made. Now, 7 years later, no replacement plan is viable so they basically wasted 7 years of bullshit for nothing. Conservatives = bullshit poseurs.
When I had major medical it only kicked in when I was hospitalized. I used to have it, not now, not under our current plan.

So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
Wrong answer. Republicans were locked out when the original bill was being written. Deny it all you want but that just makes you a liar.

No they weren't. They chose to not be a part of crafting the legislation. It was an active choice they made. Now, 7 years later, no replacement plan is viable so they basically wasted 7 years of bullshit for nothing. Conservatives = bullshit poseurs.

You are simply incorrect. When the ACA was written, the Democrats locked themselves away and came out with a bill that no one had ever read in its entirety. Don't remember Speaker Nasty Pelousy's infamous quote that they would have to pass the bill to find out what was in it? Are you sure you don't remember that?
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

That's because your government paid health insurance mirrors private insurance which seeks to discourage usage and limit claims.

When I get sick, I go to the doctor, or the hospital, get treatment and go home to get better. My doctor bills OHIP for my care. His receptionist does the paperwork, submitting one bill to the provincial payment office.

There is no question of what's covered or what they will pay, nor should there be. That being said, I get one complete physical per year, but that's true of private insurance as well.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

If you can't afford standard healthcare, how are you going to pay for it AFTER you get insurance because you still have to meet the premiums, and deductibles before it pays a fucking dime?

You do realize that "Medicaid for all" will bankrupt the US. "Medicare for all" will just bankrupt Medicare and they will still have to pay premiums and coinsurance. You are totally confused.

Bullshit. Medicaid for all eliminates the 20% private insurance skims off the top for administration and profit. It eliminates 3rd party billing companies, pre-approvals and those administration costs for hospitals, clinics and physicians. The US currently spends over 30% of every health care dollar on Administration. That amount is less than 10% in single payer countries.

Medicaid is full of doctor administration costs. The Medicaid program is a cluster. My dad and mom are on Medicare, my wife spends hours with the office manager to make sure things get covered and it takes forever, government is a mess if you want things done and done right, you just keep spinning wheels with them.
I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

Those who cannot afford insurance now will not be able to afford insurance in the future, so what did the ACA accomplish? All it did was spending tax dollars and charging people for insurance they cannot afford to use.

That's it exactly, $2000 deductibles, $450 a month policy, then you have co-pays. I never reach my deductibles.

$5000 a year for health insurance plus deductibles and copays is insanity.

I have no copay, except $2 for a prescription, and no deductible. But then I live in a single payer country.

You also pay ridiculous taxes for a country with a military akin to the Boy Scouts of America,

When you factor in healthcare insurance premiums which are part of our taxes, Canadians pay LESS than Americans.

As for our military, the only country who has ever attacked Canada is the USA. We stay out of other countries business and we aren't constantly making war on other countries to protect Canadian interests. But if you need peacekeeping or disaster assistance, don't be afraid to call on us.

Last but not least, we spend most of our tax dollars at home, on our own citizens, and not corporate welfare and wage subsidies or foreign wars. We provide assistance to the sick, the old, and the poor.

And when out governments forget who they work for and who elected them, we DESTROY the party by not electing any of their asshole candidates. Just ask Brian Mulroney, or Paul Martin, or John Turner.

Mulroney' Progressive Conservative Party which negotiated NAFTA and gifted us with the much hated Goods and Services Tax went from a substantial majority in Parliament to 3 seats, lost its parliamentary status and was absorbed by the Reform Party.

You idiots keep re-electing the same hacks who put corporations and lobbyists ahead of people and then complain that Washington is a swamp.
What I said was for the past 8 years we've had gov-run healthcare and for the preceding 240 we didn't. My error was only in the 240 math. It should have read 230.

And you would still be wrong because government doesn't run health care. The only government doctors that there are work directly for the VA and state government employees for government hospitals, all other doctors are private and work for medical groups, private practices, or wherever. You don't seem to know the first thing of which you speak. That's sad.
No one stopped any of them from acquiring their own insurance. It's about priorities and personal responsibility. Are the rest of us supposed to be their mother? I don't remember that part in the constitution.

The thing stopping them was the price tag. People couldn't afford it, hence 48 million uninsured prior to Obamacare, in the system into which you want to regress. Why? You don't even know. Well, I think you do know's all about "winning" and Obamacare represents the pinacle of Conservative losing. The fact that you shitheads screamed for repeal for 7 fucking years, and couldn't even produce a viable plan in all that time lets everyone know how intellectually dishonest and devoid you are. Fuck off.
Government has now mandated insurance. It hasn't yet mandated farming.

So that's different than government controlling health care, as you stupidly claimed. So here's an instance of a Conservative moving the goalposts as he discovers his argument is a steaming pile of horseshit.
What I said was for the past 8 years we've had gov-run healthcare and for the preceding 240 we didn't. My error was only in the 240 math. It should have read 230.

And you would still be wrong because government doesn't run health care. The only government doctors that there are work directly for the VA and state government employees for government hospitals, all other doctors are private and work for medical groups, private practices, or wherever. You don't seem to know the first thing of which you speak. That's sad.

When government mandates that health care providers MUST do certain things or risk punishment....what is that called again:eusa_whistle:
You left out the caveat of this first world country being inundated by 3rd world immigrants and socialist sloth. The socialists' solution is to create more socialism. That figures.

What's painfully obvious is you have no fucking idea what socialism don't even know what health insurance is. Why are you even posting? Is this just a Russian Active Measure? What's your deal?
What I said was for the past 8 years we've had gov-run healthcare and for the preceding 240 we didn't. My error was only in the 240 math. It should have read 230.

And you would still be wrong because government doesn't run health care. The only government doctors that there are work directly for the VA and state government employees for government hospitals, all other doctors are private and work for medical groups, private practices, or wherever. You don't seem to know the first thing of which you speak. That's sad.
The gov is forcing health coverage under threat of fine. That is control.
No one stopped any of them from acquiring their own insurance. It's about priorities and personal responsibility. Are the rest of us supposed to be their mother? I don't remember that part in the constitution.

The thing stopping them was the price tag. People couldn't afford it, hence 48 million uninsured prior to Obamacare, in the system into which you want to regress. Why? You don't even know. Well, I think you do know's all about "winning" and Obamacare represents the pinacle of Conservative losing. The fact that you shitheads screamed for repeal for 7 fucking years, and couldn't even produce a viable plan in all that time lets everyone know how intellectually dishonest and devoid you are. Fuck off.
Then you fix the problem that makes it cost-prohibitive. Making it more expensive through added gov overhead does not fix the problem.
You left out the caveat of this first world country being inundated by 3rd world immigrants and socialist sloth. The socialists' solution is to create more socialism. That figures.

What's painfully obvious is you have no fucking idea what socialism don't even know what health insurance is. Why are you even posting? Is this just a Russian Active Measure? What's your deal?
Try responding to my post with points and logic.
AvgGuyIA, post: 17745366
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

Trump promised to replace the ACA with a plan that would lower costs and provide better coverage for every American.

Why has he not revealed his promised plan yet? Why don't you care that the Orange Clown was lying to you?

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