So we a Theocracy now?...

I love it... Right wingers will sit there and say that Obama hates Christians.. Call him a Muslim...being ant-religion and a whole bunch of other shit....

But now Obama mentions Christ's teachings as a guidepost for his policies... and all of a sudden we're a theocracy? More hypocrisy.... not surprising and very telling.

You don't care about Christian Principles.... why do you hate Christians?
Obama: I Pushed Dodd-Frank And Health Care Reform Because Of Christ

^Imagine Bush Invoking Christ for the Justification for his Actions regarding Legislation...



Odd, one can believe that is good advice even if one is an agnostic or an aethiest. But not if one is a Republican, eh?

Obama: I Pushed Dodd-Frank And Health Care Reform Because Of Christ

"And so when I talk about our financial institutions playing by the same rules as folks on Main Street, when I talk about making sure insurance companies aren’t discriminating against those who are already sick, or making sure that unscrupulous lenders aren’t taking advantage of the most vulnerable among us, I do so because I genuinely believe it will make the economy stronger for everybody. But I also do it because I know that far too many neighbors in our country have been hurt and treated unfairly over the last few years, and I believe in God’s command to 'love thy neighbor as thyself.'"
If I want to be Christ-like and help my fellow man, I will I should not have it forced upon me by my government.

Because forcing people to be more Christ-like is bad to you?

It is something that Gd himself refuses to do. Free will and all that.

Well, if forcing people to be more Christ concerning not crashing our whole economy for their benefit, abrogates free will, maybe we should just shuck this whole Christian bullshit and seek second amendment solutions to it. You think that works better, Baruch?
I love it... Right wingers will sit there and say that Obama hates Christians.. Call him a Muslim...being ant-religion and a whole bunch of other shit....

But now Obama mentions Christ's teachings as a guidepost for his policies... and all of a sudden we're a theocracy? More hypocrisy.... not surprising and very telling.

You don't care about Christian Principles.... why do you hate Christians?
If Christ were a guidpost to his decisions he would have done a much better job to this point. He speaks out the side of his mouth while crossing his fingers, oh and he is a LIAR!!!
Still, I believe in America. I believe God has a good purpose for our nation still, thanks to the prayers of the founders who were in every way his own. I can only hope and pray he will correct those who need it so that they will be better persons, and that he will reconcile the nation to himself and we to each other as he repeatedly warned a people who earlier ignored him at their own peril, and against all they knew to be the truth as told them by their elders in faith.

I completely agree. And I trust God will do that. I just strive to do my part. Our rights are firmly established to the responsibilities we have as men and women. And by repenting and accepting those responsibilities, using the Atonement to change our very natures, we can become the people God needs.

He wants us to give us all we have. By giving him everything we can, He can give us back a million fold. This isn't to work our way to heaven or salvation or anything else. But we need to change our lives to eliminate the corruption we have in our hearts to show faith in Him. He can help us and then He will bless us for doing so.

God is alive and active in the world. We all need to prepare ourselves by doing alittle better, seeking repentence and preparing our minds and hearts for what God has for us. It doesn't matter who ends up being President. Our salvation will come through Repentence and the Atonement. It will come through the hearts and minds of the people changing their hearts. And if any don't, they will end up destroying themselves because they cannot govern themselves.
Jesus never mentioned abortion.

No. He just said:

21 ¶Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:

22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. (Matthew 5:21-22)

So he said that "Thou shalt not kill" is not enough. He calls us to a higher standard. You think He believes in Abortion with that?

He also said:

13 ¶Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.

14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 19:13-14)

Didn't say anything about ending the life of the little children. Rather, He told us to bring our children to Him because our children are the Kingdom of Heaven.

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. (Matthew 18:4-6)

Considering what He said about killing and about what He has said concerning little children. It seems obvious what His position on abortion would be. But if it's not obvious to you, then I suggest going to the source. Talk to the Lord about it. I am confident if you humble yourself in prayer and sincerely ask Him, He will reveal to you that abortion is wrong. Not only that, but I am convinced that He will show you that He likewise detests abortion and will encourage life.

Don't take my word for it. Just think it through in your mind and heart. Think about it and pray to know the truth. It may sound crazy to some, but God is alive and active in the world of men. He can reveal Himself to all of us. But He has given us requirements to fulfilly before He will do that.
Obama: I Pushed Dodd-Frank And Health Care Reform Because Of Christ

^Imagine Bush Invoking Christ for the Justification for his Actions regarding Legislation...



As I recall, Bush did seem to use Divine will as an excuse for his actions. In either case, it's bull shit. People need to take responsibility for their own actions. Don't blame God.

What is more responsible than seeking the wisdom and guidence of an loving God?
See God gives us what we need and deserve. Sometimes we need a leader to inspire us and build our faith. Sometimes we need a leader to try our faith and remind us that it is God that we are supposed to rely on and not worldly leaders.

Really? Then maybe he should get his ass down here and be President. As far as I'm concerned, any God who would want us to rely on him/her is too petty to be a true God. Divinity has given us the ability to rely on ourselves. We need to start taking responsibility, not passing the blame to whatever god we might choose.

The ironic thing is we don't take responsibility for ourselves until we acknowledge our place before God and accept the responsibility He has given us in this world.
What is more Christ like than helping the old, the poor, and the sick?

Social Security and Medicare.....both Democratic programs.
Interesting question.

Does the instruction to love our neighbor mean we should pay for her abortion if she doesn't have enough money for that?

What would Jesus do?
Jesus never mentioned abortion.

One thing I find interesting when a discusion of the Bible comes up. People never seen to want to relate the teachings to themselves, only to the people with whom they do not agree. I think our world would be a richer one if we at least tried to see the beam in our own eye. :eek:

Unfortunately, human nature has a tendency to do that. That's why we need to truly be changed by the power of the Atonement Christ. It isn't enough to just believe. We need to actively repent. We need to demonstrate our faith through our actions. Even if we can only take one step at a time.

