So, this is what passes for leadership, now?

No one stopped any of them from acquiring their own insurance. It's about priorities and personal responsibility. Are the rest of us supposed to be their mother? I don't remember that part in the constitution.

The thing stopping them was the price tag. People couldn't afford it, hence 48 million uninsured prior to Obamacare, in the system into which you want to regress. Why? You don't even know. Well, I think you do know's all about "winning" and Obamacare represents the pinacle of Conservative losing. The fact that you shitheads screamed for repeal for 7 fucking years, and couldn't even produce a viable plan in all that time lets everyone know how intellectually dishonest and devoid you are. Fuck off.
Then you fix the problem that makes it cost-prohibitive. Making it more expensive through added gov overhead does not fix the problem.
Actually that's not the problem. We actually had a method built into the ACA to help with the added expense to the insurance companies - they were rick corridors. Unfortunately, Marco Rubio recognised that this function was the most useful, and beneficial feature of the ACA. So, of course, one of the first things he did, was ram through a law that completely broke it. That is what led to most of what is currently wrong with the ACA. Fix that, and you would be surprised how much of a difference it would make.
What I said was for the past 8 years we've had gov-run healthcare and for the preceding 240 we didn't. My error was only in the 240 math. It should have read 230.

And you would still be wrong because government doesn't run health care. The only government doctors that there are work directly for the VA and state government employees for government hospitals, all other doctors are private and work for medical groups, private practices, or wherever. You don't seem to know the first thing of which you speak. That's sad.

When government mandates that health care providers MUST do certain things or risk punishment....what is that called again:eusa_whistle:
If you're implying what I think you are, what are you bitching about. The government has been mandating what health providers (emergency rooms) can, and cannot do since Reagan. So, we already have government run health, by your standards. This was just an expansion of what we already have.

And as we have seen with the NHS in the UK government controlled healthcare sucks. Not only does it suck, but it sucks in a really, really, bad way. Your problem is you only look at what they tell you. You never look beyond to what actually happens. That's why you are always befuddled.
No one stopped any of them from acquiring their own insurance. It's about priorities and personal responsibility. Are the rest of us supposed to be their mother? I don't remember that part in the constitution.

The thing stopping them was the price tag. People couldn't afford it, hence 48 million uninsured prior to Obamacare, in the system into which you want to regress. Why? You don't even know. Well, I think you do know's all about "winning" and Obamacare represents the pinacle of Conservative losing. The fact that you shitheads screamed for repeal for 7 fucking years, and couldn't even produce a viable plan in all that time lets everyone know how intellectually dishonest and devoid you are. Fuck off.
Then you fix the problem that makes it cost-prohibitive. Making it more expensive through added gov overhead does not fix the problem.
Actually that's not the problem. We actually had a method built into the ACA to help with the added expense to the insurance companies - they were rick corridors. Unfortunately, Marco Rubio recognised that this function was the most useful, and beneficial feature of the ACA. So, of course, one of the first things he did, was ram through a law that completely broke it. That is what led to most of what is currently wrong with the ACA. Fix that, and you would be surprised how much of a difference it would make.

Fix what? Rip off the young to pay for the old? That doesn't sound fair. i thought you were all about fairness?
When I had major medical it only kicked in when I was hospitalized. I used to have it, not now, not under our current plan.

So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
When I had major medical it only kicked in when I was hospitalized. I used to have it, not now, not under our current plan.

So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.

Exactly! My cardiac surgeon would have been "paid" over 20K for my surgery if it were handled by the insurance company. But, he agreed to a cash payment of 4,800 bucks simply because the paper work was greatly reduced. And for him it was worth it.
When I had major medical it only kicked in when I was hospitalized. I used to have it, not now, not under our current plan.

So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.

Exactly! My cardiac surgeon would have been "paid" over 20K for my surgery if it were handled by the insurance company. But, he agreed to a cash payment of 4,800 bucks simply because the paper work was greatly reduced. And for him it was worth it.

You need a staff to bill and keep track of the insurance billing, it is expensive and arduous work, and then you get caught between the patient and the insurance company not wanting to pay. Lots of expense and adds to the cost of healthcare.
What I said was for the past 8 years we've had gov-run healthcare and for the preceding 240 we didn't. My error was only in the 240 math. It should have read 230.

And you would still be wrong because government doesn't run health care. The only government doctors that there are work directly for the VA and state government employees for government hospitals, all other doctors are private and work for medical groups, private practices, or wherever. You don't seem to know the first thing of which you speak. That's sad.

When government mandates that health care providers MUST do certain things or risk punishment....what is that called again:eusa_whistle:
If you're implying what I think you are, what are you bitching about. The government has been mandating what health providers (emergency rooms) can, and cannot do since Reagan. So, we already have government run health, by your standards. This was just an expansion of what we already have.

And as we have seen with the NHS in the UK government controlled healthcare sucks. Not only does it suck, but it sucks in a really, really, bad way. Your problem is you only look at what they tell you. You never look beyond to what actually happens. That's why you are always befuddled.
Really? Because earlier you seemed to be advocating the "US government control" of hospitals, and emergency rooms. You insisted that that was working out just fine. You don't seem to know what your own position is...
No one stopped any of them from acquiring their own insurance. It's about priorities and personal responsibility. Are the rest of us supposed to be their mother? I don't remember that part in the constitution.

