So, this is what passes for leadership, now?

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

Those who cannot afford insurance now will not be able to afford insurance in the future, so what did the ACA accomplish? All it did was spending tax dollars and charging people for insurance they cannot afford to use.
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

Those who cannot afford insurance now will not be able to afford insurance in the future, so what did the ACA accomplish? All it did was spending tax dollars and charging people for insurance they cannot afford to use.

That's it exactly, $2000 deductibles, $450 a month policy, then you have co-pays. I never reach my deductibles.
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

So you concede, nice way to back out loser.

I concede nothing. You just don't comprehend what standard care is, how it prevents more expensive emergent care, and hospital stays, or who pays for the more expensive emergent care when you have people showing up to an emergency room with no insurance. Since you are incapable of recognising these very simple concepts, you are clearly hopeless.
I only go to emergency rooms, no other reason to see a doctor unless it's an emergency. All they want to do is give you pills to help you die faster.
Oh. My. Fucking. God!!! Really?!?! No wonder you speak as if you don't understand the importance of standard care. Because you don't understand the importance of annual checkups, and standard care. Like I said, since you are clearly clueless about how important good health is, and how to maintain it, I can't help you.
aking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.

Wow, so you have no clue what you're talking about. You do realize that the concept of health insurance is only really about 80 years old, not 240. I think you fools take things like Medicare for granted because you simply don't know any better. None of you were alive before Medicare, so you have no point of comparison. A full repeal will kick at least 15,000,000 people off insurance immediately. Right away. You people are too fucking lazy and in too much denial to actually admit that our health care system is broken. Obamacare is but a band-aid on a larger problem; for-profit private insurance is not a sustainable business model if you are also guaranteeing universal coverage.

So you idiots have a decision to make as to what you want; private insurance company profits or universal coverage. Because you can't have both.
You have a reading comprehension issue. What I said was for the past 8 years we've had gov-run healthcare and for the preceding 240 we didn't. My error was only in the 240 math. It should have read 230.
aking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.

Wow, so you have no clue what you're talking about. You do realize that the concept of health insurance is only really about 80 years old, not 240. I think you fools take things like Medicare for granted because you simply don't know any better. None of you were alive before Medicare, so you have no point of comparison. A full repeal will kick at least 15,000,000 people off insurance immediately. Right away. You people are too fucking lazy and in too much denial to actually admit that our health care system is broken. Obamacare is but a band-aid on a larger problem; for-profit private insurance is not a sustainable business model if you are also guaranteeing universal coverage.

So you idiots have a decision to make as to what you want; private insurance company profits or universal coverage. Because you can't have both.
You have a reading comprehension issue. What I said was for the past 8 years we've had gov-run healthcare and for the preceding 240 we didn't. My error was only in the 240 math. It should have read 230.
Except we don't have government run healthcare. We still have private insurance. Just because it's subsidized doesn't make it "government run". Farmers get subsidies? Does that mean we have "government run"{ agriculture? I'm pretty Monsanto would disagree with that.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.
No one stopped any of them from acquiring their own insurance. It's about priorities and personal responsibility. Are the rest of us supposed to be their mother? I don't remember that part in the constitution.
aking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.

Wow, so you have no clue what you're talking about. You do realize that the concept of health insurance is only really about 80 years old, not 240. I think you fools take things like Medicare for granted because you simply don't know any better. None of you were alive before Medicare, so you have no point of comparison. A full repeal will kick at least 15,000,000 people off insurance immediately. Right away. You people are too fucking lazy and in too much denial to actually admit that our health care system is broken. Obamacare is but a band-aid on a larger problem; for-profit private insurance is not a sustainable business model if you are also guaranteeing universal coverage.

So you idiots have a decision to make as to what you want; private insurance company profits or universal coverage. Because you can't have both.
You have a reading comprehension issue. What I said was for the past 8 years we've had gov-run healthcare and for the preceding 240 we didn't. My error was only in the 240 math. It should have read 230.
Except we don't have government run healthcare. We still have private insurance. Just because it's subsidized doesn't make it "government run". Farmers get subsidies? Does that mean we have "government run"{ agriculture? I'm pretty Monsanto would disagree with that.
Government has now mandated insurance. It hasn't yet mandated farming.
Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

So you concede, nice way to back out loser.