Unfortunately, many people think that they need to do nothing for repentence. Repentence requires a change of heart. And a change of heart is shown with a change of action. Have you been spiritually born of God? Have you recieved His image into your countenance? Have you experienced the mighty change of heart? We all need to ask these questions of ourselves.

Can you feel the joy that comes through the Word of God? If not seek it out! God will show us the laws and principles to that will bring us happiness in this life and in the life to come. It's something we should all be seeking and sharing.

I completely agree that if we all did what we are supposed to do, if we change ourselves before focusing on changing others completely, we could radically change society.
I love it... Right wingers will sit there and say that Obama hates Christians.. Call him a Muslim...being ant-religion and a whole bunch of other shit....

But now Obama mentions Christ's teachings as a guidepost for his policies... and all of a sudden we're a theocracy? More hypocrisy.... not surprising and very telling.

You don't care about Christian Principles.... why do you hate Christians?

The OP was pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. Not criticizing his use of the Bible, though some may see it as insincere.

Christian principles require us to voluntarily serve our fellow man and labor for each other through our own free will. Christian principles also commands men not to rob/steal from their neighbor.
Because forcing people to be more Christ-like is bad to you?

It is something that Gd himself refuses to do. Free will and all that.

Well, if forcing people to be more Christ concerning not crashing our whole economy for their benefit, abrogates free will, maybe we should just shuck this whole Christian bullshit and seek second amendment solutions to it. You think that works better, Baruch?

Or maybe we can encourage people to repent and follow Christ of their own free will instead of using it to justify the unjust use of force to change to our viewpoints

Dont you think that might be an a better alternative?
It is something that Gd himself refuses to do. Free will and all that.

Well, if forcing people to be more Christ concerning not crashing our whole economy for their benefit, abrogates free will, maybe we should just shuck this whole Christian bullshit and seek second amendment solutions to it. You think that works better, Baruch?

Or maybe we can encourage people to repent and follow Christ of their own free will instead of using it to justify the unjust use of force to change to our viewpoints

Dont you think that might be an a better alternative?

The unjust use of force?

What a bizarre euphemism for paying taxes.
I love it... Right wingers will sit there and say that Obama hates Christians.. Call him a Muslim...being ant-religion and a whole bunch of other shit....

But now Obama mentions Christ's teachings as a guidepost for his policies... and all of a sudden we're a theocracy? More hypocrisy.... not surprising and very telling.

You don't care about Christian Principles.... why do you hate Christians?

If Christ were a guidpost to his decisions he would have done a much better job to this point. He speaks out the side of his mouth while crossing his fingers, oh and he is a LIAR!!!

Christ isn't in the hearts of alot of people. Sadly, especially in the hearts of those who profess His name. Which is why we should focus on experiencing the change of our for ourselves so that we can truly change our natures. Write the commandments in our own heart.
The synoptic gospels state that hostile questioners tried to trap Jesus into taking an explicit and dangerous stand on whether Jews should or should not pay taxes to the Roman authorities. The accounts in Matthew and Mark say that the questioners were Pharisees and Herodians, while Luke says only that they were "spies" sent by "teachers of the law and the chief priests".

They anticipated that Jesus would oppose the tax, as their purpose was "to hand him over to the power and authority of the governor" (Luke 20:20). The governor was Pilate, and he was the man responsible for the collecting of taxes in Roman Judea. At first the questioners flattered Jesus by praising his integrity, impartiality, and devotion to truth. Then they asked him whether or not it is right for Jews to pay the taxes demanded by Caesar. In the Gospel of Mark (12:15) the additional, provocative question is asked, "Should we pay or shouldn't we?" Jesus first called them hypocrites, and then asked one of them to produce a Roman coin that would be suitable for paying Caesar's tax. One of them showed him a Roman coin, and he asked them whose name and inscription were on it. They answered, "Caesar's," and he responded

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's"
What is more Christ like than helping the old, the poor, and the sick?

Social Security and Medicare.....both Democratic programs.

You don't help the poor by authorizing the government to rob one group of people to give to another. You don't help anyone by outsourcing your responsibilities to a mindless, soulless entity. You don't help people by forcing someone else to spend their labor providing support for your power interests.

See the big problem with government programs is that you don't end up helping anyone. Which is precisely why surveys show conservatives give more to charity. Because progressives presume that the government doing it for them is enough.

Note an example from the great novel a Christmas Carol, where Ebenezer Scrooge is asked for donations and points to government programs he is forced to support as justification for not giving himself

2nd Portly Gentleman: What may we put you down for, sir?

Scrooge: Nothing, sir.

1st Portly Gentleman: Ah, you wish to remain anonymous.

Scrooge: I wish to be left alone, sir! That is what I wish! I don't make myself merry at Christmas and I cannot afford to make idle people merry. I have been forced to support the establishments I have mentioned through taxation and God knows they cost more than they're worth. Those who are badly off must go there.

2nd Portly Gentleman: Many would rather die than go there.

Scrooge: If they'd rather die, then they had better do it and decrease the surplus population. Good night, gentlemen.

[walks away, then turns back]

Scrooge: Humbug!

Contrast this attitude to when He repented afterwards when He personally started giving. Government programs aren't charity. Christ didn't tell us to empower Ceasar to take our money to help the poor. He tells US to help the poor. Each and every one of us as an individual has a responsibility to help the poor and suffering. He doesn't want us outsourcing our responsibilities. He wants us to give of ourselves, not of others.

We need to stop outsourcing our responsibility and accept that if we don't do it ourselves, it wont be done.

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