The thing stopping them was the price tag. People couldn't afford it, hence 48 million uninsured prior to Obamacare, in the system into which you want to regress. Why? You don't even know. Well, I think you do know's all about "winning" and Obamacare represents the pinacle of Conservative losing. The fact that you shitheads screamed for repeal for 7 fucking years, and couldn't even produce a viable plan in all that time lets everyone know how intellectually dishonest and devoid you are. Fuck off.
Then you fix the problem that makes it cost-prohibitive. Making it more expensive through added gov overhead does not fix the problem.
Actually that's not the problem. We actually had a method built into the ACA to help with the added expense to the insurance companies - they were rick corridors. Unfortunately, Marco Rubio recognised that this function was the most useful, and beneficial feature of the ACA. So, of course, one of the first things he did, was ram through a law that completely broke it. That is what led to most of what is currently wrong with the ACA. Fix that, and you would be surprised how much of a difference it would make.

Fix what? Rip off the young to pay for the old? That doesn't sound fair. i thought you were all about fairness?
That's not how the risk corridors work. Why don't you go do some research on risk corridors, the Rubio amendment, and the effect it had on the ACA, then get back to me.
When I had major medical it only kicked in when I was hospitalized. I used to have it, not now, not under our current plan.

So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...
When I had major medical it only kicked in when I was hospitalized. I used to have it, not now, not under our current plan.

So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?
Last edited:
When I had major medical it only kicked in when I was hospitalized. I used to have it, not now, not under our current plan.

So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?
I meant I was glad I didn't live in your delusional world where 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by", you fucktard. I was pointing out that you are delusional, and do not live in the same reality as most rational people.
So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?
I meant I was glad I didn't live in your delusional world where 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by", you fucktard. I was pointing out that you are delusional, and do not live in the same reality as most rational people.

Where did I say 48 million people without insurance is getting by? You guys make up crap and then when you make it up, you treat it like fact and you call me delusional? Lol! Got anymore lies to tell?
Another lying lefty, hell your lady Hillary, she can't tell the truth to save herself. No wonder she is less popular than Trump.
When I had major medical it only kicked in when I was hospitalized. I used to have it, not now, not under our current plan.

So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?

Oh, I think he's always lying. It's what progressives do.
So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?

Oh, I think he's always lying. It's what progressives do.

He is an absolute idiot, no honesty whatsoever. If he can handle something, he makes up crap and rolls from there. No debating or conversing with such dishonest individuals.
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?
I meant I was glad I didn't live in your delusional world where 48 million uninsured Americans is "getting by", you fucktard. I was pointing out that you are delusional, and do not live in the same reality as most rational people.

Where did I say 48 million people without insurance is getting by?
Okay...for those in the cheap seats, you said we were getting by just fine before Obamacare. Now, before Obamacare we had 48 million people uninsured. Hence, you were saying that 48 million uninsured is "getting by just fine". For fuck's sake! Can you fucktards not even remember the things that you posted yourselves?!?!?
So you did have an insurance plan, was just a catastrophic one. Why do you think what happened to you is what happens to everyone else? Do you think we are all created in your image?
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?

Oh, I think he's always lying. It's what progressives do.
...there are just no words...
I'm particularly interested in the "...I used to bargain with my doctors..." bit. I'd love to know where he lives. I have lived in major cities for the last 20 years, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor who was willing to work for a pot of stew, and a couple of chickens. In the real world, doctors don't do that anymore. In fact, most doctors can't do that anymore, as they are part of a larger practice, have office managers, and billing departments, and are not allowed, by the bylaws of their practice, to make exceptions on the office fees. After all, can you imagine the legal world of shit a doctor would be if I learned that I was being charged $150 per visit, because my doctor knew "my insurance would cover it", while only charging you 10 bucks a visit?

He can make that claim all he likes, I smell bullshit. Either that, or he lives in Bumblefuck, ID, where the population is 150, and his doctor is the country doctor for the next three counties.

Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?

Oh, I think he's always lying. It's what progressives do.

He is an absolute idiot, no honesty whatsoever. If he can handle something, he makes up crap and rolls from there. No debating or conversing with such dishonest individuals.
That's rich, coming from you...
Most don't do that anymore, I paid him less money for not billing the insurance, I paid cash, he didn't have to bill an insurance company and you are right it doesn't happen anymore, it was a major city and it was a doctor who was a stand alone, not many of them anymore. Lots of doctors used to do that. It was three years ago, and I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, you are from third world hell hole.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?

Oh, I think he's always lying. It's what progressives do.

He is an absolute idiot, no honesty whatsoever. If he can handle something, he makes up crap and rolls from there. No debating or conversing with such dishonest individuals.
That's rich, coming from you...

Dishonest coming from you.
Uh...I'm from Arizona. I wasn't aware that the US was a "third world hell hole"...

Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by".

So you lying now or then?

Oh, I think he's always lying. It's what progressives do.

He is an absolute idiot, no honesty whatsoever. If he can handle something, he makes up crap and rolls from there. No debating or conversing with such dishonest individuals.
That's rich, coming from you...

Dishonest coming from you.
Says the guy who just got caught calling someone a liar, for posting a true honest opinion, anyway. I mean I have no proof that you are delusional. After all, you might not actually believe the bullshit you're spewing. In which case you wouldn't be delusional, you'd just be a liar.
Earlier in post 15 of this thread, you said you were glad you didn't live here, so which is it?

So you lying now or then?

Oh, I think he's always lying. It's what progressives do.

He is an absolute idiot, no honesty whatsoever. If he can handle something, he makes up crap and rolls from there. No debating or conversing with such dishonest individuals.
That's rich, coming from you...

Dishonest coming from you.
Says the guy who just got caught calling someone a liar, for posting a true honest opinion, anyway. I mean I have no proof that you are delusional. After all, you might not actually believe the bullshit you're spewing. In which case you wouldn't be delusional, you'd just be a liar.

You didn't post a true statement, you posted a misleading statement based off of some stupid random thought of your. I expect it from you.

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