So trump cheated and broke the law to win in 2016?

trump could have taken the stand and defended himself. He did not. And the reason he did not is he knows he is lying and he knows if the prosecution got him on the stand he would have to perjure himself.
Cohen perjured himself and nothing was done jimboliar....
and he was a Fake president for four years, as he mislead voters by paying off a porn star and then recording it illegally as legal expense when it was really ca campaign expense.
Actually, he kept prices down, jobs and salaries up, protected our borders, kept criminals in jail.....did he cut off your SNAP teat sucking or something jimboliar??
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You say he won the 2020 election. Now you say he was not found guilty of falsely reporting money paid to a porn star to keep her quiet as legal expense. You really need to watch something other than FOX news.
You are the only Fox news watcher jimboliar.
Of course, being a devoted trump cult member, you leave out the most important charge. Yes, paying off the porn star is not illegal. But posting it as a "legal expense" is. That is what he was convicted of.

But you will vote for the convicted felon. Have at it, chump.
You are forcing him to vote for Trump jimboliar.
The GOP wrote a border bill, the way they wanted it. It would have drastically decreased immigrants crossing from the southern border. TRUMP TOLD THEM NOT TO VOTE FOR THEIR OWN BILL! CAUSE HE IS A POS WHO HATES AMERICA.
Border needs no bill jimboliar, just enforcement of existing law like when your Trumpybear was president.

trump played the system in 2016. He payed off women, had his buddy Pecker kill stories, and the tried to hide it by falsifying records. He was elected in 2016 through illegal means.

Twice Impeached
Proven sexual abuser
Now 34 felonies

trump may be the death of the repub party.
Poor have campaigned so well for your Trumpybear and now its almost over.....
Which law are you saying he broke to win the election? They are convicting him for writing "for lawyer fees" in his personal records a year after winning. So what in the fuck are you talking about?
It’s talking about what it’s told to talk about.
Which law are you saying he broke to win the election? They are convicting him for writing "for lawyer fees" in his personal records a year after winning. So what in the fuck are you talking about?
There you go.
Falsification of business records.
A crime


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