So, what are the left double talking gasbags upset about today?

Lets just see what exactly they are pissed about today.

  • Are they pissed that Trump enforced obama's red line policy?

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Are they pissed that they are going to have a tougher time claiming Putin and Trump are close buddie

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • That Trump is showing the world that he means what he says?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That they are wrong about ALL of their claims?

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
How are they spinning it this morning? How is MSNBC or CNN reporting it? Let me guess. Trump is a war wonger. Yesterday they were attacking him for being weak.

This morning snowflakes have been triggered by the news that last night Trump did what Obama would not do - ENFORCE OBAMA'S RED LINE.

I think the most triggered people on the forum today is all the right-wingers who feel "betrayed" that Trump went back on his word and got involved in the Syrian war that just a few years ago, he said Obama should keep his head out of.

I think everyone's a little triggered on this one
In general, they appear to be wondering if the Alt Right is going to lose its shit over Trump going back on his statements on Syria and war in general during the campaign.

Example: Alt-Right Turns on ‘Neo-Con Puppet’ Trump After Bombing Syria

So that's definitely one thing.
True. That is what they will say.

Of course, the left still don't know to this second (or care) that Bush enforced the clinton Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs.

Of course the same don't know (or care) that WMDs were found and it was confirmed by the NY Times.

Oooops, did I change the subject? Maybe, then again the actual subject is how the left are double talking gasbags. So, not sure I did.
I think the most triggered people on the forum today is all the right-wingers who feel "betrayed" that Trump went back on his word and got involved in the Syrian war that just a few years ago, he said Obama should keep his head out of.

I think everyone's a little triggered on this one
Yeap, that is what I thought. Pissed that you are wrong about everything. Especially that he enforced obama's red line.

So, as an obvious bloated hypocrite, what exactly are you pissed about. I sense you are going to say something about icky war, but we know it is more about the fact that Trump and Putin are not buddy bud buds like losers like you have been cockledoodledooing about for 3 months.

So, are Trump and Putin buddy bud buds? Please, explain how that is again.
How are they spinning it this morning? How is MSNBC or CNN reporting it? Let me guess. Trump is a war wonger. Yesterday they were attacking him for being weak.

Be proud, that this airstrike was successful that Syria knew all about it in advance and moved equipment and personnel out. Now this is one screwed up administration, a total clusterfuck
I think the most triggered people on the forum today is all the right-wingers who feel "betrayed" that Trump went back on his word and got involved in the Syrian war that just a few years ago, he said Obama should keep his head out of.

I think everyone's a little triggered on this one
Yeap, that is what I thought. Pissed that you are wrong about everything. Especially that he enforced obama's red line.

So, as an obvious bloated hypocrite, what exactly are you pissed about. I sense you are going to say something about icky war, but we know it is more about the fact that Trump and Putin are not buddy bud buds like losers like you have been cockledoodledooing about for 3 months.

So, are Trump and Putin buddy bud buds? Please, explain how that is again.

Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the bombings is that we're stepping on Russia's toes again. I don't really like all the hostility between two major superpowers. I'm not upset that this RussiaGate thing is kinda dead now (Didn't much care about it in the first place), but I wouldn't mind Trump and Putin being buddies. Because, and I think you'll agree with me on this, World Superpowers living in peace is a pretty good thing.

Also, relax on the insults man. People don't take you seriously when you get all hostile like that.
I think the most triggered people on the forum today is all the right-wingers who feel "betrayed" that Trump went back on his word and got involved in the Syrian war that just a few years ago, he said Obama should keep his head out of.
:wtf:are you talking about?

Trump just demonstrated for Obama and the snowflakes how you handle foreign policy and events like what Assad did.

You don't issue 'Red Lines' when you have no intention and / or don't have the balls to follow through.

You don't blame others for 'your' f* up.

You WALK THE WALK if you Talk the Talk.

You don't have to drag the country into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized War because another nation used chemical weapons on its own people...or because you got embarrassed on the world stage for backing down from your own ultimatum.

Trump just did what Obama would not do - ENFORCE OBAMA'S RED LINE. He proved there was never any reason to go to war with / in Syria. He conducted a proportional response against Syria for its use of chemical weapons, putting Assad on notice that such actions will not be tolerated.

Obama chose to start his own war, put combat troops on the ground in Syria, and failed to prevent another chemical attack. The Russians played him ... again ... convincing him they would make sure Assad never used chemical weapons again. Yeah, how did that work out for you, Barry?
I think the most triggered people on the forum today is all the right-wingers who feel "betrayed" that Trump went back on his word and got involved in the Syrian war that just a few years ago, he said Obama should keep his head out of.

I think everyone's a little triggered on this one
Yeap, that is what I thought. Pissed that you are wrong about everything. Especially that he enforced obama's red line.

So, as an obvious bloated hypocrite, what exactly are you pissed about. I sense you are going to say something about icky war, but we know it is more about the fact that Trump and Putin are not buddy bud buds like losers like you have been cockledoodledooing about for 3 months.

So, are Trump and Putin buddy bud buds? Please, explain how that is again.

Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the bombings is that we're stepping on Russia's toes again. I don't really like all the hostility between two major superpowers. I'm not upset that this RussiaGate thing is kinda dead now (Didn't much care about it in the first place), but I wouldn't mind Trump and Putin being buddies. Because, and I think you'll agree with me on this, World Superpowers living in peace is a pretty good thing.

