So we a Theocracy now?...

What is more Christ like than helping the old, the poor, and the sick?

Social Security and Medicare.....both Democratic programs.

You don't help the poor by authorizing the government to rob one group of people to give to another. You don't help anyone by outsourcing your responsibilities to a mindless, soulless entity. You don't help people by forcing someone else to spend their labor providing support for your power interests.

See the big problem with government programs is that you don't end up helping anyone. Which is precisely why surveys show conservatives give more to charity. Because progressives presume that the government doing it for them is enough.

Note an example from the great novel a Christmas Carol, where Ebenezer Scrooge is asked for donations and points to government programs he is forced to support as justification for not giving himself

2nd Portly Gentleman: What may we put you down for, sir?

Scrooge: Nothing, sir.

1st Portly Gentleman: Ah, you wish to remain anonymous.

Scrooge: I wish to be left alone, sir! That is what I wish! I don't make myself merry at Christmas and I cannot afford to make idle people merry. I have been forced to support the establishments I have mentioned through taxation and God knows they cost more than they're worth. Those who are badly off must go there.

2nd Portly Gentleman: Many would rather die than go there.

Scrooge: If they'd rather die, then they had better do it and decrease the surplus population. Good night, gentlemen.

[walks away, then turns back]

Scrooge: Humbug!

Contrast this attitude to when He repented afterwards when He personally started giving. Government programs aren't charity. Christ didn't tell us to empower Ceasar to take our money to help the poor. He tells US to help the poor. Each and every one of us as an individual has a responsibility to help the poor and suffering. He doesn't want us outsourcing our responsibilities. He wants us to give of ourselves, not of others.

We need to stop outsourcing our responsibility and accept that if we don't do it ourselves, it wont be done.

Taxation is not robbery.

You treasonous bastards who keep talking this way are ruining the country.
Because forcing people to be more Christ-like is bad to you?

It is something that Gd himself refuses to do. Free will and all that.

Well, if forcing people to be more Christ concerning not crashing our whole economy for their benefit, abrogates free will, maybe we should just shuck this whole Christian bullshit and seek second amendment solutions to it. You think that works better, Baruch?

You lost me here. I am talking coercion. What are you talking about?

And why are all the atheists suddenly lecturing the believers in what their religion teaches?

Christianity is a belief system that Gd knocked up a girl, that the son of Gd is also Gd., That the Son of Gd was offered up as a sacrifice by Gd to cleans man from sin. Believing this, you endeavor to live your life so that the sins you make Gd the Son pay for are as small a burden as possible. Christianity is not compelled good works. Passage to Heaven is based on belief, not actions. It is asserted that because you believe that you will sin less and do good things, but no man does not sin, and charitable actions are not tokens to gain entry, but are free will actions based on your system of belief. Christianity does not teach that Charity is how you demonstrate your faith, but you will do Charity because you have the faith.
Taxation is not robbery.

You treasonous bastards who keep talking this way are ruining the country.

Taxation in a democratic society is we set up a committee to do what we as Citizens can't. Provide cops, courts, armies, etc. And to provide services where no private person can. Roads, etc.

However, to compel to disgorge your money to do something for my benefit that you either dislike, oppose, feel is morally wrong is criminal.

Our legislative assemblies are not divine or sovereign. To call them names our right. To call them on what they do wrong is our responsibility. It is not treason to call out on the wrong that is done by taking by force from one person and passing to another for a third's benefit. It is your obligation as a citizen.
Taxation is not robbery.

You treasonous bastards who keep talking this way are ruining the country.

So you don't think the use of force to take money from one individual or group to give to another individual or group is robbery?

Seems like the very definition of robbery.
Taxation is not robbery.

You treasonous bastards who keep talking this way are ruining the country.

So you don't think the use of force to take money from one individual or group to give to another individual or group is robbery?

Seems like the very definition of robbery.

Coming from a person who espouses that embryos have a right to own guns ... I'll wait for a second opinion.
Taxation is not robbery.

You treasonous bastards who keep talking this way are ruining the country.

So you don't think the use of force to take money from one individual or group to give to another individual or group is robbery?

Seems like the very definition of robbery.

The synoptic gospels state that hostile questioners tried to trap Jesus into taking an explicit and dangerous stand on whether Jews should or should not pay taxes to the Roman authorities. The accounts in Matthew and Mark say that the questioners were Pharisees and Herodians, while Luke says only that they were "spies" sent by "teachers of the law and the chief priests".

They anticipated that Jesus would oppose the tax, as their purpose was "to hand him over to the power and authority of the governor" (Luke 20:20). The governor was Pilate, and he was the man responsible for the collecting of taxes in Roman Judea. At first the questioners flattered Jesus by praising his integrity, impartiality, and devotion to truth. Then they asked him whether or not it is right for Jews to pay the taxes demanded by Caesar. In the Gospel of Mark (12:15) the additional, provocative question is asked, "Should we pay or shouldn't we?" Jesus first called them hypocrites, and then asked one of them to produce a Roman coin that would be suitable for paying Caesar's tax. One of them showed him a Roman coin, and he asked them whose name and inscription were on it. They answered, "Caesar's," and he responded

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's"
Taxation is not robbery.

You treasonous bastards who keep talking this way are ruining the country.

So you don't think the use of force to take money from one individual or group to give to another individual or group is robbery?

Seems like the very definition of robbery.

Coming from a person who espouses that embryos have a right to own guns ... I'll wait for a second opinion.

Need someone else thinking for you? You can make your own choices without me or another person giving you an opinion.
The man can't even attend a Prayer Breakfast without turning it into all about HIM..

yeah, God told me I needed to raise taxes on my people I Represent..

what a fraud.