I concede nothing. You just don't comprehend what standard care is, how it prevents more expensive emergent care, and hospital stays, or who pays for the more expensive emergent care when you have people showing up to an emergency room with no insurance. Since you are incapable of recognising these very simple concepts, you are clearly hopeless.
I only go to emergency rooms, no other reason to see a doctor unless it's an emergency. All they want to do is give you pills to help you die faster.
Oh. My. Fucking. God!!! Really?!?! No wonder you speak as if you don't understand the importance of standard care. Because you don't understand the importance of annual checkups, and standard care. Like I said, since you are clearly clueless about how important good health is, and how to maintain it, I can't help you.

I used to pay for my yearly physical stupid, and he would tell what was going on and I went from there. I go home research and make changes where I need to. It has worked well. I am in great health, 57, I don't take pills for anything, it is mainly diet. I stay away from a lot of processed foods, stay away from high fructose crap, high protein, low carb. I don't need a doctor to babysit my health, I am responsible for that. If I get kidney stones, I take a herbal remedy and the doc gives me a pain prescription and that is it.

I don't want or need your help, I never asked for it. I take care of myself, I don't need you or your left wing nut jobs to help with anything.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.

45,000 Americans died each year because of lack of access to quality health care. Going to Emergency when things you're so sick you can't put it off any longer isn't "getting health care". Health care involves routine check ups to catch potential problems before they become life threatening. Issues like obesity, heart problems, diabetes, cancer, prenatal and post natal care.

No first world country in the world has a lower life expectancy than the US, or higher infant death rates, or higher mortality rates in childbirth. This despite having the highest cost per capita in the world.

Your "for profit" system serves the wealthy very well, the Middle Class only so-so, and the poor not so much.
We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.

45,000 Americans died each year because of lack of access to quality health care. Going to Emergency when things you're so sick you can't put it off any longer isn't "getting health care". Health care involves routine check ups to catch potential problems before they become life threatening. Issues like obesity, heart problems, diabetes, cancer, prenatal and post natal care.

No first world country in the world has a lower life expectancy than the US, or higher infant death rates, or higher mortality rates in childbirth. This despite having the highest cost per capita in the world.

Your "for profit" system serves the wealthy very well, the Middle Class only so-so, and the poor not so much.
You left out the caveat of this first world country being inundated by 3rd world immigrants and socialist sloth.
The socialists' solution is to create more socialism. That figures.
We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.

45,000 Americans died each year because of lack of access to quality health care. Going to Emergency when things you're so sick you can't put it off any longer isn't "getting health care". Health care involves routine check ups to catch potential problems before they become life threatening. Issues like obesity, heart problems, diabetes, cancer, prenatal and post natal care.

No first world country in the world has a lower life expectancy than the US, or higher infant death rates, or higher mortality rates in childbirth. This despite having the highest cost per capita in the world.

Your "for profit" system serves the wealthy very well, the Middle Class only so-so, and the poor not so much.

Ummm, no, they don't. No hospital may refuse care. It's called a law. You are spewing propaganda, and nothing more.
We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

And the fact is they do. There are tons of groups out there who cater to the indigent. It is a lie that the poor can't get the medical care they need. Below are a few portals that then lead you into the groups that provide the assistance. Everything you have been told is a lie. Educate yourself.

Financial Assistance for Cancer Patients | CancerCare

Patient Advocate Foundation

About One In Five Americans Will Develop Heart Failure
We who? Other delusionals like you who think that 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by"?. LOL

What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

If you can't afford standard healthcare, how are you going to pay for it AFTER you get insurance because you still have to meet the premiums, and deductibles before it pays a fucking dime?

You do realize that "Medicaid for all" will bankrupt the US. "Medicare for all" will just bankrupt Medicare and they will still have to pay premiums and coinsurance. You are totally confused.

