So trump cheated and broke the law to win in 2016?

Cohen made a somewhat similar point in an interview yesterday. Saying he (finally) chose to do the right thing and plead guilty. Trump isn't built that way. He never admits fault, responsibility, or holds himself accountable for anything. It's always someone, or something, else's fault.
Take a look at Hillary, Biden, Obama or any of the other criminals who run the democratic party. They never admit fault either.
Why would labling it a legal expense in his personal records be a problem? Explain the evil in this that requires punishment.
Here's an idea: familiarize yourself with the case against Trump, instead of pulling whatabout scenarios out of your ass and expecting people to answer them to your satisfaction, which BTW cannot be done. Because no answer will satisfy fringe extremists and cultists.

trump played the system in 2016. He payed off women, had his buddy Pecker kill stories, and the tried to hide it by falsifying records. He was elected in 2016 through illegal means.

Twice Impeached
Proven sexual abuser
Now 34 felonies

trump may be the death of the repub party.
Weird how the payment entry wasn’t made until AFTER the election. Kinda destroys your entire narrative, Simp.

Which law are you saying he broke to win the election? They are charging him for writing "for lawyer fees" in his personal records a year after winning. So what in the fuck are you talking about?
Didn't know you were on the Jury and heard all the evidence in the case...

Jury did hear the case and they came back that broke the law 34 times...

Using ignorance of the law as a tool isn't an excuse...

Trump will appeal and Fox News will tell you he has a case on appeal but real lawyers are going nope...
Not much to admit
Nah, of course not. Open borders destruction of the country, corruption, pay to play, more corruption, election rigging (mail in voting fraud), selling out the country to foreign counties, money laundering, illegal spying on Donald Trump, weaponizing the government against conservatives. Right. nothing to see here, move along, sheeple.
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I want you to understand what this case is. Most people really dont. Trump paid a girl to keep quiet, which is legal, and a year after winning the election he wrote "for lawyer fees" in his personal records. Can anyone explain to me why any of that is criminal, or even immoral, other than cheating on his wife? Why would we ever want any of that to be illegal? What exactly is the issue?

What is this conviction? Its fuckin crazy! :laugh:
I want you to understand this case but you obviously don’t and are unwilling to.
You can’t substitute the reality of the facts in this case with your own admittedly flawed suppositions and accept that as the new reality.
That’s neither acceptable nor accurate.
You really should aim to do better.

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