So trump cheated and broke the law to win in 2016?

Nah, of course not. Open borders destruction of the country, corruption, pay to play, more corruption, election rigging (mail in voting fraud), selling out the country to foreign counties, money laundering, illegal spying on Donald Trump, weaponizing the government against conservatives. Right. nothing to see here, move along, sheeple.
All of that bullshit
yeah right. You know all of that is true, and if you don't, well as Ron White said, you can't fix stupid.

No actually I don’t

That’s a list of Trumpian grievance and fantasy.

You expect me to criticize Biden based on your nonsense

Sorry. Not gonna happen
Once again. The Dossier did not start an investigation. It had begun months before.

It's true, the corrupt Obama DOJ was corrupt.
So using your logic, was the Trump DOJ corrupt when they tried Cohen for the very same crime that Trump is now convicted for?
the state can't prosecute Federal offenses retard. And as to the Federal charge the Federal Government said it didn't happen.
You MAGAts are most amusing when you pick up on something I've been listening to the right-wing talk radio propagandists saying for weeks and then you repeat it here like you really KNOW something about the law.
And then it turns out the people you heard it from; Brian Kilmeade, Dan Bongino, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Janine Pirro, Mark Levin, Laura Ingram, Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, and the list goes on and on......have been LYING to you....because they know you'll be foolish enough to repeat it.
So here you go. Here is some REAL information so that next time you hear one of your fake news, misinformation peddlers trying to tell you that New York state cannot prosecute for federal election crimes you can simply tell your TV or radio this,
New Yourk did not charge a federal election crime.
Convicted felon Donald Trump was not charged with or convicte of federal election crimes.
He was charged and convicted of 34 felony counts of falsification of business records (a crime in NY) for the purpose of interfering in an election (also a crime in NY).
Committing the fraud in order to conceal the second crime elevates the fraud to felony status and negates the statute of limitations on the crimes.
Now that you know maybe you csn get on the phone with Judge Janine and the others and straighten them out on all this false information they've been feeding you.

Any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

N.Y. Elec. Law § 17-152

The violations of election law elevated them to felonies. Those required no conviction to do so.

That's like raising jaywalking to a felony because two people were alleged to have conspired to jaywalk. What's even worse, they convinced the jury that there was a law broken even though no laws were broken.

The fraudster prosecution never proved their case, and the biased pedophile judge told the jury that they didn't have to prove anything,

So the two Biden lawyers in the jury tricked the jury into giving them 34 guilty verdicts.

That's the trial.

Democrats said that they wouldn't do this, and when they say they would never do something you can bet that's what they've been planning for over 6 years. Michael Cohen admitted they were planning lawfare (prosecuting the losing side) as a way to keep The Cadaver in office.

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