Bullshit. Medicaid for all eliminates the 20% private insurance skims off the top for administration and profit. It eliminates 3rd party billing companies, pre-approvals and those administration costs for hospitals, clinics and physicians. The US currently spends over 30% of every health care dollar on Administration. That amount is less than 10% in single payer countries.
What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

If you can't afford standard healthcare, how are you going to pay for it AFTER you get insurance because you still have to meet the premiums, and deductibles before it pays a fucking dime?

You do realize that "Medicaid for all" will bankrupt the US. "Medicare for all" will just bankrupt Medicare and they will still have to pay premiums and coinsurance. You are totally confused.

Bullshit. Medicaid for all eliminates the 20% private insurance skims off the top for administration and profit. It eliminates 3rd party billing companies, pre-approvals and those administration costs for hospitals, clinics and physicians. The US currently spends over 30% of every health care dollar on Administration. That amount is less than 10% in single payer countries.

And single payer was desired in California and the cost would have been more than twice the annual state budget. Who's going to pay for it?
What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

If you can't afford standard healthcare, how are you going to pay for it AFTER you get insurance because you still have to meet the premiums, and deductibles before it pays a fucking dime?

You do realize that "Medicaid for all" will bankrupt the US. "Medicare for all" will just bankrupt Medicare and they will still have to pay premiums and coinsurance. You are totally confused.

Bullshit. Medicaid for all eliminates the 20% private insurance skims off the top for administration and profit. It eliminates 3rd party billing companies, pre-approvals and those administration costs for hospitals, clinics and physicians. The US currently spends over 30% of every health care dollar on Administration. That amount is less than 10% in single payer countries.

Medicaid is full of doctor administration costs. The Medicaid program is a cluster. My dad and mom are on Medicare, my wife spends hours with the office manager to make sure things get covered and it takes forever, government is a mess if you want things done and done right, you just keep spinning wheels with them.
Dumb shit, it wasn't passed! I wasn't for it! You are not very smart.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

Those who cannot afford insurance now will not be able to afford insurance in the future, so what did the ACA accomplish? All it did was spending tax dollars and charging people for insurance they cannot afford to use.

That's it exactly, $2000 deductibles, $450 a month policy, then you have co-pays. I never reach my deductibles.

$5000 a year for health insurance plus deductibles and copays is insanity.

I have no copay, except $2 for a prescription, and no deductible. But then I live in a single payer country.
What 48 million aren't currently insured? Dumbshit!
Hey, Fucktard! These were your exact words: "The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's"

You don't want what we have currently. 7 years ago, before Obamacare, we did have 48 million uninsured. The CBO just reported that doing what you want us to do would throw some 38 million people off their health insurance. Don't pretend that just repealing Obamacare would maintain the status quo. Claiming such is either dishonest, or delusional.

Who cares if they were uninsured? They were still able to get care unlike any other place where they have universal insurance. Take a look at the NHS sometime. Yeppers, everyone is "insured" but there's a whole shitload of dead people who wouldn't be had they not had to wait for their care!

Insurance does not equal seeing a doctor. Someday you might understand that simple fact. But I doubt it.
Not really. Emergency rooms are required to treat them. However, they have no access to standard healthcare. I love how everyone always points to England. Why not point to Sweden? Or the Netherlands? Or Israel? Oh, that's right. Because those exam0ples completely destroy your hair on fire claim that "all universal health coverage is terrible".

However, I'm not necessarily in favour of universal healthcare, either. Might we examine "Medicaid for All" at some future point? Sure. Why not. But right now, all I want is to fix the things that Republicans broke about the ACA.

If you can't afford standard healthcare, how are you going to pay for it AFTER you get insurance because you still have to meet the premiums, and deductibles before it pays a fucking dime?

You do realize that "Medicaid for all" will bankrupt the US. "Medicare for all" will just bankrupt Medicare and they will still have to pay premiums and coinsurance. You are totally confused.

Bullshit. Medicaid for all eliminates the 20% private insurance skims off the top for administration and profit. It eliminates 3rd party billing companies, pre-approvals and those administration costs for hospitals, clinics and physicians. The US currently spends over 30% of every health care dollar on Administration. That amount is less than 10% in single payer countries.
Free market competition and anti-trust enforcement brings costs down without having to apply counterproductive, expensive gov control.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

Those who cannot afford insurance now will not be able to afford insurance in the future, so what did the ACA accomplish? All it did was spending tax dollars and charging people for insurance they cannot afford to use.