Also, relax on the insults man. People don't take you seriously when you get all hostile like that.
Holy shit
Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the bombings is that we're stepping on Russia's toes again. I don't really like all the hostility between two major superpowers.

While I respect your opinion - and I DO - I completely disagree.

in one aspect, this has NOTHING to do with Russia...unless Russia was complicit in the use of chemical weapons. This was a direct, proportional response / message delivered to al-Assad that this is NOT acceptable.

In another aspect, however, it WAS a message sent to Russia as well. THEY promised to eliminate all of Assad's chemical weapons. Assad's use of them kinda makes Russia either look incompetent or complicit. A Russian spokesman said yesterday that their loyalty to Assad is not 'Un-Conditional' ... which shows even Russia had to step back and dis-associate themselves from what Assad did. The attack, however, was in a way partly their fault. They failed to deliver on their promise to prevent Assad from doing this again. Part of the message Trump sent to Russia was, 'We're not intimidated by you and will not fail to do what is right because you are buds with Assad'. THAT MESSAGE, IMO, NEEDED TO BE SENT.
I think the most triggered people on the forum today is all the right-wingers who feel "betrayed" that Trump went back on his word and got involved in the Syrian war that just a few years ago, he said Obama should keep his head out of.

I think everyone's a little triggered on this one
Yeap, that is what I thought. Pissed that you are wrong about everything. Especially that he enforced obama's red line.

So, as an obvious bloated hypocrite, what exactly are you pissed about. I sense you are going to say something about icky war, but we know it is more about the fact that Trump and Putin are not buddy bud buds like losers like you have been cockledoodledooing about for 3 months.

So, are Trump and Putin buddy bud buds? Please, explain how that is again.

Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the bombings is that we're stepping on Russia's toes again. I don't really like all the hostility between two major superpowers. I'm not upset that this RussiaGate thing is kinda dead now (Didn't much care about it in the first place), but I wouldn't mind Trump and Putin being buddies. Because, and I think you'll agree with me on this, World Superpowers living in peace is a pretty good thing.

Also, relax on the insults man. People don't take you seriously when you get all hostile like that.
The Russian "thing" is far from dead no matter how much you hope it goes away, it won't
Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the bombings is that we're stepping on Russia's toes again. I don't really like all the hostility between two major superpowers.

While I respect your opinion - and I DO - I completely disagree.

in one aspect, this has NOTHING to do with Russia...unless Russia was complicit in the use of chemical weapons. This was a direct, proportional response / message delivered to al-Assad that this is NOT acceptable.

In another aspect, however, it WAS a message sent to Russia as well. THEY promised to eliminate all of Assad's chemical weapons. Assad's use of them kinda makes Russia either look incompetent or complicit. A Russian spokesman said yesterday that their loyalty to Assad is not 'Un-Conditional' ... which shows even Russia had to step back and dis-associate themselves from what Assad did. The attack, however, was in a way partly their fault. They failed to deliver on their promise to prevent Assad from doing this again. Part of the message Trump sent to Russia was, 'We're not intimidated by you and will not fail to do what is right because you are buds with Assad'. THAT MESSAGE, IMO, NEEDED TO BE SENT.
Why did Syria know about this attack in advance?
Does anyone have any articles from or footage from the morons on the left protesting obama making the red line in the first place?

Wait a minute. The half black denied he set a red line.

Uhhhh, what?

He says red line there. Uhhhhhh, he then said he did not set a red line? His followers of course....


When confronted with the truth.
Does anyone have any articles from or footage from the morons on the left protesting obama making the red line in the first place?

Wait a minute. The half black denied he set a red line.

Uhhhh, what?

He says red line there. Uhhhhhh, he then said he did not set a red line? His followers of course....


When confronted with the truth.

Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?
Why did Syria know about this attack in advance?
The Trump administration notified the Russian Govt that the strike would happen in 30 minutes. This was to confirm no Russian troops were there, to ensure Russian troops would get hurt (potential for escalation), to deconflict the airspace around the base - inbound missiles with Russian aircraft flying in the vicinity would be a bad thing. Such a phone call is NOT unusual when you have multiple nations in the same country for 'the same reason' - 'fighting ISIS' and is not unusual for Presidents / administrations to do.
Why did Syria know about this attack in advance?
The Trump administration notified the Russian Govt that the strike would happen in 30 minutes. This was to confirm no Russian troops were there, to ensure Russian troops would get hurt (potential for escalation), to deconflict the airspace around the base - inbound missiles with Russian aircraft flying in the vicinity would be a bad thing. Such a phone call is NOT unusual when you have multiple nations in the same country for 'the same reason' - 'fighting ISIS' and is not unusual for Presidents / administrations to do.
Sorry, but Syria knew about this well in advance. Early enough to move most of their equipment and personnel out of the way
Does anyone have any articles from or footage from the morons on the left protesting obama making the red line in the first place?

Wait a minute. The half black denied he set a red line.

Uhhhh, what?

He says red line there. Uhhhhhh, he then said he did not set a red line? His followers of course....


When confronted with the truth.

Why did Congress refuse to give Obama permission to bomb Syria?

Why would he even ask?
Sorry, but Syria knew about this well in advance. Early enough to move most of their equipment and personnel out of the way
As reported by numerous media source this morning, Syria was notified inside of 30 minutes that the strike was coming. Russia was notified 30 minutes out, and they notified Syria. The base was able to quickly move SOME of their planes out before the strike and to get most of their people out of major harm's way. 'Most of their equipment' is BS.

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