So, we should live in FEAR of Islam???

I'm a former army Ranger. I fear no man...well, except I do sleep with the light on sometimes on account of all the monsters hiding in my closet.

Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light too.

But, it is not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark; it is because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris.
I disagree with your premise. "path to citizenship " isn't the "status quo"; that's the problem. What you are describing is already happening. You get that net border crossings is zero, right? And has been for a while? Not letting anyone else across the border illegally hasn't been the problem for quite some time. The problem has been what to do with the 11 million undocumented immigrants already here. There are only three options:

1 - Do nothing. (Status Quo)

2 - Deportation

3 - path to Citizenship

Since you have vocally opposed path to citizenship, and you choose to simply stay silent on the question of deportation, one can only assume that you preferred position on the 11 million undocumented immigrants already here is to do nothing. The only concern you want addressed is keeping anyone new from getting here. You're looking to solve a problem that no longer exists. We've gotten pretty good at catching the border crossers.

No, you're missing the point. We don't have to get the gestapo to go round them up, we simply have to enforce the EXISTING LAWS, and stop rolling out the fucking red carpet for them by giving them bus tickets to whatever town they claim they have family in,free health care, free housing, free food, free college education, and free representation in the immigration court (when they show up). If we stop these things they will leave on their own. Better yet, their 33 million family members will decide maybe they will do the RIGHT thing and try to immigrate LEGALLY instead of introducing themselves to our country by a criminal act.

They are ILLEGALLY here. It is ILLEGAL to hire them. If we start enforcing the laws on the employers, the job pool for these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS will dry up, further encouraging them to leave. Of course, the chamber of commerce and their Republican cronies don't want THAT to happen.....

But you are wrong, again, on your point that we are catching and turning back all of these border crossers. Turn off MSNBC and start getting your news from multiple sources (CNN, FOX, Drudge, National Review). Our borders are wide open....just the way President Obama wants them to be.

Get off the "your plan is the status quo plan" thing you have, because it's not. What we are currently doing - free transportation to wherever you want, free health care, free food, free college education, oh and don't worry about being deported.....THAT is the status quo.
Muhammed got his beliefs from teaching of Christ. Only difference is Islam lives by the teachings, like stoning, beheading, etc and Chirstianity do not.

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