Where was this rhetoric when certain individuals from your side were claiming that "Gawd-A told them to run?"
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The man can't even attend a Prayer Breakfast without turning it into all about HIM..

yeah, God told me I needed to raise taxes on my people I Represent..

what a fraud.

Where was this rhetoric when certain individuals from your side wre claiming that "Gawd-A told them to run?"

I dont really see the problem with people prayfully seeking whether to run for President.
This is too funny.

Dems, the ones that would leave botched abortions aka a baby in hospital linen cupboards to die now quoting scripture in a run for the Presidency.

I guess Barak's pectoral muscles aren't slaying the electorate. :eusa_whistle: Or Michelle's arms aren't making voting men swoon. :eusa_whistle:

This is getting funnier by the minute. Democrats now out of the blue loving JC and embracing the Word.


This has to be the penultimate Hail Mary pass of all times.

This is too funny.

Dems, the ones that would leave botched abortions aka a baby in hospital linen cupboards to die now quoting scripture in a run for the Presidency.

I guess Barak's pectoral muscles aren't slaying the electorate. :eusa_whistle: Or Michelle's arms aren't making voting men swoon. :eusa_whistle:

This is getting funnier by the minute. Democrats now out of the blue loving JC and embracing the Word.


This has to be the penultimate Hail Mary pass of all times.


I think just as many Democrats love JC and embrace the Word as Republicans but they just do it quietly and keep it to themselves.
No. Socialist/Progressive Democrats despise Religion for the most part. They especially have a weird dark obsession with hating Christians. They give all the other Religions a bit of a pass though. So i'm sure he just misspoke. I'm also sure he caught a lot of Hell from his handlers for that. When it comes down to it, Socialists/Progressives would love to exterminate religious persons, but especially Christians. The Left are an incredibly hateful bunch. Don't underestimate their vicious hate.

It's not hating Christians.... I am one myself. It's the idea that in a free society, one religion shouldn't overrun the rest. It's a balancing act of personal beliefs and allowing others to believe as they choose.
Still, I believe in America. I believe God has a good purpose for our nation still, thanks to the prayers of the founders who were in every way his own. I can only hope and pray he will correct those who need it so that they will be better persons, and that he will reconcile the nation to himself and we to each other as he repeatedly warned a people who earlier ignored him at their own peril, and against all they knew to be the truth as told them by their elders in faith.

I completely agree. And I trust God will do that. I just strive to do my part. Our rights are firmly established to the responsibilities we have as men and women. And by repenting and accepting those responsibilities, using the Atonement to change our very natures, we can become the people God needs.

He wants us to give us all we have. By giving him everything we can, He can give us back a million fold. This isn't to work our way to heaven or salvation or anything else. But we need to change our lives to eliminate the corruption we have in our hearts to show faith in Him. He can help us and then He will bless us for doing so.

God is alive and active in the world. We all need to prepare ourselves by doing alittle better, seeking repentence and preparing our minds and hearts for what God has for us. It doesn't matter who ends up being President. Our salvation will come through Repentence and the Atonement. It will come through the hearts and minds of the people changing their hearts. And if any don't, they will end up destroying themselves because they cannot govern themselves.

How do you know that God didn't have a hand in the election of this Administration? Let me guess.... because you're a Conservative, so that must mean that God is a Conservative. Are you that secure in your political position that you KNOW for a fact that you aren't going against God's will? I know I'm not....

BTW... how are you doing on that repentance thing? Seems like Conservatives love to bring up that word? Are you sinning no more? There are three acts of repentance.

1. confessing your sins before God
2. Asking forgiveness of those sins
3. Never committing that sin again

First two are pretty easy, huh? That last one's a bitch. So before you guys speak of repentance...look in the mirror first.
The man can't even attend a Prayer Breakfast without turning it into all about HIM..

yeah, God told me I needed to raise taxes on my people I Represent..

what a fraud.

Where was this rhetoric when certain individuals from your side wre claiming that "Gawd-A told them to run?"

I dont really see the problem with people prayfully seeking whether to run for President.
What does that have to do with what was previously stated?
The man can't even attend a Prayer Breakfast without turning it into all about HIM..

yeah, God told me I needed to raise taxes on my people I Represent..

what a fraud.

Where was this rhetoric when certain individuals from your side were claiming that "Gawd-A told them to run?"

Obama didn't say god told him to run for office.. if you can't read not my problem

and where are you now that it's the Obama bring up god and your all's cries of SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE..and Obama was following a SECULAR government by forcing Catholics to dispense birth control against their religion..

you liberals are all two faced hypocrites.
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I didn't ask you. And I've read the Bible. :rolleyes:

BTW: taking MY money to do all those things doesn't make YOU a humanitarian.

Not going to go into specifics of my faith or charitable works here but the scripture supplied by DBS was as good an answer as could be given. The Human, secular, Jeffersonian interpretation of Jesus the man was actually the basis for social liberalism. Funny how Jesus the vengeful jealous god seems to be the basis for conservatism.
Jesus doesn't support socialists. Libtards are the farthest thing from following Christ.

It was all ok until this

Funny how Jesus the vengeful jealous god seems to be the basis for conservatism.

Casually Listening in on other peoples conversations about their faith apparently left your knowledge base full of wholes,not even close on this.
Not going to go into specifics of my faith or charitable works here but the scripture supplied by DBS was as good an answer as could be given. The Human, secular, Jeffersonian interpretation of Jesus the man was actually the basis for social liberalism. Funny how Jesus the vengeful jealous god seems to be the basis for conservatism.
Jesus doesn't support socialists. Libtards are the farthest thing from following Christ.

It was all ok until this

Funny how Jesus the vengeful jealous god seems to be the basis for conservatism.

Casually Listening in on other peoples conversations about their faith apparently left your knowledge base full of wholes,not even close on this.


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