That's it exactly, $2000 deductibles, $450 a month policy, then you have co-pays. I never reach my deductibles.

$5000 a year for health insurance plus deductibles and copays is insanity.

I have no copay, except $2 for a prescription, and no deductible. But then I live in a single payer country.

Yep, it is crazy and I am forced by my own government to buy it. I used to have a plan that was $150 a month $5000 deductible but it was major medical. I used to bargain with my doctors and they cut me breaks because I didn't go through insurance companies.
Dumbass. It's not over yet. You support its passage. The only one who is not very smart is the fucktard that supports passage of a measure that would throw 38 million Americans off health insurance.

I want it repealed asshole! I want it over, no one was denied healthcare at the hospital before and no one is denied now. And now your figure is 38 and not 42? Make up your mind. know what? You are an idiot. If you think that emergent care equals healthcare, then I cannot help you. Have a good day.

Those who cannot afford insurance now will not be able to afford insurance in the future, so what did the ACA accomplish? All it did was spending tax dollars and charging people for insurance they cannot afford to use.

That's it exactly, $2000 deductibles, $450 a month policy, then you have co-pays. I never reach my deductibles.

$5000 a year for health insurance plus deductibles and copays is insanity.

I have no copay, except $2 for a prescription, and no deductible. But then I live in a single payer country.

And if you live in the UK odds are you won't get to see your physician until it is too late. Of, if you're a Canadian and actually want to live in the face of waiting months for cancer surgery that is time critical you come to the US as tens of thousands of Canadians do every single year.

That's the problem with single payer. It's GREAT if you're not sick. But when you do get those diseases where time is of the essence. You get to die instead.
Why do you lump me in with others? I only speak for myself asshole! I am for repeal, not anything the Republicans or the Democrats have put forth.

Repeal and then what? Go back to the system pre-ACA with pre-existing conditions and medical bankruptcies?

Also you have no proof that Obamacare slowed anything. We now will have counties in this country that will have no options for Obamacare because insurance companies are backing out. Obamacare did nothing to address rising healthcare costs, they addressed a mandatory insurance program that is a burden to the middle class.

So, you are conflating two things; the rise in premiums and the decline in offerings in counties. And there is more than enough evidence showing that the rate of premium growth post-ACA is less than pre-ACA:


From Factcheck: The RNC’s “fact check” goes on to list more figures from the KFF survey, including the accurate statistic that the average premium for single coverage through employers has gone up 28 percent “under Obama” That’s right again, but much lower than the growth of individual premiums during Bush’s first six years. That increase was 72 percent.

The only way to reverse the rising costs for health care is to do away with for-profit private insurance. That's the only way you're going to be able to actually lower the cost instead of lowering the rate at which the cost increases. Obama never said he was going to reverse the direction premiums were rising, he did say that families would save money because of the subsidies, and he did say that premiums will rise slower than before, which was also true.

As for the lack of choices in some counties, here's the thing; If there is only one insurer in the state, then that means all the providers in that state will have to accept that insurance. So all insurance does is act as a gatekeeper to providers. As a consumer, you have to first purchase insurance before you can pick your doctor. If your doctor doesn't accept your insurance, that's not on Obamacare. That's on the insurer for not contracting with the provider. In an instance where there is only one insurer in the state, that doesn't mean your choices of providers are limited. In fact, it means your choices of providers is expanded because there's no other insurer who is administering reimbursement other than Medicare and Medicaid. Health insurance has no actual bearing on the quality of health care delivery you receive. All health insurance companies do is administer payment to your provider. It's a transaction you aren't even a part of, so why do you care who pays your doctor?

And Obamacare is hardly a burden on the middle class. Most of those workers get insurance through their employers. The rest qualify for subsidies...unless you're trying to say someone who makes $250K a year is "middle class". Are you saying that? The taxes in Obamacare didn't hit anyone other than those who get luxury plans, or whose income is over $1M. Neither of which are "middle class" parameters.

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